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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in heart (91)


Build energetic Soul muscle

(Image from
Notice one's capacity to tune into true feelings and find the strength to act on them is not about intellectual or emotional intelligence. Rather, our responses to perceived challenges reflect the Soul's strength, resilience, willingness to grow. The Soul builds energetic muscle through initiations and allowing oneself to feel deeply. Its about opening oneself to the pain, the sense of lack, and raw hurt from which our false identity is born, that broken aspect of self so Soul fragments are reintegrated. Through this opening, we enter the heart of our core wounding until it no longer generates solutions or distractions. One cannot turn away from Oneself forever. Go beyond All and exclude none. The heart can accommodate All. Any Light Code may be chosen to assist you by simply noticing how it makes you feel as you see it. You may be drawn to its color and shape or you may be attracted to its vibrational message. Whatever resonates is right for you.

Grow beyond blind compassion 

(Image: Sacred geometry 792 by Endre Balogh)

Notice the importance of allowing all things to serve our awakening. When we are offended by behaviour or actions, if we are always completely non-judgemental, or at least, resist expressing true feelings or saying anything that could be seen as judgemental, we may be doing a disservice to ourselves and those who offend us. For, in not doing what we can to bring people face-to-face with the consequences of their actions, we are actually depriving them of Soul growth. Further, in letting them off the hook, we are doing the same for ourselves. As an analogy, by not allowing a butterfly to struggle its own way out of a coccoon, it emerges weak. Metamophosis is supposed to be difficult to build resilience, trust, discernment. Butterflies need a surface they can climb and hang from so their wings can expand properly. This is why they emerge in phases, building strength, confidence, energy at every stage. Similarly, certain kinds of compassion may hide misguided tolerance and aversion to confrontation, as well as avoidance of pain and anger that exist to facilitate human Soul growth. Although its helpful to examine how judgement of others can reflect our own shadows or invite us to self-examine, build our discernment a focus on self alone is misguided. Blind compassion for others can arise as a tool of survival learned during childhood. Recognizing our own patterns and changing our behaviour not only empowers us, but also nudges others to do what they exist to do. To cut to the chase, at some point, we would have to not only feel the pain of what we suffered but also feel its consequences later in life, and many of us resist that, even when we see value in doing so. At the perfect moment, it dawns that suppressing the hurt we were suffering often made things worse. Being solely compassionate about behaviour that evokes discomfort keeps us 'safely' removed both from standing up for ourselves and the consequences. Yet, if we do not russle feathers, make a fuss or contront anyone, it robs us of our autonomy and accountability, implying we do not have a choice when we do. To confront someone with fierce compassion (express true emotions) has another impact. If we hurry too fast to forgive, we skip the process that leads to authentic forgiveness, feeling our hurt, expressing our needs and navigating conflict. As we shed our blinders and see our pain clearly, our anger, hurt, frustration, moral outrage, we re-enter a realm of love that had been closed off from which we can now freely give and receive. As we welcome struggles and challenges, strive for nobel and lofty goals, we are connecting and expanding our Soul in ways beyond the wildest imagination


Merge with Expanding Reality

Notice new realities already exist within a bandwidth created by high frequency waves of light that are now flooding the planet at an accelerating rate never known here before. Love, freedom, trust, connection and peace shape the emergence of higher vibrational reality. Instant manifestation happens as one is energetically aligned with Soul. Such existence is not easily obvious in the external. It is manifesting first inside of us. Tuning inward reveals only synchronicity. Something profound and life changing is palpable in the 5th metaphysical chamber of the heart. A sense of empowerment and inner freedom is growing. Inner strength and energy arise as we navigate through uncertainty and the collaspe of idealogies, structures and liberties encountered along the road. Notice hidden gifts and talents revealing themselves. Be aware of new understandings that arise, that miracles are happening every moment, conflicts and misunderstandings are spontaneously being resolved. This new reality is emerging amidst the collapse of the old world. As you tune into the vibration of excitement unlike anything you have experienced before, its possible to experiment with these energies, activate immortality and modes of effortless freedom. Everything that manifests from a deep compassion for yourself and others echoes that a sense of serenity and joy are always available. We now have power and ability to jump into new higher vibrational timelines that were previously out of reach. Negative energies and emotions will affect you until it dawns and energy shifts into resonance. Issues may arise and fade much more frequently without the need for you to do anything at all. A naturel flow is occurring in your body in which old energies are being released and new energies are accepted and integrated. Imagine the impact. 5D reality is a level of consciousnes that effortlessly manifests external reality. Comfort, blessing and harmony begin to expand. As new connections are made, we are constructing webs of light. As consciousness grows, it dawns other webs of light are emerging all over the planet. As more webs join, we can feel the presence and energy of apparent strangers in our heart. Enormous changes are unfolding where hatred, exploitation, control and oppression still in effect are healed and released. We are each sovereign beings with power to live in the bandwidth of new higher vibrational realities now. This requires trusting intuition fully, letting go of all we outgrow. Nurture confidence in supernatural thinking & vibes. Be open to tuning into the higher Soul-ray harmonic. Get back into harmony with the highest version of Self. The experience of resonance with the Soul is unparalleled. We are actually existing in multiple dimensions simultaneously. One must be familliar with vibes of a new existence before it emerges fully as reality. Tune into the sounds that align with the highest version of Being. When you're in it, everything falls effortlessly into place. Things simply feel right. We break free of the Matrix choice by choice, step by step. The density may temporarily pull you down but only until the next wave lifts you up to expand the view and remind you who you are. 

See from a galactic view

(Artwork: Herve Bijaoui)

Notice a very small percentage of energetic reality is detected by the physical senses. Imagine, for a moment, that trusting the unseen is key to shifts in personal and collective consciousness. Imagine unseen beings have a mission to raise the consciousness of their initiate and guide them eventually into higher energetic states of being. Evolving to breathe fully, to function optimally beyond the speed of light, is tranforming our holographic reality. The ongoing activation and cosmic energy shifts effect all levels of your present body, energy bodies, and mind. Feeling the urge to shift priorities is a natural course as you move into a way of life that resonates with higher vibrational (conscious) living. As you shift from an ego-driven life to live from a divine consciousness, you accelerate a deeper activation process. From the galactic view of your human body, multidimensional and/or extraterrestrial DNA also comes online. Conscious shifts transform manipulated DNA. The stream of energy coming from this process is within higher dimensions and your inner energy source is now connected. Focus on the heart's metaphysical 5th chamber. Know the energetic shifts are underway and cannot be stopped. Cosmic Truths are revealing themselves.


Usher in a new way of life

Notice that in order to usher in a new way of life, we must be willing to consciously activate the alchemist within. This is about cherishing and recognizing symbolic sunrises and sunsets in our lives. This implies not only thinking, speaking or writing about things we desire or wish to shift out of our lives, but also putting this thought energy, heartfelt intuition and self-love into action. Every decisions and life choice is a powerful energetic imprint. When ready, we physically, emotionally and otherwise let go of self-created illusions, codependence and other dysfunctional patterns and attachment we adopt to maintain false identity and block true being. We may want to detach or distance ourselves from people or situations because this causes pain, while the idea to which we are attached does not. But to really understand this whole issue of attachment, to tradition, to nationality, to custom, to a habit, to knowledge, to opinion, to a saviour, to all the innumerable beliefs and non-beliefs of 'right and wrong', we must not be satisfied merely to scratch the surface and think we have understood attachment issues when we are cultivating detachment. Whereas if we do not try to cultivate detachment, (which only becomes another issue), if we can simply see attachment clearly, then perhaps we can delve deeper and discover something entirely different, which is neither attachment nor detachment. It dawns that where attachment exists, no love exists. Attachment is the outcome of fear, of various forms of loneliness, and emptiness. An alchemist discovers the field of non-judgement and universal love through letting go of the unreal and being true to a compassionate inner voice. We refresh and renew simply by tuning in and listening to the Highest Self.