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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in heart (90)


Access & Unleash more inner power

Notice as lightning storms increase in frequency & intensity, one may sense inner build-up and flow or transmission of other energies. Our life-force is a major Source of internal power. Yet, how to access and unleash it?  We all have it, but not all of us have yet experienced it awakening on a visceral level. Consciousness expands as part of transmutation, in other words, our change in form, nature and substance. This allows us to receive, decode and transmit more light. As consciousness grows, the Sun is recognised not only for its outer physical light and heat which nourish and sustain life on Earth. The inner spiritual nature of the Sun is also felt as “the Heart of the Sun”. This reveals itself as one begins to respond to its subjective pull (the great magnet) of the Sun which not only holds all bodies in its orbit, physically but subjectively, through magnetic and radiatory energies which produce friction, but also awakens consciousness within all forms. This preciptates remembering about solar stargates, and the part of one's Being that feels deeply connected to the Sun. There is more than one reason for this.  All is revealed in and by the Light.


Revitalize your life 

Notice you can wistfully sit back and wait for your boat to come in or, stop hoping for success and simply live from the heart to serve others. We consciously create a better version of ourselves by recognizing and thriving on challenges the Soul creates to stretch and grow. It requires flexibility and putting up with stormy weather. In other words, as we detect our self-defeating patterns, we each have power to integrate wisdom and make new choices to break the cycle. We can also find blessings everywhere, and be gentle with ourselves through transitions. We are not the body not the mind, not the emotions. We are the Soul, not what we do or do not do, not the personality or behaviour. One is Pure LoveThis is another way to feel reborn.   


Accept what is offered

Notice Nature is the Spirit breathing. The breath is your Soul. The quality of your breath is the quality of your life. To intensify energy you receive, decode and transmit, simply breathe fully and live in integrity. Be fearless and transparent. Speak what you feel in the heart. Express and act on true feelings. The Sun sees All. One cannot hide from omnipresence.


5 Revelations about priorities

Ponder 5 Revelations or ah-ha moments that require no thought. Breathe the way into each one, sensing the growing connection you have with yourself, heartfelt priorities. 

1. Feel why having money is not true wealth

2. Tune into love as the ultimate success.  Unconditional love and trust are conscious intelligence that unfold as we live through the heart.

3. Accept you have no time. The present is the only real time. No past or future exist. We are not results of the past. We simply are.

4.  Consciously connect with the Earth, whatever this means. Discover that once it begins nothing can stop it

5.  Notice as we take responsibility for our thoughts, we take responsibility for every choice and experience. 


Retrain your body to breathe

Everyone breathes but as it is, very few people breathe fully or make connections betweeen how they breathe and their day-to-day behaviours, addictions or other issues. No wonder retraining the body to breathe is gaining momentum and growing more popular than basic yoga or meditation. When ready, a range of breathwork practices enter your scope.

Why take steps to decode our breath? It reveals much about the state of our bio-psycho-social health and empowers us to take responsibility for our lives on a whole new level. Breathing training boosts lung volume and prevents the loss of respiratory capacity. It helps us connect emotions with breathing rhythm and heart rate. What if we could strengthen our posture, heart and spinal health? Breathwork makes us more flexible and resilient and it facilitates the body’s natural self-healing powers. Ready to dive right in?

What if I highlight that breathwork helps us to heal tension, manage chronic pain, fear, depression and anxiety disorders when drugs and other traditional methods are ineffective? It improves our moods, emotions, and sleep states. In addition, breathwork helps us to expand awareness, confidence, intuition, self-esteem, self-appreciation, and self-love and acceptance.

Further, gaining insight into the breath supports heart health and boosts mental health. It allows us to hack into our immune system, our nervous system and our brain, to reclaim or regain control over issues such as high blood pressure, inflammation, asthma, chronic stress, chronic fatigue, and a variety of addictions.

Conscious Breathing techniques trigger the release of opioids (natural pain killers and anti-depressants), as well as dopamine and serotonin (“happy and calming” hormones—neurotransmitters of pleasure, motivation and memory). And they also reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone) the repeated release of which can itself become addictive.

And what about eating disorders? breathing training helps improve digestion and it supports weight loss. Ever wonder where our weight goes as we lose it? Studies show that most of that weight is eliminated through the breath!

So how do we discover the nature of our habits? Poor breathing habits, especially in children, are known to cause unhealthy development and disturbing changes in facial muscles, joints, bones, and teeth alignment. Our ancestors had naturally healthy breathing habits, and they all had straight teeth! So, even the state of our teach is a clue to our breathing habits and deeper issues that may be unconscious!

Many people also ask whether breathwork can assist with healing emotional issues. Breathwork training clears stale stagnant energy from our system. It helps us to access, manage and release suppressed emotions, to control our nervous system and alter our brainwaves. We can recall how this feels and tune into the natural rhythm by retraining the body to breathe. Breathing properly allows us to relax and energize ourselves on demand. What if engaging in breathwork could change our vibration, outlook and attitude? Even a spark of curiosity arising prompts one to explore this more. Get ready to uncover the unexpected, experience life more fully and breath in ways that enable feeling more alive.