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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in magic (13)


Re-ignite the inner fire

(spider/ insect macrophoto by Bill Petland)


Notice we are taught to assume that many desirable abilities and experiences are rare or require effort, and enchanted worlds cannot exist. We are told fairytales are figments of the imagination, stuff we are meant to outgrow. Yet, what if its not natural to grow up and get serious in the mind and forget our child-like innocence? What if stories like Peter Pan remind us to be true and real? What if we have friends in unexpected places? What if what is in plain sight only registers if we are open to it? Watch what happens as we open the mind to the unthinkable. Our reality shifts. Tuning into the natural world re-ignites the inner fire, activates natural innate abilities and allows language and symbols of timeless consciousness to guide us.


What makes Life worth Living

Notice what makes life worth living is being touched by the magic of life. Call it the unexplainable mystery that inspires sparks of excitement. Call it love, the palpable or visceral sensations of joy, acceptance, belonging, the energy we radiate as it hits we inter-connect, we are seen, heard and valued. A pivotal frequency shift occurs as we begin to love ourselves so deeply that nothing fazes us. We fearlessly make choices that a former version of us would never even contemplate. We surrender completely to the unseen support of the universe. We give and receive energy without judgement and strengthen boundaries that demonstrate we reclaim our true power. This is the moment we draw strength and courage from within ourselves that enables us to face what another part of us might interpret as our greatest gift. This brings true illumination


Awaken cosmic potential

Notice like a swing, every conscious choice pulls back the inner catapult, increases access to our cosmic potential and changes our trajectory. When was the last instance you imagined yourself as a Tree of Life? Imagine that within the energy fields of your embodied tree are the platonic solids. The more we unleash our creativity, allowing magic and playfulness to be in motion to guide our lives, the higher we climb in octaves and vibrational doorways present. The human perception of energy is accelerated by immersing in Nature and interacting with sacred geometry. Tuning in activates a higher sensitivity to beauty and dormant biocircuitry. Revelations about the Truth of who we are sheds veils of illusion and allows us to reshape our own universe. 


Redream a new dream

Dreams guide us through a profound personal and spiritual healing process.  Each one prepares us for the unforeseen, that work that lies ahead.  As we come to recall and document our various dreams and learn to analyze them, we can each quickly learn or rediscover the language of symbolism and metaphors.  They provide a key tool for each of us to harness the power of our dreams for higher guidance. 

As expansion happens, dreaming offers inreasingly valuable insight for spritual growth.  It dawns one can have direct, contact with spiritual guides during dreams and sharpen insight into one's larger journey.  Dreams redefine signs and signals that orient and potentially reorient our journey so we get "back on track" of the Soul.

As in The Law of One, Session 86, Question 7, the source said, "While the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept (oneself), may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magial personality, which is the higher self. "  (see


10 Life-changing revelations 

This moment invites a new level of reflection.  During meditation, certain ah-ha moments arise within.  Ponder the implications of these 10 life-changing revelations;

1. Remembering who you are

Self-realisation is reaching that place where you know you are not your body, not the mind, not your emotions, not that which changes with time.  You are the Soul.  If you take away what you are aware of, you are still aware this is not there. Take away awareness and the light goes out.

2. Growing aware of the power of the psyche

The moment the psyche drops into the body is not necessarily as the result of traumatic events in childhood. This moment is so powerful, that it pulls our consciousness fully and instantaneously into the limiting experience. We forget who we are (infinite) because we are busy paying attention to the object of who we are instead of the source of consciousness.  The more intense the emotions, the more powerful an experience feels, the more distracting it is. When we drop into the body, consciousness is immediately distracted by senses, sounds.  Discomfort arises due to an imagined loss of self. However some beings do not drop into the body completely. They struggle with grounding in this world, staying linked to Source.

3. Creating the self concept

We define a world inside ourselves that supports our self concept. Our identity does not develop, but we create it to soften the blow, to distract ourselves from pain of perceived loss of Self.  We each pull the self concept around ourselves, like wool over the eyes, embellish it with the idea that it protects us from deeper pain.  Discomfort prompts each of us to grasp hold of labels and things to define us and enable us to feel more at ease with ideas of who we are in the environment we are living in. The lost Self attempts to redefine itself.  

4.   Changing self -definitions

Throughout our lives, we latch onto experiences to define us.  Ego is this masquerading self we pull over our consciousness.  We reflect on our curriculum vitae or accomplishments for instance, or label ourselves based on a series of changing relationships (i.e. friend, single, married, divorced, parent, widowed, etc).  We define ourselves by changing conditions and relationships to orient ourselves in an ever-changing reality that only exists in the mind.

5.  Feeling driven by fear 

Regardless of what we think we achieve, the false self is driven by fear of rejection, fear of being found out, fear of our self-created 'safe' realities falling apart. Deep down, we do not want life to pass us by and yet, any fear that arises within is pointing to the original fear of loss of Self that happened when we took a body. We subconsciously tell ourselves that as long as we can control things the way we define them, we can feel safer and supported.  Core panic unrecoginzed echoes attention is hijacked elsewhere than who we are.    

6. Distinguishing between core and facade

When someone dies or leaves our lives, grief often arises.  The majority of people are only ever dealing with emotion they feel related to the external world.  The real grief emerging is that which you feel about the illusion of separation you feel toward source consciousness, that which is never really lost, only forgotten.  As long as the predictable aspects of our realities continue, its like we have body guards and we feel secure, powerful, confident.  Our masks exist to protect us from the Truth of who we are.

7. Awakening to spirituality

Awakening to spirituality is about dealing with core Self rather than hiding from it.  We are no longer duped by or lost in the masquerade.   This is about working through the hurdles we create to get through the imagined fear, to deal with the fear of loss of who we are, so it ceases to occur.  It is about recognizing the game we buy into, recognizing the likes and dislikes we hold dear, the unconscious judgements we make about everything that attempt to control predictable outcomes.  On some level, when we feel insecure, we put loads of attention and effort into initatives to feel loved and accepted.  If we are living life to hide from Self, we never get anywhere.  Notice whenever something inside is not okay, that it attempts to feel okay by manipulating and exerting control over the external world. Growing aware that attempts to control are not working is the stepping stone to realizing what you are trying to hide from and compensate for.

8.  Finding True Being

We only ever truly emerge into this world when we stop being motivated by fear and are instead inspired by Love and compassion.  When our power and conditions arise from unconditional love (as opposed to conditional states like changing weather, finances, economy, rejection, ect), we are powerful beyond measure.

9. Recognizing everything is shiftable

Feelings are is shiftable. This has nothing to do with the external world. Stop looking outside to define yourself.  Instead, look inward to work with yourself.  Stop keeping yourself entertained, distracted so you think you are okay.  Work consciously with the part of you that is bothered by external changes.

10. Being okay with reality

This is not the false reality you have created and perpetuated much of our lives.  This is not about forcing conditions and people to be or do what we want.  This is about being okay with whatever is unfolding, working with it, accepting that it is for the best even if we do not yet grasp the bigger picture.  We do not access our magic if we do not surrender our desire to control and see the blessings in everything. Decide to notice what is bothering us in this moment.  Choose to relax amidst the discomfort.  Disengage. Stop complaining or resisting or taking things personally. Stop allowing external unfoldings to disturb us. Allow the distrubance to pass through.  Discomfort pass through as we leave it alone.  We let go of te parts of the world we were using to define us. We honour and respect the flow of everything. Consider 12 ways to reframe fear and failure and 5 Tips to own it.