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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in mind (138)


7 Points to ponder


What if your true being is not solid?

What if that mental sense of reality is fading?

What if no explanation exists for what everything points toward?

What if your inner matrix energy is awakening more than love?

What if nothing you can do, say or believe is what you think?

What if light forces are emerging beyond perception of mind?

What if there is nothing human about soul & the energy within?


Why does the world seem smaller?

As we approach 2012, many theories exist about why the world appears to be getting smaller. Consider some of these reasons people offer to explain their perception of ongoing changes. What do you feel is happening? What additional perspective would you offer?

1) The Internet is expanding. 

2) People are awakening & aligning to core energy.

3) More people travel in mind, body and spirit.

4) The sun is heating up and eroding the Earth.

5) Communications & satellite tech bridge time & space 

6) The sense of universal oneness is growing.

7) Ego-based separateness is dissolving.

8) More people sense energy lines & the magnetic grid.

9) Water is rising and people are moving to higher ground.

10) Mind-based thinking is giving way to heart-centred living.

11) Consciousness is depening understanding of what we are.

12) Human beings are reverting back to interconnected beings.

13) Populations growth is skyrocketing.

14) The mind is reducing all perception to love or fear.


Allow things to come to you

You cannot just read about certain things, you have to experience them. You reach a point in life where you no longer wish to talk about things, write about them. You decide to embody them, share the sensations.  You no longer describe a particular place, you choose to explore dream realms and transport the soul inter-dimensionally.  You transform into your thoughts and raise awareness to a whole new level.

Every person has the option to reverse the conditioning that is absorbed from a young age.  Regardless of where these ideas come from, you can use them to step into your own power. Whatever you have been taught to think about time, you have adopted future probabilities of yourself. Any collective thinking about densensitisation disconnects them from what they are.  What you sense inside the mind is mirrored outside.

Home is not a place, its a feeling you shift into. You begin to listen to voices that emerge from inside. One perspective is that each energy being is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You create a vision based on what you choose to be. Inspire people to experience his or her own truth.  Boldly trust your own vibes.  Be aware of what you are projecting into the world.  Choose to be gentle, loving and open.   Energy and light are expanding.

In essence, you have no need to depend on anyone else for answers.  You are in the process of ending an ancient way of thinking, seeing and being.  Paranormal events are helping you open to inter-connectedness on a whole new level.  This is quantum learning. You are a co-creator in training. One view is existence is a coalescing of spirit and matter.  You discover the self through nature.  What is internal influence telling you?


Read the mind of the opposite sex

Every human being has repeated opportunities to read the minds of other people. You need not do this for a living. It comes in handy and can be almost necessary to anticipate or learn to think like someone else.  The question is, how often are you accurate in mind-reading and if not, why not?

Consider you plan to meet a partner or spouse in a particular location at an approximate time.  If it turns out that person is not there, you may choose to wait.  Some people wait forever. You may have a cell number. The person may or may not be available.  You may assume the worst, give up and leave.  Reflect on these ideas to read the mind of the opposite sex;

1) Intuition is a gauge. The loving part of you is a telepathic mind-reader and the fearful side is the doubter. You already know whether your impulse is to love and give another the benefit of the doubt or, distrust. You either listen to intuition or not. You choose to understand reasons behind it or not.

2) Emotions reflect your energy state. Each of your reactions to a person or circumstance offers clues to layers of your own emotional baggage. To clear a channel to receive insight about someone's thoughts, its necessary to be willing to learn to discern your feelings and transcend them.

3) Vibrations intersect. Learning to anticipate or explain your partner's behaviour offers insight into your vibrations in relation to that person's energy. As you exert effort to read someone else's vibes, you gain insight into self-acceptance based on how you read compatible or incompatible frequency.

4) As you forgive, you are also forgiven. People underestimate the significance of unconditional compassion. Whatever you think and feel about others, you simultaneously do to self. As you choose to understand another person's position, view a situation from their perspective, this deepens a soul connection and allows release of negative energy.

5) Remember your secret thoughts are known. The closer or more attuned you are to your own thoughts and reasons behind impulses and actions, the easier it is to recognize the motivations. To work through anger, fear and frustration, permits a person to sense and grasp energy vibrations beyond that. Forces beyond already know everything is transparent. Not all humans have reached this state of conscious awareness. Everyone works to remember expeirences of being, knowing, sensing and healing on infinite levels.



5 Ways misery helps you

Misery is a concept that often alienates human beings. If misunderstood, it perpetuates a destructive cycle. When you reflect on sources of pain, this may trigger anger, bitterness, and more negativity. Misery is a state of mind that lowers energy, strips you of vitality, focus and alertness.

Part of you may wonder how things could be different, how some happening could save you. Your dreams may seem to shatter. Certain experiences leave you baffled or disoriented. Rather than ask how whatever it is could happen, step back and consider 5 ways apparent misery actually helps you;

1) It invites you to change direction. Discomfort is a wake-up call. Why do you choose to struggle? to perceive chaos? As you stop thinking, you find you still exist. Thoughts distract you from self-acceptance you have always had.

2) It is an opportunty to refocus. As you realize you misinterpret and distort situations, even blow them out of proportion, you realize you can shift your perspective. This discovery enables you to regain inner power.  This is an opportunity to teach the self what it means to be unconcerned.

3) It draws attention to mental patterns.  Suddenly, you realize you have choices to experience anguish or non-anguish.  You feel devastated by explosive energy or, increasingly present and aware of what matters. Either you must disappear or sources of undesirable thoughts must go.  What is shrinking?

4) It reminds you who is master. How long have you conceded to leave the mind in charge? To realize the mind is an passive instrument and you are the master changes everything. Learn to put mind in line.  Mind cannot assert without your consent. As you tame it, inner violence ceases.

5) It confirms bliss is ever-present. As you detach from mind influence, you rediscover what else exists. In this way, misery is a teacher.  To move beyond mind as an obstacle is to realize it is also an opening to joy. You sense the mind is a passage for whatever energy you choose to attract, allow and accept.