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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in mind (138)


How to liberate yourself

If you do not open to explore who you are, you do not allow self to gain insight into the way things truly are.  You also prevent self from moving through obstacles and freeing yourself from repeating patterns.  As you choose to do what it takes to liberate self from mind, you not only empower self by zeroing in at the root of perceived issues, but also help others.  To be here means you are ready.

The first step is to feel what its like to observe the mind.  Notice how destructive thoughts and emotions arise and how you choose to be affected in your exernal behaviour. This invites you to reflect on role models you follow, examples you adopt and underlying why.

The second step is to recognize how you superimpose beliefs onto people and situations.  Consider why you choose to believe each person or thing is independent from you, and why perception of polarity arises. Notice how this triggers degrees of remembering.

The third step is to explore how to reduce your misconceptions. As you grow aware things do not quite jive inside, you are drawn to explore beneath the surface, to learn to see through assumption. For sample exercises as a guide: Self-Disclosure: Changes From Within.

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Who are we to say?

Who are we to say we know what we are and why we are here? How often do people around you express they could not possibly know their purpose? When was the last time you felt entirely content with the nature of your perceived experiences? Why is that?

From this moment, let's say you consciously decide you are free from all care and concern. Consider the implications. Suddenly, nobody notices you and nothing disturbs you. What does this tell you about your state of mind and state of being? They are chosen.

The next revelation that unfolds concerns your sense of responsibility to your choices. You have the capacity to reach a state where nothing in your external environment fazes you.  You can also choose to be controlled by the mind, byt the drama and say its not you.

Every moment is part of your journey back to full and complete self-acceptance. Some people sense this triggers a series of revelations, a path of sensing stages of awakening.  To feel shifting energy perception is like beginning to grasp Cosmic Synchronicity with heart. 


How do you resist letting go?

Permit self to step back.  Reflect on where you cling to people, situations and perceptions. What are you really saying? You resist letting go out of possible confusion, misunderstanding and selfishness. Consider why emotion or thought exerts a hold over you;

You may be conditioned to believe you are meant to do what you do. Maybe your relatives also followed this path. Maybe friends followed a similar legal course of action. Ask if you feel good about your own situation right now. To sense discomfort or restlessness echoes your beliefs are not aligned with the real you. You may outgrow a certain mindset, attitude or choice. Ready to move on?

 You may misunderstand the signals of your own body, mind and spirit.  Perhaps you were taught to sense that if at first you do not realize a particular goal, then you are simply meant ot work harder, faster and struggle more to reach what you really want.  Another perspective is life is meant to be easy, enjoyable and fun. When something is not, you are missing the truth of experiences.

You may not recognize your own selfishness.  Thoughts can be distorted.  They are the only place where fear can be experienced.  Everything you fear comes from a false point of reference. To view self from a place of limitation or restriction is a gift.  Illness does not disconnect you from the real you or loved ones. In truth, perceived imbalance invites you to do what is necessary to realign. Ask self how your life would change if you chose to forgive self or others.  Focus attention on appreciating why you are where you are.

The only thing that brings you pain and suffering is to resist what you really are, which is unconditional love and acceptance. You can choose experiences that unleash inner freedom or that stifle it. Everything invites you to recall the harmony of Cosmic Synchroncity.


See where you are helps you

Right now, you could list all the things ego mind perceives are uncomfortable or going "wrong" on your life.  Yet, you could also choose to find advantages about every circumstance. What is your choice? What is your conditoned habit? Are you ready for change?

Every moment is ripe for raising awarness of opportunities to shift vantage point. Give yourself the task of finding at least one blessing in every situation that bothers you.  Notice the change in your state of mind and being. Journal your reflections. Decide to focus on the growth that is emerging within you.  You are taking the responsibility to find inspirations to Transform Your life.


What if God is mind?

As a person removes layers of beliefs and dissolves everything associated with physical reality, pure love energy remains.

As matter and energy are constantly transforming, they are not as closely linked with higher forces as a revolutionary perception of expanding mind. You are drawn out-of-body and out-of-mind to reconnect with the heart centre. And yet, to be drawn out of the human mind is to reconnect with consciousness which is a perception of the universal mind.

What if God is the universal mind? What if you are taught to assume you are reaching for God and heaven outside the self when they are inside? What if they are you? What if heaven is the true symbolism of the body and energy that flows through consciousness? What if the temple is the third eye or doorway into the soul? What if you are given clues to reality in words you use but you do not yet embrace the significance?

To sense consciousness has the ability to interact with energy and create physical reality is not new. The Living Matrix film is a meaningful guide. Dan Brown's recent release book, The Lost Symbol also inspires readers to learn about noetic science.  One senses omnicience exists beyond human perception.