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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in shadow (9)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Bloody Frogs


I was visiting an acquaintance at her home. I had always had a not so great relationship with her. She is married to my husband’s business partner so we were often forced to socialize and I knew she detested me but however hard I tried to win her over nothing changed. She had made up her mind. She and her husband immigrated to the USA a couple of years ago and they were back in South Africa visiting friends and she invited me over.

So I was at her old house which was empty now and we were chatting, she was obviously trying to be friendly and I appreciated the gesture. It was just the two of us. She took out this little box that had about ten tiny compartments. In each compartment was a tiny frog. Each frog had the most vivid and beautiful colours with patterns. Exquisite. I played with one or two frogs and then gave them back to her and she put them back in their respective boxes.  I was curious and picked up the box because I wanted to see the other frogs and somehow the tops of the compartments came open and all the beautiful little frogs spilled out onto my lap and I couldn’t catch them quickly enough to put them back. The frogs hopped off into the next room. She didn’t seem too perturbed when I pointed it out. After a while I got up to go and look for the frogs and upon entering the other room saw two puppies who had eaten all the frogs in a playful game. There were chunks of dead frog parts and a blood puddle.   I immediately ran to her and explained what happened.  She was understandably furious and started screaming at me to get out and she regretted ever inviting me and she hates me etc…

I was extremely upset about the beautiful little frogs and how I had proved to be careless. I felt responsible and wretched and cried. I was so disappointed in myself. My friends arrived and tried to console me but I was distraught. I felt so awful. My one friend had a box with similar frogs (not as beautiful) and I asked him whether I could buy them from him to give to her as replacements but he didn’t want to sell them. They were rare and one could only purchase them in Pakistan.  I felt a failure. I knew the dead frogs were an accident but I still felt completely responsible for ruining her attempt at trying to be nice.  In the past years (before this incident) whenever she invited me over to her home to try and be nice - something awful always happened to cause us to remain estranged for a couple of years.  It was as if destiny insisted that we shouldn’t be friends.  


Dream encounters are a projection of some part of ourselves. If someone despises or hates us, and we are triggered, then this is drawing our attention to something unconscious within our own psyche.  We all have a shadow self. Its often made up of the parts of self we view as unacceptable. For many, this means things like our sadness, intense emotions like rage or hostility, even laziness, cruelty, grief or despair. Yet, you might also view this as relating to uncivilised behaviour or disowned parts of yourself like personal power, lost independence, emotional security or sensitivity.

Turns out, unacceptable treatment in dreams is a metaphor often couched in blame that evokes guilt and/or shame. Whatever beckons your attention on a deeper level, you assume self-blame, feel careless, responsible and self-punishment continues through dream worlds to get your attention.

Uneasy emotions are inviting you to explore more deeply what is going on inside.  Shadow figures may evoke fear of rejection. If we do not learn to love, accept whatever we hide from, we project the unresolved feelings onto others (who trigger us to keep discomfort alive).  The context of relationships reminds us of whether something is truly resolved. If someone leaves of moves away, it may be that part of yourself they represent is no longer needed is is healed.  If they return, this is opportunity to restore or rekindle relationships, or a way the universe is telling you something deeper remains unresolved. If you truly desire to repair a friendship, then you must find a way to befriend yourself.  That is, explore ways to decode and love your shadows.

This dream is also an invitation to accept and integrate the male side (assertive self, set and defend boundaries). There is something deeper going on here than an ongoing quest for connection, acceptance and belonging.  This explains why the frogs escape.  Somethng wants to show itself and you may not want to see it.

Dream figures like the frog appear to offer guidance and direction.  Frogs are about evolution and coming into wholeness, Change is on the horizon.  As your inner feelings are made known to yourself and those around you, it does not have to turn out to be a bloody mess. Dogs are known as man's best friend. The one in the dream is doing the dreamer a favor. The puppy heightens the sense of urgency to look. Something wants attention. Reflect on significance of the number 10.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations for single and multiple dreams. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Butterfly League


A man was seated at a round table in a club.  Each had different deep-coloured table cloths that hung to the floor.  Seated strangers talked in hushed voices. He waved for a standing lady to come over. She smiled, wrote something on a sheet of paper and handed it to him scrunched up like a boquet as she walked away. The writing said she was " out of his league." He set the paper down under a transparent glass butterfly paperweight.  The paper rolled itself up, covering the paperweight. Then it turned into a butterfly and flew away.  Suddenly, the man was alone. everythign else vanished. He became half man, half woman, drinking from a golden cup.


On the surface, it may seem someone or something is rejecting or not validating you, but deep down, you can only ever reject or validate yourself. Every character (man, woman, strangers) and objects are a version of you inviting you to explore shadow fears.  The matter of opposites and the failure to recognise and integrate the shadow (all that is within us that we do not know about) are responsible for all out percived problems. 

Something or someone has had longstanding appeal and has also has been enriching your life experience.  Yet, as energy and priorities shift, what once held your undivided attention can lose/ has lost power and influence. Like a paperweight, it may now feel like its holding you down (or back) from your soul destiny. You are like the restless paper, ready to spread wings, fly into new freedom. This may be a turning point for letting go of attachments, emotions, karmic loops, situations that have had you feeling powerless until you awaken to truth. 

Round tables highlight decisions on the horizon which can bring or maintain inner peace and harmony.   Reason to feel imbalance tends to call for reinforcement.  As a metaphor, the Knights of the Round Table were a order dedicated to ensuring the peace of Arthur's kingdom, and were entrusted with mystical quest for the Holy Grail. The Grail echoes, the hero's journey, the true spirit of Western man. It is the myth of Western civilisation. 

Contemplation and silence enable the individual to allow the best of his or her own inner life to emerge. For the undisciplined person, however, ego can redirect attention into disorientation and misery, if his own defects and negative thoughts maintain control. Until we have conquered our own hidden shadows, no rest is truly given. The disciplined person relaxes and is quiet. He is in peace with life and himself, for he knows the inevitable challenges we all must face in order to grow. He gets that his greatest enemy has always been himself, and until he conquers that he can go no further. Until he does so, he will see himself as a victim of the trials and tribulations of life, which adds to the burden of his own unconscious.

On another level, the Holy Grail is a symbol of the Self, the psychic totality and ultimate wholeness of the human being. It is the vital force that drives us toward balancethe process of bringing unconscious mind into consciousness. If we are not trying to become whole, we are cut off from the true source of our being, and we feel empty. Encountering the Grail does not impart direct knowledge, but rather gives us an emotional readiness to receive a numinous experience of our inner centre. The Grail story is itself a projection of the Self as an inner centre, unrealised and inaccessible to most. It is the inner guide (God’s voice), the hidden disposition to wholeness which exists in the unconscious of each of us until awakened.

League refers to depth (i.e. 20,0000 Leagues of the Sea) as well as in distance one is willing to go to achieve a goal, solve a mystery, get to the truth, complete. a journey.  To interpret dreams, we must be willing to accept a soul's-eye view of our life. Ego goals focus on fear-based needs for food and shelter, survival for the body, food for thought, and the soul guides us to deeper spiritual sustenance. 

Butterflies are insect totems and symbols of transformation. They are also short-lived like windows of opportunity to make key decisions in your life.  Just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, you, too, can transform and grow spiritually. Turning into a butterfly involves more than just a physical transformation.

We offer Dream Consultations which explore single and multiple dream patterns, components, categories and energies. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course


Heal conflict naturally

Notice from the moment conflicts of the external world are recognized as symbolic of the conflicts within consciousness, we are no longer fazed or disturbed by events. Rather, we shift into a sense of energy flow. To expand consciousness is to rise energetically, and bring or reframe the whole world, which is the vibration of your thought. This can only happen as you purify ego consciousness. To be drawn out or extricated from adversity is to go beyond family, religious, socio-cultural context, to individuate, to leave behind the known, or easy comfort zone. We are invited to move forward on this journey alone. Sacrifical death and rebirth is where the identity of the ego is let go. Unless you come to face your own shadows, you continue to see them in others as the world outside simply mirrors what is inside. Shift instead to align with inner radiance.


Stop valuing your beliefs

Notice what happens as you stop valuing your own beliefs. As you start to see them for what they are, you see them as empty of all meaning, value and ultimate Truth. This is part of letting go. Who would you be without a particular belief or more than one? Nothing. Even when you know you are Nothing, part of you may still be convinced the world needs something you [Ego can] offer. If you shift to have a deep belief of holding no beliefs, this is simply a way to mobilize "you." If you conceptualize, it disempowers and disengages you- you may imagine nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be-a kind of lifelessness. This is what the mind imagines because it cannot imagine what is beyond it. To follow a natural process is to find a response to life that is undivided but non-reactive. Letting go of points of view implies you have no idea what life will do with you. Ego does not believe life can take care of itself. As you realize it then you are empowered because the emptying out process is energizing. You feel lighter, like when decluttering a drawer, a larger space or life. When we look into awakeness itself, this is being, free from fixation, from points of view, self-images, beliefs. This is what freedom means- the more empty we are, the more freedom we have to move and function or flow. To have a fixation causes you to go into reaction instead of a response. One arises from a place of wholeness or peace. This is when natural state is operational. As you come out of a mediation and find you respond peacefully to something you reacted to previously, then it dawns you connect with who you are, the undivided self. Notice where your humanity is engaged, when fear is triggered, the divided self reacts to what it does not want. To try to get rid of your Ego is to try to get rid of your shadow. It cannot happen. We cannot outrun the shadow (a shadow activity itself). The Truth simply notices the shadow and continues to flow as it always has.

Watch the veils are lifting

(digital art by Pumayana-

Notice veils of illusion are linked to conditioned beliefs about aspects of reality. We are widely taught to think in terms of fear and limitation, to act as if love is conditional and give our power away to external authority. Awakening is about beginnning to see though the institutions we imagine needs for, create and perpetuate as a collective shadow. Layers of veils exist like layers of institutions we have created out of beliefs we need external guidance, protection, acceptance and hierarchies. Expanding into more of who we are is about letting go of attachments and illusions, seeing through eyes of compassion, making life choices aligned with new levels of consciousness. This is reclaiming our innate sovereignty. Energetically, its about loving, trusting and sustaining True Divine Being on a whole new level