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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in resistance (65)


Embrace the whole journey

Notice each of us is on a journey. We have opportunities to join our own dots about who we are and why we are here. Based on our own allowing and resistance, direct experience leads us to grow aware of more innate wisdom. What we read in books or hear from others, can lead us to reflect but does not itself activate our alchemical process. No shortcuts exist to what can only be fully activated within based on our choices and shifts in consciousness. Being aware of the divine radiance in our midst mirrors what we may not yet recognize in ourselves. As the internal compass comes alive, one shifts to tune into True self and sees the unified view in the ether before it manifests in 3-D.


Re-train the body-mind

Notice the best course is about going with and being the flow. It is what feels right even when the mind would have you think its hard and resist due to thoughts of suffering. The best course of action is confirmed as the stress is leaving your body, mind and life. Peace arises as you stop trying to control, retrain the mind to respond to energy not on how you think things should be. As you act based on feelings, cosmic consciousness is advancing you, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, for you to further activate energetically strengthen connections, to be more self-sufficient and efficient. Everything guides you to optimal function. A quantum entanglement relationship exists on all levels with energies seen and unseen. Its up to us to disentangle from certain situations to strengthen self-reliance. The whole planet is lifted into a Rainbow portal to help shed light on life conditions and prompt shifts into greater alignment with an expended version of being. When ready, we naturally evolve and morph into a higher collective consciousness to be compatible with future (existing) version of us. Anyone can communicate with this highest, most expanded version. In the future we evolve beyond the need for a chip or interface. All blocks dissolve. As you condition the body with a new mind, they can no longer work in opposition, but must be in harmony. This is being aligned with Source Creation.


Allow the metamorphosis to occur

Notice the stages we go through of hanging on and letting go and the underlying reasons for our own resistance. As we outgrow who we thought ourselves to be, it can be scary to let go of adopted objects, labels, jobs, people, habits, your home, ego identity, even feelings, stories and boxes of stuff that are not yours. Live lighter, differently. Nature's creatures invite us to tune into signs and signals within ourselves and listen to the heart, moment-to-moment. Symbols are the language of the unconscious mind and appear to us through dreams, synchronicity, observations & life experiences. All of Nature invites us to rediscover the feelings of aliveness and fearlessness. Let go of control. Surrender to unfolding changes. Getting excited about change is allowing a metamorphosis to occur.


5 Tips to Usher in a New reality

Notice what happens as you truly begin to listen, sit with energy and emotions. Change is allowed to occur.

Take 5 steps to usher in a new reality.  

1. Connect with us.

We invite you to take a unique personal inventory.  Shift to focus on things in terms of energy and energetic signatures. This reveals how you respond to every challenge you encounter, every adversity you are willing to face, becomes part of an intricately woven vibrational frequency that is shared with all others. 

2. Sharpen your discernment

As you sharpen discernment, you naturally tune into the most beneficial vibrations of the past and use them to ground your present. There is something within each of us that guides us to what brings us the most joy and benefits the collective.  Remembering personal truth allows us to let go of all that resists or blocks that.

3. Learn to change the timeline of your vision

As you shift from an individual to a more unified way of seeing, higher self reveals itself as collective reality. The higher self is always choosing the dimensional reality (timelines) that best serve(s) the soul. This higher power installed within that is meant to guide us into the most loving and beneficial choices and paths for everyone. Yet, some adopt a physically-focused reality that causes a less-than worthy focus. If this happens, belief structures get tained or stagnate. Others (who are not physically-focused) adopt other kinds of realities. Shifting desire makes incredible non-physical impact on physical manifestation.  

4. Increase present moment awareness 

Being present relates to how we view everything right now. Spiritual awakening is an alchemical process that happens when we consider self in relation to God rather than God in relation to self. Each of us decides how to see ourselves. On a fundamental level, this is a bandwidth of light, a dimensional frequency, that we operate on.  Spiritual practices are tools to activate our DNA. Some people are regularly timeline-travelling or timeline jumping.  Some people have grounded higher dimensional realities and hold or ground grids of light. We ground realities individually and collectively. The more present we are, the more power we have to shift individually and collectively.

5. Note resistance amplifies resistance.

We have been so suppressed in our emotional bodies, that it can feel gut-wrenching to consider, discuss and actually make relationship and situational change. In order to blend emotional energy and use it as an energetic tool, we must be open to experience. When focused on the left brain hemisphere, we become seekers and physically-focused until the moment we are ready to act from a more balanced, integrated place.  To allow emotions to flow in 'real time' consciously is the highest form of manifestation is the highest vibration in which we can operate.  If we can constructively express emotions, we always come back to harmony. Every moment is an opportunity to come int balance with this. Is this a collective release of density? We can be clearing density and also grab onto it and bring it back, or not allow it to clear


Decoding the signs

As changes continue to unfold in the world, each of us reacts or responds based on our level of consciousness. This feels like inner harmony or disharmony. We may feel like a conscious creator, taking responsibility for each thought and feeling within, or perhaps confused, indifferent as if we are helpless or powerless.  It may feel as though resistance or specific emotions are arising.

Consider nausea.  An inner view is that nausea is a physical expression of rejection or feeling not being heard.  There is something in your life that you do not want to hear.  One physical possibility is that nausea or vomiting results from something ingested, inhaled or absorbed.  Emotionally, there may be something that you don’t want to integrate or deal with or there may even part of yourself that you reject.  Ask yourself if you feel uneasy with and resistant to those in your environment who don’t resonate with you.  Ask if you are tired of making effort yet feel under or not appreciated.

Now is the moment to be open to new points of view, to read the signs you are giving yourself and to take steps to be in greater harmony with and more accepting of yourself.