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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in resistance (65)


Moving beyond boredom

There is a Zen teaching story about a student who comes to the Master and tells him, "I'm getting really bored with just feeling my breath coming in and going out all the time. Don't you have a meditation practice that is more exciting?"

The Zen Master replied, "Well, yes. You are now ready for a greater teaching. Follow me." And so, the Master led the student into a courtyard and approached a large barrel of water. "Gaze into the barrel," said the Master. As the student eagerly leaned over and peered in, the Zen Master suddenly pushed the student's head into the water. Being quite strong, the Master was able to hold the student under the water for quite a while, even though the student struggled desperately. 

Finally, the Master let the student come up for air, and as the student gasped the Master asked, "So... is that breath boring?"

We are often taught to crave drama and struggle, yet do we really need them? We are also taught to believe the breath is "nothing special." After all, it happens without us. However, as we pay closer attention to the breath, recall what it is to breathe consciously, we move beyond boredom, into what we deny or overlook. In fact, as we focus on the breath, we engage in what truly matters, and what we seek is 'in plain sight' or 'in plain breath'.

While breathing exercises are growing in popularity, the rhythm of the breath itself is a language that can be decoded. Insight we gain has potential to positively impact our lives.  What is it you desire most? To reclaim power? find new confidence? Be more accepting of who you are? 

It is as if the answer or solution we seek has hidden Itself in the most obvious place. What are we ready to see about the nature of our choices? Which stage of awareness are we willing to reach? 


Interview with Julie Cardillo


10 Tips to allow reality to shift

Human experience is about reacting and responding to events arise in day-to-day life.  Every moment, we each have choices about what to perceive and how to feel.  That is, notions of 'success' and 'failure' are shifting based on how we understand and apply our true potential.  Our physical experience of relationships and activities changes based on level of consciousness. 

Imagine, for a moment, you have the power to close the gap between 'here and there', to resolve your perception of separation between who you are and what you wish to be. You might imagine this gives you the ability to create miracles at will, to instantly manifest what you want, when you want it.  Yet, what if there s more to this process?  What if its not about controlling outcomes? Reflect on these 10 tips to allow your reality to shift;

1. Choose to enjoy something where you are

This includes being okay with experiencing illnesss, conflict, emotions, imbalance or whatever shakes you up. Being okay with things involves stepping outside events, being willing to see everything as an observer.  Only then are you more objective, able to see blessings right now.

2. Intuit what is occurring serves a Larger Agenda

When you think things do not seem to be going well, it is helpful to take yourself out of the picture.  This helps you realize seeing things personally is an incomplete way of looking at life.  This enables you to view work or anything you do as serving the Soul's (not ego's) agenda. It is also ego (personality aspirations)  that can get in the way of the Larger Soul (divine) Agenda. Every happening can be used to serve the agenda of the Soul. Seeing this way consistently is moving through stages of belief, hoping, faith, awakening, awareness and knowing.

3. Remember what acceptance feels like

Accepting what you see as your human conditions is not about being resigned or giving up.  It involves the willingness to be aware of the nature of your own resistance, why it exists and how it limits life.  Seeing reasons for resistance allows one to surrender to what exists beyond this.

4. Know you experience what is for your highest good

From the moment you discover the feeling of non-resistance or non-opposition linked to acceptance, you are open to infinite future possibilities.  This is about letting go of what the logical mind thinks it wants, and making room for the experience of what mind does not yet see.

5.  Recognize the basic instinct is not survival

This is huge. The basic urge to see inter-connectedness and divinity in all things is conditioned out of humans at birth when they adopt the illusion of separation.  Yet, the feeling of Oneness with all life cannot be completely forgotten.  Glimpses of the Stars, Sun, Velestial bodies and oceans evoke awe in everyone. Deeper insights about air, water, fire, energy arise in time.

5.  See perfection in whatever is occurring

To master oneself, one stops arguing or resisting what is happening on all levels.  When we stop arguing with ourselves and love life, we can relax and savor every moment, come what may, laughing and crying more because we simply allow emotions to flow and be as they are.  Inner peace arises as a feeling as we see and accept perfection in everything including, ourselves.

6. Grasp the subtlety of Law of Attraction

The world appears in our perception to reflect qualities inside ourselves. The more needy or insecure we feel, the more we wish to accomplish or acquire in the external world.   And yet, with acceptance of divine perfection comes a surrender to one's Soul purpose.  What arises is something unforeseen yet better than what was envisioned when attached to results.

7. Explore how long you can stare 

Ever see how long you can stare at your reflection into a glass mirror? Why turn away? The eyes are windows into the soul because they echo how authentic you are, how blissful the truth is. The eyes reveal everything we see is identical to something we have already done in some form. Everything is understood. Stare at something or someone long enough and true being reveals itself.  You fall in love with your own wholeness. This is why so often people look away. What if staring at yourself is a guide to living more authentically (from the soul or heart)?

8.  Know nothing is unclear to the Soul

This is the stage where you are not only excited to get out of bed every day, but as you grow more conscious, your actions align with the desire of All of life. Awakening to your own Soul vision paves the way to evolve into grander versions of the Self.  This is not about inflated (ego-driven )versions of ourselves, but being on purpose with the Soul vision of the most expanded version of you.  Feelings are a reliable guage.

9. Recognize miracles are within reach

At some stage, it grows apparent miracles are within reach and each of us is a miracle worker.  Each of us has within us everything required to live a life of complete happiness and fulfillment.  Sometimes our filters simply get in the way.  Thus, the processes  of letting go, unlearning and shifting from seeing quantity to quality of life are milestones within reach for All.

10.  Know you exist for reason that transcends physicality 

With perfect timing, you begin to reflect on the purpose of life, the purpose of this moment and what you choose to do with it as part of a bigger picture.  At some point, it dawns that life is a spiritual rather than a purely physical experience.  Every moment is a window or stargate of opportunity to decipher and mould the agenda of your spiritual self that can only be experienced in the realm of the physical. The whole point of creating a physical life (incarnating) is to have a vehicle for living out a spiritual agenda. How do you feel about where you are as a worldbridger?


Interview with Maria

I am often asked what brings particular clients to me. Some wish to journey into higher realms for guidance, get grounded, transform troubled relationships, identify and release limiting beliefs, or increase capacity to heal their bodies. Every individual is unique. I share this recent exchange with Maria for the benefit of you who are seeking answers to your own questions. 

What prompts you to open up to me?

Maria: To be honest, I was not looking for a coach with specific credentials. I am trusting my gut. In speaking with you,  I felt a real connection. It just felt right to take the next step. I explored your website.  What I read on the internet confirmed this is the right choice for me. 

Have you had  coaching expectations?

Maria: Well, before beginning, you asked if I had specific intentions, whether I have any experience with hypnosis, remembering my dreams, past life regression, various therapies and healing practices. I suppose my point of reference for our sessions began with the idea I could add to what I have experienced.  I want to learn to trust myself more, get to the root of obstacles I am facing, to shift patterns I see that are holding me back, get clearer on where to go from here.  If I ask you what you feel you can do for me, what would you say?

I am not here to answer your questions, I am here to help you stop asking them. As a sound-board, I help you to notice when you think and feel the way through life.  I also help you to begin to recognize and take responsibility for each of your choices.

Maria: That says a lot.  I ask loads of questions.  Answers are not always clear to me.  I am told I am too emotional and wish to get a handle on that, take more time for me and get over my fears.

Whatever you fear invites you to get-to-know yourself differently. As you change the way you see things, what you see changes. Noticing anything about filters?

Maria: I am seeing obstacles differently.  I am more aware of lessons and options to respond to what life throws me. The way I react emotionally to people and events my life is not always helpful. I also notice emotions I am not really in touch with and resist feeling.  I still take some things personally and wish to change this. I do not like losing control.

Some perceptions are helpful and empowering, while others keep up negative patterns.  A shift in perspective starts with an increase in awareness. Do you relate?

Maria: Yes. As I grow aware of the my judgements and beliefs, I begin to grow aware of what and who triggers me. I really want to stop losing control over my emotions.

Indeed.  As we progress with sessions, are you noticing any shifts?

Maria: I am noticing that my reality changes based on how I feel about it, who I hang around and how I use my time. I am also more aware that making the unconscious conscious is one path to healing. My own ignorance, indifference and inaction only perpetuates discomfort and keeps dreams out of reach. 

You may have heard the idea, 'you are becoming like the five people you spend the most time with.' Personal reality is based on beliefs, expectations.  Experiences reinforce beliefs. So, if you want to change your reality, changing perception is key. 

Maria: In my case, re-training the mind for change takes practice. I work on self-discipline.

Letting go gets easier. Of all the practices we are exploring so far, what stands out?

Maria: The breathwork, different mental processes and ah-ha moments that I have after our open dialogue.

Why are you receptive to breathwork ?

Maria: What you offer are techniques that enable me to gain deeper insight into myself, my resistance.  It hits I allow myself to hinder or speed up self-healing. I am more aware of core beliefs that have been running me and the reasons why my life brings me to where I am.  It feels good to take steps to shift my focus and priorities. 

Why has your most recent session helped you?

Maria: You give me opportunity and space to explore things that I do not make time for by myself. I am more aware than ever before that I get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks of being a wife, parent, student and doing my best to juggle it all.  Until today, I had no idea the deeper source of my patterns.  Making the unconscious conscious is already changing how I feel about myself and how confident I am about where I am headed.  You guide me to recall what I forget.

I'm sure you have a theme: the theme of your life. You can embellish it or desecrate it, but it's your theme, and as long as you follow it, you will experience harmony and peace of mind. - Agatha Christie


7 Steps to manifest the ideal life

The ideal life may strike you as a pipedream, though it need not be this way. Right now, the moment is right to influence a shift in your life, to grow aware of layers of your own resistance. In your mind, you may think you want certain things, nurture certain dreams, and work toward a different kind of life than the one you seem to be leading.  Questions arise; What must I do to get there from here? What does impatience tell me? How can I eliminate restlessness and manifest faster? Who can help me? What can I do? Ponder 7 steps to more actively reshape your reality:

1. Explore your feelings 

Only when you are aware you are unhappy or dissatisfied can you do something about it. If you feel impatient or uncomfortable about some area of your life, this invites you get to the root of what is really bothering you.  It is rarely about what it appears to be on the surface. Discovering why you feel as you do and how to change this helps you stop manifesting what you do not want.  If you feel drawn to work with others as part of your process, dream interpretation, breathwork or other spiritual practices or processing, this can empower you to go deeper into yourself.

2. Clarify the vision

It is easy enough to speak in passing about your ideal life, but what does this really entail? What does it feel like? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? If you have a sketchy picture, no wonder you feel confused or stuck. Reclaiming your inner power begins with growing aware of the disconnect between thoughts, feelings and actions, and your relationship to time. Shifting to see and understand everything as energy helps you feel your way into a vibration of gratitude and appreciation.  This takes a dream to the next level so you manifest consciously.

3. Have fun with it

You may assume you must always serious about creating the ideal life. You may also underestimate power of your thoughts and intentions.  What you think and feel has a huge impact. Harmony and playfulness are the result of walking your talk. Reflect on how you view different animals (traits/ behaviours). How often do you laugh? Laughter signals you allow or resist harmony. Kids, on average, laugh at least 100x per day and adults less than 10. What does this tell you about where you are and where you wish to be? Losing your mind points to being less serious, going with the flow, and feeling your way into a more light-hearted life. 

4. Be committed

Achieving anything requires commitment.  How consistent you are, how disciplined, all shape the path and perceived time it takes for your vision to materialize. How often do you share what is on your mind or swallow your desires, feelings and dreams? The key is learning to speak and live your truth consistently. Many people benefit from a soundboard along the way: a coach or mentor to help guide a journey and stay focused.  Statistically, anyone really into success invests in growth, self-development and teachers who empower them to see beyond their conditioning. 

 5. Alter the big picture

Your ideal life is a blank slate until you breathe life into it.  Only as you devote energy (focus), do you make something a priority with your time, does it take shape as a living-breathing entity. How often do you add to this vision? Writing and communicating changes you wish to make? Exercise the imagination. So much more exists than you are aware of and living already. Is music or some other form of creative expression like your therapist? What enables you to relate to everyone in a different way?  Rediscover what matters and allow this to shape your new reality. 

6. Work through the fears

Whatever your current life situation, you have conscious and unconscious fears about moving into the unknown. This could take shape in your vision as a relationship, career, or some other transition. Whatever the case, the only way to move forward is to grow aware of the nature of your fears, their origin. Being in flow is about understanding and moving beyond fears.

7. Get in touch with what is hidden

The ideal life is made up of things you see and do not yet see about yourself.  Its common to be unaware of true power, what this really feels like and how to access it. What do you hide from yourself? Consider the possibility of undiscovered talents, skils, unrealized visions, untapped energies and far more.  Making conscious what is unconscious is the key to everything. 

Courage is knowing what not to fear- Plato