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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in spiritual (49)


Decode physical injury

Notice every moment, infinite opportunities exist to ground the soul in this world, to make the unconscious, conscious, reinforce confidence in our abilities. At times, we get bruises from little bumps in life, to our ego/ pride or physical body. Each is a subtle reminder of any lingering self-punishment we are ready to let go.  Recently injured my big toe. Love tuning into intuitive messages.
Almost everyone can relate to unconscious injuries as we cannot consciously self-harm. In life, our feet are on the front line. Sometimes it feels we take two steps forward, three steps back. The spiritual vibe of foot issues refers to current life situation or direction, its like soul reflecting on the nature of the 'right' path.
In the wider world, feet literally carry us through. They support our weight, guide us to find balance, and are the means to ground our soul growth. Physical pain can echo growing pain or resistance to soul growth. If you have ever broken or stubbed toes, twisted an ankle, ripped a ligament, it dawns the physical issue and forced pause is a gift pointing to something else. Level of consciousness echoes what is most relevant to each of us.. There are no accidents, only synchronicities.
As mysterious pain arises, body parts are speaking to us. Our feet allow us to get around. Put one foot in front of the other, and we get somewhere. Physical injury stops us in our tracks, forces us to slow down. If not feet, could be hands, fingers, or another body area. Sometimes we resist changes soul knows are best for us that don’t feel good to ego. Whatever prompts change is a gift. We are invited to savour the blessings in our midst. We may be processing feelings like grief or anger around unwanted change. Maybe you fear not being supported ? Ultimately what matters is trusting, supporting ourselves in our own surrender.
You may wonder if you are asking too much of yourself or pushing self forward when you do not feel ready for something. To question whether we may take on too much responsibility, it may be that we are are ready to redefine responsibility. Such questions we can only answer for ourselves.
Recall the idea that "God never puts us in a situation he doesn't think we cannot handle, though sometimes we wish he didn't trust us so much." The soul and ego are at odds only until it dawns they are both on the path to realize the same thing.
Turns out paradise is not found by resisting discomfort or rejecting unwanted parts of self. We are in process of rewriting eons of false narratives we created and embedded in our bones, muscles, fascia, connective tissue, ligaments, cells. With perfect timing, what are initially viewed as injuries or negative events suddenly echo a healthy energetic recalibration process, so we evolve or rebuild from the inside out, and finally see boundaries and problems only exist in mind.



See the cosmic wisdom beyond past lives

Notice what it feels like to ease into a more liberated and joyful human experience. Awakening to false identities and energy distortions continues to create upheavals in human existence. Different reference points in our realities are crumbling. New references arise to replace those we outgrow and let go. More and more people are growing aware of unrest, yet conflict and confusion may seem to intensify until that pivotal moment-a life changing shift.
Many people are taught to believe they live to reach a point when God or enlightenment may be realized, like a reward at the end of a path or death. Still others nourish traditions where spirit is felt as part of this 3-D world. We can be and embody divine spirit, remember that heaven is always here in this moment.
We each have the ability to reach a frequency that is beyond the personality, that allows us to listen to the Higher Self or Source Energy. We are linked to a certain universal frequency of light understanding, an awareness of who we are as one unified being.
Each instance we experience a frequency like we have in another incarnation, this triggers deja-vu or visions of "past lives". We have the ability to extract wisdom and insight from the stream so as to anchor a new vibration. The body may not be the same but energy vibration and frequency are recognized by our timeless consciousness. Meditating on uplifting core frequencies is a means of drawing ourselves out of imbalance and confusion and back to love. Meditation and other spiritual practices are also a path to allow us to get back into harmony with true divine nature.



Allow it to happen

Kundalini is a buzzword many people aspire to. Its the byproduct of spiritual advancement. In the West, people are taught to be ego-driven, self-centred, to focus on the goal, prize or destination rather than the path to get there. People are widely unaware of the reasons behind the process, its origins, and the collective motive for doing it. It is about contributing to evolving humanity. It was originally part of an initiation process. The energy generated here allows the mythical phoenix to arise from the ashes. 

An energetic view is its the rising of consciousness through chakras.  The cakra (Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that stay “open” unless blocked. The life force is a symbolic flow of energy that can rise in a very gradual and smooth process which is the natural course of things for some beings.  In ancient times, when one had a guide through processes, it was the traditional reflection of maturity and development. It can result naturally and spontaneously from living a pure and wholesome life.  Yet, in modern day, this is a rarity.

Many people are familliar with the Purusharthas (inherent values of the Universe: Artha (economic values) Kama (pleasure), Dharma (righteousness), and Moksha (liberation).

At a spiritual level, the Purusharthas are the blueprint for human fulfillment. Being mindful a satisfying, balanced, a meaningful life at the deepest, most holistic level of life. They offer a way of keeping you 'above board' so you make sound decisions. Knowing soulful goals brings meaning to your spiritual practice.

Purushartha implies “for the purpose of the divine Self. Take a moment and ask yourself, ‘Am I managing my life in a way to support my spiritual growth?’ and ‘What do I really, really want at the level of my Soul?’”

Consciousness opens or unfolds your potentiality relevant to where you are in life.  Issues arise if people take steps to rush this process.  For example, engage in intense spritual practices without proper preparation, purification and guidance is risky.  Without the proper containment of energy, guidance and interpretation of what is happening within, it can create more issues that you start with. In some cultures, a person is apprenticed to a master and goes through the process at a suitable pace for a disciple. 

Yet, in modern times, with access to the Internet and bombardments of information, people often work on their own without background insights. The ego would have us believe that we do not require external teachers or gurus.  To take a substance or engage in practices on a whim might evoke extreme experiences, but not everyone is equipped to intergrate that. Some people take drugs or intensify practices and  get shaken up without anyone to guide them. So, if the process does not unfold naturally,  the issue is never consciousness or kundalini energy, but the state of receptiveness of the body vessel. What happens sometimes is people attempt to get somewhere they have not created an energetic basis to sustain.

My own process has involved opening myself to progressively more intense flows of energy.  To simply have energy flowing without blockages would be pure bliss (satchitananda). However, trembling typically reaches a hiatus where a person cannot handle any more charge or electrical flow and must then take a rest. The process may then, in due time, begin again.
To surrender to the flow allows it to flow down through the crown, integrate all the koshas into harmony. This energy is divine intelligence, knows precisely what you need for soul evolution.  Some blockages are shaken out through kriyas (body's spontneous movements). We are invited to feel into discomfort, relax to allow energy  to flow freely.  Does the pain have a memory or emotion attached to it? One may lead to flashes of others as part of the process of releasing blockages. Does the intensity flowing through have a sound? Release it.
In Kundalini meditation, you can work to awaken this energy, go through your process and achieve enlightenment through a combination of techniques, including:
  1. deep breathing (breathwork)
  2. mudras (hand movements)
  3. mantras (phrases)
  4. physical movements (kriyas)



Notice to be aware is an ongoing process. Awareness is not an end goal. Time is illusion so beginning, middle, end are illusions. As we develop mindfulness, purify thoughts and feelings within, we grow aware of the present personality and the core along with all the influences, distractions, distortions. As deeper energy discernment arises, sources of influence within and beyond our own energy field, are felt. Many stages exist in awakening. It is not a single "event."
At some stage, it dawns spiritual growth and personal growth are the same. This is a purification and process of rediscovery of who we truly are.  We are constantly interfacing with other versions of Self in parallel timelines and worlds. Expansion of consciousness allows for non-verbal, energetic and telepathic exchanges unaffected by space-time. Accelerating changes in the physical world echo ongoing internal structural transformation and transmutation. Coming to adapt and accept conditions beyond our control is a learned skill, part of the journey to self-mastery.

Align on every level

Notice the "New Human" is not what is often thought. We are taught we "evolve" into this mode of existence, rise up into a higher, more stable vibration.
Imagine no longer needing a body, no longer requiring intake of food, sustenance, as we come to know it. When people speak of light body and energetic body, this refers to the etheric body. Yet, energetic being is always here. Shifting focus along the light spectrum is not about becoming something we are not already.  It is expanding into and accepting more of what is real and possible.
The Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links our multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects us to encoded data through high electrical currents that enable us to receive , decode, translate, manifest our hidden talents and soul purpose on this plane in the here and now. No low vibrational doubt or excuses.
Vibrating higher, more consistently, allows us to access a wider energy spectrum and results in dropping the physical body. Some associate leaving the body with imagined physical "death". Another view is accelerated evolution is pointing to the possibility of letting go of the lower, denser 4th aspect (body), because that vibration depletes Earth resources. We do not need physicality to exist more fully in the etheric state.
Truth is, we cannot continue to do the same thing, cannot live in the same way. We already draw energy from Earth's life force, her etheric body. We are invited to shift so Earth no longer has to do that. Another view of shifting into greater harmony with ourselves is sustaining purely on the energy of the etheric body. The "newness" of things, change of perspective, is possible now. Expansion of consciousness allows seeing the bigger picture. As awareness dawns, it hits we are insignificant, part of everything that is. Nobody can change us but ourselves. We must walk the path of realizing the deepest truths and realign on every level.