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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in spiritual (49)


Shift the Morphogentic Field

Notice the world is going through a decomposition of the false paradigm so we can know who we are from a new point of view. How this is experienced, the pace and timing, is up to each of us. It may be felt as a spiritual unfolding in which one shifts into harmony with a higher vibration. Listening to the heart, acting on intuition, brings more coherence, happiness, even the unspeakable ananda (one of the highest states of being). We become fearless, noble, powerful, filled with unconditional divine joy. Silence sets in and unexpected choices happen. For those who wish to operate like that, in resonance with Source, they must be willing to do what is necessary to align one's own consciousness. Living in integrity requires honesty, authentic, conscious choices. The resulting energy shift is reflected in body-mind, the whole phenomenal plane and morphogenetic field, the pulse of a new baseline for planetary consciousness. The dawn of expanded consciousness is up to each of us: to revitalize, reconnect, and radiate our own inner light.



Consciousness is the secret

Notice the nature of the individual spiritual journey is determined by our level of consciousness, not by anything external. Guides may arise at different stages, but they are simply different versions of you. The mental or intellectual part of us is taught to seek a path that is as easy, as quick and as simple as possible. Deeper Being recognizes love and devotion are dimensions of intelligence. Being devoid of or forgetting self, this is devotion. Impatience or sense of time do not come into it. You lose yourself in the flow of what which nourishes joy, aliveness. Focusing in this field shifts vibrations and draws attention to cosmic doorways. Allowing trust and surrender to take the helm lights for all Paths and directions.


Recognize value in spirituality

Notice true and real progress in this realm involves recognition of spiritual dimensions. Developing mind-body awareness alone is missing an integral part of the whole. Ego-driven pursuits also tend to overlook value of and influence of the unseen. This is about deepening awareness of what hijacks our attention in physical, energetic and external worlds and learning to use that insight to catapult us inward in new ways. Its about shifting from mind into the heart centre. This is not something new that suddenly comes. The heart centre is eternally-present, but it is covered by so much. It has to be rediscovered. As one grows conscious of the workings of our inner world and perception, one is capable of navigating timelines and versions of ourselves that we prefer. We’re always shifting, whether we’re conscious of it or not. We grow invisible to some people, disappear from certain situations as part of an energetic shift to reappear in other places, relationships and conditions. Self-awareness induces a lot of lucidity and fluidity to help us guide our shifting to the reality we prefer. Some people link Ego and the Law of Attraction. Yet, in Truth, we do not attract anything–we simply shift to the reality compatible with our frequency that contains the fulfilment of what is often goes unrecognized. These realities already exist. How can you create something that already exists? You cannot. All things exist in the eternal Now. All potentials you could experience exist frozen in the fabric of space-time, waiting for your choices to bring them unto life. We must get a handle on our distorted functionning, manipulated energies and what keeps us unconscious before shifts into new realities are conscious and not undermined by our own ignorance or misunderstandings.

Move beyond assumptions

Notice a widespread assumption is that Truth is a hidden thing to reach or acquire. It is assumed that the Truth is separate from us, somewhere other than where we are. One belief is enlightened people know something that "I/ you/we don't." What happens when things shift and it feels like everybody knows something I/you/we don't? Even this is a form of knowing. We tell ourselves we are seeking what we really want to know while secretly, we know a whole lot. We know we judge ourselves as worthy or unworthy, guilty or innocent or are attempting to be something we are not. We gimpse pockets of knowing. We are taught to spend our lives seeking. Even if at some stage we take the spiritual path, we tend to seek/acquire knowledge in books and through teachers because we are taught to assume "somebody knows." Even as teachers invite us to know who we are, then we assume the teacher knows. We think our own freedom or liberation is some missing piece of knowlege that is going to remove our insecurity. Yet, everything we think we know or not is simply a product of our own conditioning, nothing more or less. Where did we learn our concepts, morals, ethics, beliefs in anything to reach "enlightenment?" Many people simply adopt conditioning without seeing fully. What can we know with absolute certainty? Nothing. (We may know with greater or lesser certainty, but nothing with absolute certainty). When you know you do not know or cannot know anything, you come to know oneness (Truth) without effort. When we embark on spiritual inquiry looking for an answer, to write a book about it or tell everyone, it leads us to not knowing who we are. Ego cannot grasp this. Its impossible to know who or what you are. We can only be who we are knowingly, in silence. Be here Now.



Honour the Self

Notice facing and honouring yourself is the most direct route to piercing through the veil of illusion. Everything is pointing toward Reality, though its not Reality itself. Would it not be curious if someone could give you who you really are? Everybody has given us what is on load-our personalities. When the body is given back, we realize who we are but we can also realize this before. To be a seeker is to imagine a gap between "here" and there. To maturely integrate a spiritual teaching requires you apply it, not simply believe, write about or work toward it. This knowing and being activates cosmic alchemy. Tune into what makes you feel most alive. The ultimate solution to a problem is to realize you do not really have any problem. This is the Truth of who we are. To awaken to this is to be truly satisfied. Its a spontaneous happening. It happens when the well-intentioned self-will takes a vacation. Beautiful things in life simply happen without effort. Falling asleep is effortless. Falling in Love is beyond you. Falling into you and the Truth cannot be forced. It is effortless. Let go of all that is self-centred.