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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in surrender (44)


Be That Which is Looking

(Image 7D Sun by David Dreamwalker Diamondheart)

Notice the end of seeking is the beginning if Being, the continual surrender of 'me-ness' so spirit can work through the ego. Notice what it is to turn attention around, turning it on itself. Awareness can be what it is and has infinite capacity to modify itself into an infinite variety of states of awareness. This spectrum is the gamut. We keep looking for true self (what we really are) as a state of "expanded consciousness." Awareness in its natural state is with everyone every moment. Its so ordinary, the mind does't usually see it. That which is real, is always available to All. We no longer make a big deal of it. Only as we turn attention to awareness, does it dawn there is nothing behind it. Awareness exists behind the perceivable, the thinkable. To look within does not imply we look for something amazing to happen, for states of consciousness to change. Looking within is not like looking outside "for something." It means to go to the root and the root is the looking itself. To go within is to turn into that which is looking.


Steps to being present

Notice everything is energy. As existence is constant, non-existence cannot exist. Each of us is always here and now.  We are one with All that is.  Being everything, we lack nothing.  We are complete.  Energy sent out simply comes back.  Everything changes except universal law.  By changing our understanding of ourselves, seeing unity rather than separation, we recognize we lack nothing, no longer create realities where that subject arises.  We distance from those who no longer resonate.  We no longer buy into the fears perpetuated by those around us and they vanish from our reality. We create into our experience by what we talk about and what is compatible with our frequency. It all comes from us.  From the moment we know we are abundant, we create abundance. We are choosing that experience in thought, word and action. We are moving throughout and into several billion parallel realities per second.  All of these exist simultaneously. By choosing this expanded reality, you experience it instantly with those beings on the same wavelength.  On one level, we are each shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality, a billion times per second.  We are each a co-creator God consciously awakening to our true power at our own pace. Our view of 'normal' is shifting  and expanding.  Any fear arising in us is misunderstanding of our true Self.  By learning through life experience, by trusting and surrendering to the divine universe, and Life Contract we are born into, it hits we lack nothing.


The Key to Being Authentic

(Image credit: Fractal Enlightenment)

Notice as you begin to love yourself fully as you are, you begin to grow aware of the illusions you created to shelter yourself from pain, those situations you created to uphold a false sense of self. As you begin to see through your own dishonesty, the stress and struggle it has been to uphold it, the lies told by others around you also reveal themselves. The more aligned you grow with your own integrity, the harder it is to stomach / accept the falseness around you. It dawns you never actually let go of situations or relationships. Rather, they fall away as part of you consciously shifting into higher vibrational states. You shift the focus of your attention away from unconscious living to conscious co-creation. The more in tune we become with our feelings, and act based on goodness, the faster we expand into the best version of self. A higher vibration echoes congruence, authenticity, self-respect, self-trust, self-love, -acceptance and will to surrrender to the universe. Deepest being knows help or support is always given to those who ask when they are true to themselves.


What makes Life worth Living

Notice what makes life worth living is being touched by the magic of life. Call it the unexplainable mystery that inspires sparks of excitement. Call it love, the palpable or visceral sensations of joy, acceptance, belonging, the energy we radiate as it hits we inter-connect, we are seen, heard and valued. A pivotal frequency shift occurs as we begin to love ourselves so deeply that nothing fazes us. We fearlessly make choices that a former version of us would never even contemplate. We surrender completely to the unseen support of the universe. We give and receive energy without judgement and strengthen boundaries that demonstrate we reclaim our true power. This is the moment we draw strength and courage from within ourselves that enables us to face what another part of us might interpret as our greatest gift. This brings true illumination


Surrender to the breath

Notice what it is to surrender to the breath. This requires courage During meditation, you focus on the breath to confront yourself with your problems again and again in the mind until you finally understand the absolute need to let goMindfulness aligns our priorities and behaviour in business, community and relationships. Unconscious choices keep us striving, experiencing lack of success, lack of acceptance restlessness and discomfort.  Being in harmony with yourself is about getting into harmony with universal laws.  This makes all the difference in having dominion over life and what you make of it.