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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in transparency (14)


Dismantle the falsity

Notice honesty and transparency lead to vulnerability and access to our infinite power. Hypocrisy, fear and corruption cannot exist in a reality of transparency. In this frequency band, communication is multidimensional and telepathic. Spiritual/ holistic consciousness reigns. The old paradigm is characterized by lack of transparency which leads to distrust, insecurity and false belief in need for protection and external authority. As a focal point of the universe that is growing aware of itself, it is the responsibility of each of us to grow increasingly aware and honest with ourselves and heal incongruencies that keep us out of alignment with inner harmony. Being open and transparent is about telling it like it is, acting on our feelings, being accountable and feeling legitimate without external praise, acceptance or validation. This is transcendence. We must dismantle and transcend our false self to unleash unlimited Being.


Accept what is offered

Notice Nature is the Spirit breathing. The breath is your Soul. The quality of your breath is the quality of your life. To intensify energy you receive, decode and transmit, simply breathe fully and live in integrity. Be fearless and transparent. Speak what you feel in the heart. Express and act on true feelings. The Sun sees All. One cannot hide from omnipresence.


3 Ways taboos are pointers

Notice whatever evokes discomfort in you is the key and path to your own liberation and destiny. Recognize and join the dots of your own unique life experiences, and uncover an unconscious map to reclaim your personal power. Sounds easier said than done? Discover what surprising pointers guide you to your heart's deepest secrets.  Funny thing is, you may not even know how or why you gave this power away. This is invitation to contact us to engage in practices or therapies that enable you to access innate unconscious intelligence and wisdom and set it free.

1. List topics that bother you the most

Based on a surveys, thirteen of the most taboo adult subjects include; sexism, sexuality/sex/ prostitution, money, politics, rape, death (i.e. rituals, suicide) pornography, religion, weight, drugs, war (violence), abuse of power of authority, and stigmatized illness/ addiction (or any combo). Ask yourself what gives you the heebee-geebees or rattles your chain. Brainstorm what evokes anger, fear or heavy emotion.  Notice what you resist speaking openly about.  This points to sources of repressed/ suppressed pain or trauma you refuse to feel. You exist to decode why.

2. Notice what children blurt out

Ever notice children are direct, tend to tell it like it is until taught otherwise.  They speak freely and openly about body functions: burps, farts, digestion, poops, nudity, and  mysteriously voice those things you aim to hide or feel embarassed about. Ask yourself why its okay to speak about certain topics in the presence of kids or fellow parents, yet decide its taboo to speak about these topics more widely in other circles. At what stage or for which reasons do you begin to go silent?

3.  Be honest about where things need to change

When you feel some public system, structure or services are outdated or that things need to change, you are actually inviting yourself to view yourself differently so you access and activate more untapped potential.  Thinking about these things is a step toward speaking about or challenging the status quo in thoughts, beliefs and behaviour.  Beginning to change your view of the world and how you imagine your place in it is the path to feeling more comfortable with transparency.  This is a stepping stone to more consciously evolving into a futurist who is co-creating a new reality. Now is the moment to listen, empathize and flourish.  Simply be real.


4 Tips to speak your truth

How often do you express true feelings? Its common to function based on controlled thought, self-judgment, and to be disconnected from heart-based feelings. Truth is about how you feel, about sharing empathy, what is real.  Speaking your truth is not about being right, it’s about expressing feelings in an authentic, vulnerable, and transparent way.

Imagine you find the courage to speak up, say what you feel in the moment in all areas of life – your work, relationships, with family, with people in public, and in every situation.  Imagine the freedom and power you reclaim or tap into.  This is not about imposing opinions or exerting control.  Rather, it is about allowing yourself to speak or express yourself more fearlessly, with compassion, from the heart.

Ponder 4 tips to speak your truth:

1. Be aware of your physical body 

The body is an open book. You know you hold back and bite your tongue when your muscles contract, you freeze up, get goosebumps, tremble or, notice particular physiological responses.  

2. Notice it takes more effort to lie (than tell the truth) 

When you tell it like it is, you feel comfortable with yourself.  No need to keep adding layers of stories to cover your tracks.  No need to keep talking to persuade or convince apparent doubters.

3.  Trust your feelings 

Feelings are a very reliable guide. When you feel inspired, uplifted, and mysteriously guided, you are accepting yourself and what is arising within.  Any urge to impress or appease subsides. 

4.  Let go of outcomes 

When we detach from outcomes, what another person thinks, ego desire to be right, life gets real.  The willingness to be vulnerable and transparent are stepping stones to speaking your truth.  This is not about usurping power or dominating others. Its about allowing the flow.


Transparency is taking shape

As you no longer have any references for what you are beginning to see,  transparency is emerging.  Gradually, things are moving in your midst.  Let the images and story reveal themselves.  The sharpness of your inner vision depends on the fineness of your vibrating energy.  Clarity arises as you are very relaxed.  The stranger the experiences emerging from within, the less you can understand or describe.  Simply be excited. 

As you reach a place where nothing is weird or abnormal, everything functions with its own special magic.  Miracles no longer exist as exceptions to the rule.  Everything has a particular feel.  From birth, you have tendencies toward various aspects of life.  As you grow conscious of your breath, how you feel and harness energies, shifts everything.

In the wider world, miracles present with perfect timing and purpose.  Individuals accept miracles as stepping stones to deeper recognition of the unseen.  Each being can consciously sense at higher levels.  Subtle energies that are constantly flowing though.  You may be confused about how to translate them. This is beyond words.  Emotions feedback quickly through the physical body and as an interface with the world.  Play with the energies, see what happens.

Every moment, you are changing the imprints of frequencies of your being.  To separate from deep awareness is a step away from getting back into the full light, from being more consciously back in with the flow.