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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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10 Tips to Live an Amazing Life

Life is a journey of endless opportunities, challenges, and uncertainties. To feel truly fulfilled, it is crucial to embody certain virtues that empower us to navigate through its twists and turns with grace and determination. Let us delve into the significance of 10 tips we can use in daily lives to enrich our life experience:

I. The Power of Diligence

Be diligent, attentive, and detail-oriented. Take pride in work.  Pay attention to the subtleties, and ensure that everything is done to the best of our ability. This virtue applies to personal & professional endeavours.

2. Redefine Success

Many people limit ideas of success to being meticulous and creating higher-quality endeavours. Commitment to excellence certainly earns respect and admiration.  Yet, to accept self fully is to know and reflect true success.

3. Prioritize Personal Growth

To explore options for personal development enables us to make well-informed decisions, and expand on what we think. To identify areas for growth allows us to create a sense of progress, be the best version of ourselves.

4. Embrace Foresight 

Foresight is the ability to anticipate and see through illusions of time. It is an indispensable quality that allows us to envision a path forward, navigate uncertainties, and seize opportunities, ensure us a sense of direction. 

 5. Adapt to Change

Life is dynamic, and unforeseen circumstances often arise. To anticipate potential challenges, feel comfortable with spontaneity reduces stress and allows us to adapt swiftly to change.

6. Develop Fearlessness 

Fearlessness is the courage to face challenges, embrace vulnerability, and step outside of our comfort zones. It is about acknowledging doubts, not allowing them to dictate our actions. Overcome self-imposed limitations and societal expectations. By challenging our fears, we unleash dormant potential and discover newfound strengths.

7. Pursue Passion

To pursue our passions wholeheartedly, implies we do not hold back due to the prospect of external judgments, possible rejection or failure. It opens doors to opportunities that might have remained hidden.

8. Build Self-Awareness

Understand the nature of perception. Hone your strengths to work on areas of growth.

9. Practice Daily Gratitude

Focus on reasons to feel grateful for everything in your life.  Acknowledge lessons are available in every situation. Acept that progress is being made and the blessings are being received.

10. Nourish Resilience

Life may throw curveballs, yet we have elasticity and potential to bounce back stronger and wiser. To transform our lives is about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Its not about being comething we are not. The path to an amazing life involves being diligent in our endeavours, embracing our fears, and pursuing our passions wholeheartedly. By living a purpose-driven life, we redefine fulfillment, harmony and peace rigth where we are. So, let us seize the day, make the most of where we are, unleash our true greateness.  Savour this moment.


Consciously Adjust your Frequency


Notice everything we sense or tune into, any frequency on the energetic radio dial, is calling or inviting us to see something specific to us. All we perceive is part of our own unique universe. Something only emerges as real to us as we perceive it. At times, we contract (resist/ withdraw from) people, places, things, ideas, situations, environments. As we take action that seems out of character, we are awakening. A more expanded version of us knows conscious change is rewiring the brain, healing emotional patterns, accessing a wider spectrum of knowing, accelerating energetic experience so we can hold more light in our being and blossom into a more fully functioning version of our true nature. With awareness, unconscious or fearful patterns transform. As we change how, whom and what we tune into, we can withdraw like a caterpillar preparing to go through metamorphosis. When ready, we shift octave, expand into a new consciousness. Sense of home, success, time, wealth, fulfillment, opportunity, love, harmony, service, shifts into resonance with the recalibrating version of us.
So, to align with new understanding or new level of authenticity, it is imperative to listen to intuition, let go of the who we thought we were to embrace what is waiting for us. As we come to consciously adjust our frequency, our self-view and whole world transform. Over a period of perceived time, we can read and re-read the same book, and relate to it differently, tune into different vibrations between the lines, even see versions of us in book characters as if in parallel realities. In truth, we simply function with different insight into the holodeck (holographic universe).




10 Ways to give Presence

As the festive season or occasions arise, people often offer physical gifts to others.  Another approach is to reflect on priceless gestures that can be offered not only for special occasions, but also to reinforce connection, acceptance and support everyday. For instance, people want to be seen and heard. Rather than offer 'things,' what if giving full attention is an appealing way to go? Consider 10 Ways to give presence as another kind of present:

1.  Practice Mindfulness

Tune into your physical sensations.  Ground yourself in the now. Feel your feet on the ground, the sensations on your fingers and toes. Be open to your environment. Tune into your senses. Be aware of feelings. Actively check in. Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to how other people in your life are doing. Check in on your loved ones. 

2. Listen Closely

Be present to other people.  Validate their thoughts and feelings. Give them your full attention. Listen without thinking. In addition to verbal communication, use multiple forms of nonverbal communication (eyes, body language, nods when appropriate) to let others know you are listening. Limit splitting your attention between the person and technology. It is hard to tune into others or yourself when you are bombarded with distractions. Be present. Listen to intuition. (Refer to The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan & Barbara Pease)

3. Honour Self-care

Meditate. Ask yourself what you want and need right now. During the holidays people get busy. Take time out for you. If overwhelm arises, step back.  Take a break. Notice when you are Hungry, Angry/Anxious, Lonely, or Tired (HALT). If hungry, don’t get angry—eat. If angry, take some space. If anxious, recognize you control how you feel/ respond. If lonely, connect with nourishing and supportive people or pets. If tired, nap.  Focus on your breath. When you're trying your best to focus, simply take steps to recenter self. 

4. Offer Service

Offering service is about being aware of what brings you joy and sharing the joyful vibration in ways that uplift others. In this way, we can engage in self-care and spend time with those who nourishing us, model both an act of self-care and its value.

5. Be Light-hearted

Spend time having fun by yourself or focus on what evokes light-heartedness.   Play outside—stomp on leaves, make a snowball, get a little wet in the rain, get warm when the sun is out. Be present to how others are doing and if they need a little pick-me-up, have a dance party for a song or two.  Limit the time you spend on social media.

6. Create Boundaries

Set good boundaries. No need to always be a “yes” person.  Modelling boundaries is useful for others to see in your life. This time of year, it can be hard to balance yours and others’ needs. Consider your emotional and physical health in the choices you make and actions you take. You can take a pause before responding to a request, especially a text or email. You can think something over. Boundaries are a two-way street; before you ask someone to do something, consider whether you are asking too much. 

7. Show Appreciation

Keep a gratitude journal. Ask others what they are grateful for. Acknowledge what matters to you. Let people know what you are grateful for them. It is okay to be proud of yourself and let others know when you are proud of them. Uplift others, as well as yourself.

8. Be Kind & Compassionate

Reflect on how you would like to be treated. Do them for another and/ or yourself. Don’t always do for others and neglect yourself. Watch what happens as we are kind for no reason. Remember, even when we get angry with someone, we still love them. Tell the closest people in your life often that you love them. Engage in self-love by telling yourself the same. Write post-it notes of kindness as little reminders. Surprise another person by showing you care.

9. Take a Break from Social Media

Recall what life is like without social media. Communicate with others through a call, a text, or a face-to-face visit. Turn off social media for even a few hours. We rely so heavily on social media that it is nice to do things offline too. Consider something completely natural unrelated to tech. 

10. Pay attention to energy

Notice duality is concerned with opposites. They key to everything is to find and align with balance. This happens as energy is the focus. Its insightful to notice our own triggers as well as ups and downs.  These are gifts we give ourselves. Notice in truth, we are more than every colour in every spectrum and every music note in every octave. Meditation is the path to let go of illusions, reclaim territory from the mind. As senses expand, we register new depth and texture, tune into a growing range of vibration, frequency, sound and light. Paradigm shifts echo changes in intensity, perception and expansion of consciousness. To know the nature of energy is to grow conscious of multidimensionality and blossom into new directions to feel more alive. Energy wisdom is the fountain of immortality.


Activate the Light Body

Notice every living being has capacity to activate the light body. Our light body is the vehicle or stepping stone to residing consistently in our divine state of being. The activation process is a gift we give ourselves, an energetic shift from fear to love. Every breath is like a prayer. Every thought, word and deed, all we receive, consume, decode and transmit, emits a vibration. The physical human body is a multi-faceted antenna system. Depending on positioning, the shapes created from the bones to the cells can radically impact our state of health and well-being.

Turns out, placing the body in certain postures helps us “tune-in” to key frequencies. Ritual body postures generally come in two forms: those that are held for long periods, trance & yoga postures, and those that are formed by gentle, fluid movements from a previous position and held momentarily, such as those found in Tai Chi. The static positions are like rabbit ears on a television set. To get better reception of a specific channel, they are placed in a certain position and left stationary. Experience varies yet it often takes at least fifteen minutes of silencing the body and holding a position to enter an altered state. Watch what happens as we tune into energy. Purify thoughts, will and intentions. Align with nature.

The human body is a crystalline lattice that forms a dipole antenna that radiates from the gut area out toward the head and feet and/or out toward each hand. The head and feet carry opposite charges as do each hand. Piezo crystals, which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (and vice versa), are found in the bones, intestines, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

The body is also full of liquid crystals and minerals that make up the lattice. This explains why placing the body in different positions changes how the crystalline lattice is oriented to the Earth plane, affecting which frequencies it transceives. Changing positions also affects the length of the antenna, which is an important parameter in frequency selection. We constantly choose the radio dial or frequencies we tune into based on our physical positions and how long we hold postures and also the tones we happen to be chanting.  Sound influences the nature of what is transmitted and received. 

As it happens, the condition of the soil around an antenna also determines how well it transceives. Rich soil amplifies the antenna’s ability to radiate and increases the range of frequencies the antenna can receive. Perhaps this is why so many practitioners prefer to do their Tai Chi exercises in a park setting, bare foot on the grass. Broadcast engineers have long known that using multiple antennas in specific arrays also enhances the ability to transceiver. Participating in group Tai Chi or meditation or yoga circles has this same effect.

Cell membranes are liquid crystal structures. A single cell in the body is a very small, short antenna. As it is so short, the frequency it transceives is very high and loaded with energy. Individually, each cell is either acting as a broadcast antenna and transmitting its status or acting as a receiving antenna to get what it needs. Together, similar cells transmit their own unique signal. For example, liver cells differ slightly from spleen cells. Individually, each liver cell transceives its own signal. Yet, collectively, all liver cells transceive as if one large antenna operating on the same frequency.

Those familliar with the basic principle used in acupuncture will relate. In ancient Chinese medicine, the liver is not considered to be just one specific organ located in just one place inside the body, as Western anatomy would picture it. In ancient Chinese medical philosophy, “liver” is considered to be a specific energy, or vibration, radiating within and through the entire body system.  We see this in the energy that follows path of the liver meridian through the body.

Ultimately, awareness expands and information enters conscious awareness with perfect timing.  As it dawns that we have a light body and can activate dormant systems, the process often is already underway.  Yet, as we grow more conscious and intentional, this intensifies the light we hold, accelerates the energies, builds momentum and multiplies dimensions active in the experience.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Shower of Change


I ws in the shower.  I did not physically ressembe my current appearance. I had short black hair and I was a cartoon character. As the water came down on my body, the colour was washed off and there was nothing left. 

This may be viewed as a shapeshifting dream.  It is a reminder of what Shakespeare reminds us: "All the world's a stage and men and women are only players."

Water dreams or falling water echo we are healing from the past, and optimistic about things. It also refers to purifying ourselves physically and spiritually to preparing for new realities where we realize a different state of mind and being.  If showering or bathing evokes unsettled thoughts or feeling "dirty", something deeper may need to be addressed. These generally include emotionally distressing or stressful situations that arise for acceptance and healing.

To dream that our life or body is a cartoon implies we don't take life too seriously or would be better off if we found ways to lighten up.. This could mean we would benefit from growing aware of a stressful habits or thinking patterns.  Consider it a possible wake up call to reframe our life, to remind us we can always shift perspective.  We can always erase a version of ourselves through integrating lessons and/or letting go of what we outgrow.

When rewriting (or rescripting) our dreams, we are growing more conscious of who we are and our true power.  This is a way to actively approach the storyboard of our soul journey. That is, we close our eyes and run through the images in our mind, and then rewind the image and rewrite it – rewrite the story, in whatever way we choose. In essence, we are taking charge of the image on our own terms.  At any given moment, we realize we decide how we wish to feel and where we will allow energy to flow.  When focused, every thought and feeling can be harsessed and redirected consciously.