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Insight of the Moment

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Dream Analysis of the Week- Etheric dream


The aroma of Palo Santo stood out.  Smoke danced upward in a spiral.  Had an imprint of a blue purple haze or cloud.  The shade changed.


When a dream is directly linked to physiology, such as a present injury or ailment like arthritis, then its a physical body dream. This is grounded in time and space.

Yet, this dream concerns the etheric body (second body). Etheric dreams evoke confusion in Western psychology. Freud misunderstood etheric dreams for dreams caused by suppressed desires.  Dreams caused by suppressed desires exist, but they belong to the physical body, (first body). If you have suppressed physical desires, if you have fasted for instance, then you may dream of food (breakfast). Or, if you have suppressed sex, then sexual dream fantasies can arise. These dreams belong to the first body. The etheric body is left out of psychological investigation, so its dreams are interpreted as belonging to the first body, the physical. 

In truth, the etheric body can travel in dreams. There is every possibility of it leaving your body. As you recall this, it is remembered as a dream, but it is not a dream in the same sense as the dreams of the physical body. The etheric body can go out of you when you are asleep. Your physical body will be there, but your etheric body can go out and travel in space. There is no space limiting it; there is no question of distance for it. Those who do not understand this, who do not recognize the existence of the etheric body, may interpret this as the realm of the unconscious. They divide man’s mind into conscious and unconscious. Then physiological dreaming is called “conscious” and etheric dreaming is called “unconscious.” It is not unconscious. It is as conscious as physiological dreaming, but conscious on another level. If you become conscious of your etheric body, the dreaming concerned with that realm becomes conscious.

Just as physiological dreams can be created from the outside, so too can etheric dreams be created, stimulated. A mantra is one of the methods to create etheric visions, etheric dreams. A particular mantra or a particular nada – a particular word, sounding repeatedly in the etheric center – can create etheric dreams. There are so many methods. Sound is one of them.  Smells are another.  For instance, the warm and soothing scent of Paol Santo has been used for eons in religious rituals and ceremonies. The Incas, indigenous people of the Andes, shamans and healers, have long used it for its metaphysical properties of purification and cleansing of the soul.

Colors also be of help. If you have ever dreamed of a particular shade or colour, you may find seeing this colour again, meditating on it even may create etheric dreams in others as well.  It is said certain colours stimulate etheric body dreaming.

So when someone goes deep in meditation and sees colors, and experiences perfumes and sounds and music absolutely unknown, these too are dreams, dreams of the etheric body. So-called spiritual visions belong to the etheric body; they are etheric dreams. Gurus revealing themselves before their disciples is nothing but etheric travel, etheric dreaming. But because we have only searched the mind at one level of existence, the physiological, these dreams have either been interpreted in physiological langugae or discarded, neglected, or, put into the unconscious.

To say that anything is part of the unconscious is really just to admit that we do not know anything about it. It is a technicality, a trick. Nothing is unconscious, but everything that is conscious on a deeper level is unconscious on the previous level. So for the physical, the etheric is unconscious; for the etheric, the astral is unconscious; for the astral, the mental is unconscious. Conscious means that which is known. Unconscious means that which is still not known, the unknown.

Any type of dream spiral  is a mode of communication to the physical world. In short, its the way in which our 3D world reflects the spiritual plane.  As we grow and evolve as a soul, we climb the metaphorical spiral path of understanding.  So, to dream of a spiral, is to come to identify more with the univese or Christ consciousness.

We offer in-depth Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, to address karma, energy and more.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


25 Questions to help get Clarity in a Relationship

If you are confused about your relationship, whether its moving forward, stagnating or even if you have one at all, you may benefit from getting more clarity.  

Clarity in relationships means a situation where both partners are on the same wavelength, have mutual understandings of the purpose of spending time together.  The need for clarity arises if either partner is unsure of the direction a relationship is heading. Its helpful if confusion is addressed. 

The major way to ask for clarity in relationships is to have a genuine and open talk with your partner. You both need to be clear on what you want in the relationship and how the other party can contribute.   Clarity is important because it is one of the best ways to open your eyes to several things you might have ignored. You need to know if you both see the relationship in the same way. Getting clarity will help you know where to improve or if action can be taken for mutual benefit.  Consider 25 questions to help you find clarity:

1. How often do I doubt my relationship?

Identify how often this thought crosses your mind. Does it cause insomnia, and are you looking to find solutions to unanswered questions? Be deliberate. Query about your relationship. 

2. Is there a pattern?

Another way to gain clarity in relationships is by asking yourself if there is a noticeable pattern in your own behaviour or theirs. This might explain why you are having doubts about your partner. 

3. Do we agree on the status of our ‘relationship’?

Two partners must be aware of the nature of a friendship or evolving relationship to consciously play their roles and allow the union work.  Are you both of you are working towards a common goal?

4. Is history repeating?

Do you notice that some things that happened in your previous relationships occur in the present one? If this is so, (i.e. fear of commitment) you need to find out what is truly going on. 

5. Do I feel safe?

A key question to ask yourself about your relationship is if you feel safe or not. Providing answers to these questions will help you understand if some behaviors should not be condoned.

6. Are we willing to compromise?

If you want to know the level of commitment, you can gain clarity by finding out if you and your partner are ready to compromise. The basis of compromising is stepping out of your comfort zone.

7. Can I count on my partner for support?

When you are in a relationship, you should rely on your partner for support, irrespective of the circumstances. If you are looking for how to ask for clarity, knowing where your partner stands when it comes to supporting you is crucial. If your partner is always available for you, or simply shows up intermittently at his/her convenience, this means two different things. Do you feel like a priority?

8. Is my relationship adversely affecting my self-esteem?

Another way to gain clarity in your relationship is to find out if your overall self-esteem is affected or not. You need to be brutally honest. If you always feel good about yourself and the relationship, then the union might be something you want to continue.

9. Is my relationship preventing my growth?

The goal of any healthy relationship is to grow together with your partner. There is something wrong if one of the partners is not growing in different aspects of their lives. The right partner will ensure you grow and succeed in everything you do. If you are not growing, your partner might not have your best interests at heart.

10. Do our major goals align?

One of the reasons you might not have gotten clarity in your relationship is that your goals do not align with your partner’s. Do you know your own goals? Do you know theirs? This may be an invitation to reflect here.

For instance, some major goals in relationships are relocation, children, career, marriage, pets, spirituality, ect. For your relationship to work and stand the test of time, you need to be sure you and your partner agree here.

11. Does it excite you to see your partner? 

You need to ask yourself important questions like “am I happy to see my partner?” Knowing the answer to this question helps you to know if your relationship excites you or not. In a healthy relationship, partners will always be happy to see each other when they meet.  This means that despite what they are facing, the thought of having a partner gives a sense of fulfillment.

12. Where do I see my partner and me in a few years from now?

Another way on how to get clarity in a relationship is knowing where you and your partner will be in some years and if the both of you will still be together or not. Knowing the answer to this question allows you to focus on other areas of life. If you don’t feel your partner has staying power, the relationship may not be worth keeping.

13. Am I ready to change?

Does it look difficult or easy for you to change some things for your partner? If you are not ready to be accommodating and understanding in some aspects, then it means your relationship is not rock-solid. 

14. Is the communication between us smooth?

Communication is beyond the regular conversations you have with your partner. It involves how the both of you make plans to achieve a common goal, even if it is to resolve a conflict. Are you someone who likes texts and written messages? Is your partner mor of a gift giver of time, energy and objects? Unsure whether your understand each other? The 5 Love Languages book may help. 

16. Do you feel free to express yourself when your partner is around?

Have you noticed how you behave anytime you are around your partner?   It can give you a pointer to know if you like who you are around them. When you are with your partner, you should feel secure and happy to express your ideas, emotions, and thoughts. If you don’t feel delighted and safe around them, it is a sign that the relationship is not healthy for you.

17. Do you and your partner trust each other?

Trust is one of the core building ingredients of a healthy relationship. To ask for clarity in relationship, you need to find out the level of trust between you and your partner. Both of you have to be sure that you will keep each other in mind when making critical decisions and avoid being selfish.

18. Is there respect in your relationship?

When it comes to finding out relationship clarity, one of the things to check is if there is respect in the union. Showing respect comes with honoring your partner. It means you will always note that they are an integral part of your life, and you will not demean them.

19. Have you spoken about romance?

To truly gain insight into your present relationship status, this is one of the questions you need to ask yourself. If you and your partner have not told each other “I love you” , it might be that the relationship, it may cross your mind to explore this.

20. Are you or your partner sacrificial in the relationship?

One of the ways to know that your partner is rooting for you is when they go out of their way to do something for you. Have you or your partner made some huge sacrifices that came with many demands? If this has barely happened in your relationship, it means you have a lot of work to do.

21. Do you feel threatened by people who admire your partner?

How do you feel when you learn that some people are into your partner? Do you feel secure that nothing will happen, or do you always feel agitated that your partner will cheat on you?   Any feeling you have when other people find your partner attractive determines the state of your relationship.

22. Do you love spending time with your partner’s loved ones?

When you are in a relationship with someone, you have an important duty to keep close relations with those close to your partner. However, if you don’t feel comfortable being around your partner’s family and friends, something might be wrong with your relationship.

23. Can you call your partner your best friend?

One of the ways to find clarity in relationships is if you see your partner as your best friend. Having your partner as your best friend is mostly advised when it comes to relationships. They should display certain attributes that will make you rely on them and call them your best friend.

24. Are you keeping a secret from your partner, or are they keeping one from you?

Do you feel your partner is hiding something from you, and they don’t want to spill it? Usually, you can detect this by watching any behavior they recently started displaying. Such behaviors might be propelled by something you are hiding. 

25. When last did you discuss the future together?

To gain clarity in relationships, look back at the last time the both of you had a serious discussion about the future. Planning for the future regularly with your partner helps you know what to look forward to. If you rarely talk about the future together, something might be wrong with your relationship.

Another step to find clarity in relationships is to find out the deal breaker in your union. Is there anything your partner would do that can make you walk out of the relationship? You need to be clear on the boundaries in your relationship that come with some repercussions if they are crossed.

If you have been confused about the state of your relationship, use the questions mentioned in this piece as a yardstick to measure how your relationship is going.


See through lens of sacred geometry

otice much misinformation and confusion arises in use of language and adopted meanings. Sacred geometry has been my core reality since childhood. I tune into everything as geometry first, decode energies into a human realm of perception.
In practice, the terms dimensions and realms are not the same. Sacred geometry serves as a tool to reveal dimensions are different points of view of the same reality. Math is the universal language. One view is nine dimensions frame our existence (1-9). To exist, a single dimension (point) must express itself into another. This creates polarity, or the second dimension. As these two points move, they create a third dimension, or an axis. These three points of view are energy in motion around each other which creates the fourth (time). This fourth dimension begins to generate energy and light, known as the fifth. Then, this 5 D shape can change it position which creates the sixth dimension. This said, the sixth dimension can move through and manifest itself as the seventh dimensional reality. The infinite motion of these changes is captured in the toroid or eighth dimension. Everything comes full circle to divine wholeness. This takes shape as the nineth where all universal laws and the conditions in each universe are clear. The cube precipitates the formation of the platonic solids that generate everything that exists in our dimensional reality. The merkabah is the light body vehicle and it is key to understanding how to move from between dimensions.
So, to tune into things from point of view of geometry helps us to realize that we are not actually moving from 3D to 5D. Rather, we embody all dimensions simultaneously already. It may be said awakening is about growing aware of our conditioned emotional processing of information, realizing we have options. As we tune into the vibrational nature of things, we can recognize disharmony, shift focus and connections to amplify a different or more all-encompassing view. We exist to recall what it is to be our true self, and experience a spectrum of energy.
As Mrs. Whatsit explains in the film trailer of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time: "The fifth dimension’s a tesseract. You add that to the other four dimensions and you can travel through space without having to go the long way around. In other words, to put into Euclid, or old-fashioned plane geometry, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points.” A tesseract is an interstellar shortcut, more or less." Seeing as energy and geometry alters time.



Dream Analysis of the Week- Bloody Frogs


I was visiting an acquaintance at her home. I had always had a not so great relationship with her. She is married to my husband’s business partner so we were often forced to socialize and I knew she detested me but however hard I tried to win her over nothing changed. She had made up her mind. She and her husband immigrated to the USA a couple of years ago and they were back in South Africa visiting friends and she invited me over.

So I was at her old house which was empty now and we were chatting, she was obviously trying to be friendly and I appreciated the gesture. It was just the two of us. She took out this little box that had about ten tiny compartments. In each compartment was a tiny frog. Each frog had the most vivid and beautiful colours with patterns. Exquisite. I played with one or two frogs and then gave them back to her and she put them back in their respective boxes.  I was curious and picked up the box because I wanted to see the other frogs and somehow the tops of the compartments came open and all the beautiful little frogs spilled out onto my lap and I couldn’t catch them quickly enough to put them back. The frogs hopped off into the next room. She didn’t seem too perturbed when I pointed it out. After a while I got up to go and look for the frogs and upon entering the other room saw two puppies who had eaten all the frogs in a playful game. There were chunks of dead frog parts and a blood puddle.   I immediately ran to her and explained what happened.  She was understandably furious and started screaming at me to get out and she regretted ever inviting me and she hates me etc…

I was extremely upset about the beautiful little frogs and how I had proved to be careless. I felt responsible and wretched and cried. I was so disappointed in myself. My friends arrived and tried to console me but I was distraught. I felt so awful. My one friend had a box with similar frogs (not as beautiful) and I asked him whether I could buy them from him to give to her as replacements but he didn’t want to sell them. They were rare and one could only purchase them in Pakistan.  I felt a failure. I knew the dead frogs were an accident but I still felt completely responsible for ruining her attempt at trying to be nice.  In the past years (before this incident) whenever she invited me over to her home to try and be nice - something awful always happened to cause us to remain estranged for a couple of years.  It was as if destiny insisted that we shouldn’t be friends.  


Dream encounters are a projection of some part of ourselves. If someone despises or hates us, and we are triggered, then this is drawing our attention to something unconscious within our own psyche.  We all have a shadow self. Its often made up of the parts of self we view as unacceptable. For many, this means things like our sadness, intense emotions like rage or hostility, even laziness, cruelty, grief or despair. Yet, you might also view this as relating to uncivilised behaviour or disowned parts of yourself like personal power, lost independence, emotional security or sensitivity.

Turns out, unacceptable treatment in dreams is a metaphor often couched in blame that evokes guilt and/or shame. Whatever beckons your attention on a deeper level, you assume self-blame, feel careless, responsible and self-punishment continues through dream worlds to get your attention.

Uneasy emotions are inviting you to explore more deeply what is going on inside.  Shadow figures may evoke fear of rejection. If we do not learn to love, accept whatever we hide from, we project the unresolved feelings onto others (who trigger us to keep discomfort alive).  The context of relationships reminds us of whether something is truly resolved. If someone leaves of moves away, it may be that part of yourself they represent is no longer needed is is healed.  If they return, this is opportunity to restore or rekindle relationships, or a way the universe is telling you something deeper remains unresolved. If you truly desire to repair a friendship, then you must find a way to befriend yourself.  That is, explore ways to decode and love your shadows.

This dream is also an invitation to accept and integrate the male side (assertive self, set and defend boundaries). There is something deeper going on here than an ongoing quest for connection, acceptance and belonging.  This explains why the frogs escape.  Somethng wants to show itself and you may not want to see it.

Dream figures like the frog appear to offer guidance and direction.  Frogs are about evolution and coming into wholeness, Change is on the horizon.  As your inner feelings are made known to yourself and those around you, it does not have to turn out to be a bloody mess. Dogs are known as man's best friend. The one in the dream is doing the dreamer a favor. The puppy heightens the sense of urgency to look. Something wants attention. Reflect on significance of the number 10.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations for single and multiple dreams. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us.


See from a New Point of View

(Image: Human Merkabah by artist Samuel Farrand)
Notice much misinformation and confusion arises in use of language and adopted meanings. Sacred geometry has been my core reality since childhood. I tune into everything as geometry first, decode energies into a human realm of perception.
When it comes to language, dimensions and realms are not the same. sacred geometry serves as a tool to reveal dimensions are different points of view of the same reality. Math is the universal language. Nine dimensions of our existence come from unity (0 leads to 1 to 9). To exist, a unified dimension must express itself into another. It creates polarity which is the second dimension. As these two points move, they create a third dimension, which is an axis between these two. These three points of view are in motion around each other which creates the fourth (time). This fourth dimension begins to create energy and light, which is the fifth dimension. Then, this shape can change it position which creates the sixth dimension. This said, the sixth dimension can transcend and manifest itself as the seventh dimensional reality. The infinite possibilities of these changes are represented by the toroid or eighth dimension. Everything comes back to the divine unity or reason why everything exists. This is echoed by the nineth dimension, as seen by the cube, which, precipitates the formation of the platonic solids that generate everything that exists in our dimensional reality.
So, to tune into things from point of view of geometry helps us to realize that we are not actually moving from 3D to 5D. Rather, we embody all dimensions simultaneously already. It may be said awakening is about growing aware of our conditioned emotional processing of information, realizing we can change our response. As we tune into the vibrational nature of thoughts and feelings, we can consciously recognize disharmony, shift focus and connections to amplify a different or more all-encompassing view. We exist to recall what it is to be our true self, and to experience a spectrum of energy and delight in coming full circle.