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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Appreciate the depth of illusion

If the urge arises to shatter all illusions faster, the depth of Earthly experience lessens. Notice what is flowing through the lens of experience as well as the self-created filters. Appreciate the complexity of the dream, why you choose to be here now. Every layer is a timeless teacher.


Allow what is natural 

With no effort, core being is naturally fulfilled unless it imagines itself to be different. The one who is ready simply awakens.  He who is not ready sleeps.  Nothing stops 'you' unless you are not ready to allow yourself to see.  The unfolding simply unfolds unless 'you' get in the way, or imagine obstacles.  By living, without knowing or doing anything, all is well. Being quiet is being yourself, not following anything from the mind.  If a thought arises, it is as though the thought never came.  Before a thought arises, it has no meaning. Be without intention. Keep quiet.  Watch what happens without waiting.


What if its all here?

Notice how your sense of meaning and inspiration in life change as you begin to recognize all you ever want or need is right where you are.  Notice what the mind would have you think and believe is necessary to become, to do or have.  Watch what happens as what you think you have to do is already done.  Address yourself as if you are everything you are seeking.  Get out of the mind.  Feel through the lens of the heart. Notice the impact on your thoughts and feelings.  Allow yourself to imagine how it is to feel peaceful, accepted and loved.   Everything you undertake reaches for love. 

Notice what stands out for you at this stage of your own creative journey. Notice what you feel compelled to do and to stop doing.  Notice what loses meaning, importance and attention.


Something is at work here

Know something bigger than you is at work here. Trust in that.  Trust in what you cannot conceive, explain or predict. Love the adventure, the spontaneity and the playfulness of the unfolding.  Reflect on how it feels to let go of control, to surrender to life and make the best of whatever happens. Whenever you sense you know or grasp something, you miss nothing. 


Follow your own rules

Wherever you go, people exist with a variety of intentions.  There are those you encounter, and those who do not cross your physical path or scope of awareness.  Notice each person is living in his own world within a bigger world. Some recognize connections or ties and interdependence.  Feel the law of attraction in action. Recognize what distracts you from your own inner guidance. 

When you are driving on the highway, when you are in a vehicle of public transit, people are thinking all around you.  They point to who you are and who you are not. Some are on phones, playing video games, tuning into music devices. People are engaged in dialogue, daydreaming, sleeping, and doing nothing. Their thought forms, emotions and energy vibrations do not always jive with yours. Everyone conveys to you what you are.  When you know yourself, questions no longer arise.  There is only a continuing unfolding, natural process or evolution of who you are.

Come what may, some people prefer not to break laws based on collective beliefs or agreement.  Other people make choices purely grounded in what feels right.  That which you call God is not the same as the laws man thinks God has made for him.  Notice what resonates in the heart.  All that you perceive in others or as "other" is a pointer to the revelation of what you are.

As you grasp you create a sense of time and physicality, you begin to get in touch with the nature of the energy system you are.  Everyone you meet is speaking to you from a deeper part of self. Consciousness is not knowledge, definition or reality that is full of paradox. You are that which chooses to begin to understand who you are from a multitude of perspectives. You are pre-time and pre-definition. Time and definition are avenues through which you experience yourself by your own rules.  As you allow, connect and integrate what you are beyond the physical, you truly experience the energy transmitter you are.  Every moment, essential nature is revealing itself.  Indescribable aspects of you  convey breakthroughs to bridge the physical and spiritual self.

"This is about bringing into balance your perception of your body with the rest of what you are (which we also refer to as your multi-dimensionality or your freedom)" -Story Waters