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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in selective awareness (5)


5 harsh truths that shift your focus

Humans are taught the world is full of harsh expectations. Many people will tell you that you can do better with your job or relationships, be different than you are, act differently than you do, live somewhere more appealing, be somehow more fulfilled. This is all based in how we are conditioned to appease others rather than tune in and live our true nature. Movies and books reinforce whatever we are ready to see.

Ponder these 5 truths that help you shift your focus. In doing so, you discover that it is by shifting your perception that you transform how you feel about whatever you see;

1. The world does not reflect neediness.

All you see is not telling you people are needy, even if your work currently depends on creating or satisfying perceived needs. All you register and attract reflects how needy you are conditioned to feel. A material world functions by teaching people they are less than perfect or less than whole. You only act to continually improve or change yourself, acquire products, services or experiences to change this, when you think something is wrong or missing inside. Although people benefit from mentors at various stages, the key is to gain confidence to be your own guide or guru and accept all you see reflects how harmonious or not you feel within yourself.

2. Nothing and nobody ever really rejects you.

Life you encounter is simply mirror reflecting you only accept or reject yourself.  This tends to be a shocker. Imagine you project your self worth into another character on a holodeck. This is precisely what you are doing, even if Star Trek is not your thing. How you respond to all you encounter reveals how you feel about yourself. Loving or seeing a message of love in everything means no more emotional buttons exist inside to be pressed. Everything invites you to love yourself more, to be more compassionate and forgiving.

3. You are more than your skills.

This is not what society has you believe. It has you adopt labels, identify with them so they drive you nutty. In fact, you are far more than your job, adopted labels and skills, more than anything you think, more than the body, mind and emotions. You are actually a soul taking a human form for many reasons that reveal themselves when you are ready.  It takes courage to recognize and review how you define yourself so you can expand into new experiences that are suited to who you are right now.

4. Language is the root of conflict.

Notice words have cultural associations that often nurture and magnify fear and insecurity. If you use ancient forms of communication based on harmonics, you are an exception to the rule and in contrast, know the feeling of unity and centering through symbolic language. For the vast majority however, language is taught and adopted to perpetuate separation and dissonance. Remind yourself that nobody intimidates or makes you believe anything without your consent. Raising awareness of the nature of language empowers you like nothing else. Tuning into the subtleties of sound, frequency and geometry changes the nature of the game (how consciously or unconsciously you play).

4. The universe does not respond to your wishes.

Humans are widely taught the law of attraction is about attracting the life we desire. Everything is indeed about vibration and what you vibrate comes to you. But wishing for anything emits the vibrational message to the universe that you do not have it. Lack invites lack. What is seldom mentioned is that every moment, a higher version of you is creating what enters your scope of awareness. You only ever give yourself what you feel you deserve. The feelings themselves are the magnet and consistency is everything.

5. The world never changes.

It is common to want to change personal conditions and the world, to make environments healthier, fellow creatures safer, and Earth more peaceful. In truth, you only ever expand or limit your perception of what is always here. In all liklihood, you do not see things as they are, you see things as a reflection of how you view yourself. Your mental filters determine how you register energy and how it flows though you. It is always possible to allow filters to dissolve, to retrain the mind, and be the changes you wish to see. Change only happens in your own mind. Whether you think you can or cannot, you vibrate to prove it.


Direct experience is here

As a human you are conditioned from birth to structure your life around ideas, beliefs, and attitudes. You develop an identity based on perceived memories of the past.  This is what grounds you and acts as a reference for a sense of direction to or away from.  Yet, what are you really telling yourself about reality, fulfillment and direction?

As you allow the conditioned mind to control your attention, you are unconscious, sort of asleep at the wheel, not noticing signs that you pass by on the road.  When mind is already thinking about what is around the corner, you do not see potholes as you traverse them.  If you focus on the future, you are not present.  Wake up out of the idea that you must awaken.

To be awake is to take responsibility for and transcend selective awareness of the present moment. Its as if you recognize conditioned impulses to avoid or fear and let this dissolve in an instant. To sense power of vibration is to feel something within simply clicks.  No need arises to explain or understand it.  Needs are figments of the mind or imagination.

From a pure state of being, you allow yourself to notice what is obvious.  This is being open to direct experience.  Awareness is who you are. Awareness organizes the self. Who is the person who responds, "me" or "I"?Regardless of what you read or hear about, direct experience speaks for itself.  What you call love is God, it is here and now. To focus on this moment is to stop seeking.  You relax in your being.  This is not a concept.  It is not personal yet everything is contained within it.


Appreciation, gratitude & balance

When you appreciate, you recognize the nature of unconditional love and how allowing yourself to feel that increases the intangible value of an experience.  Appreciation is like the absence of doubt, fear, negativity, and all those things that have no relevance to the energy you are vibrating when you feel good.  Consider thoughts of fear do not cross the mind when your focus of attention is on the frequency of love.  You may sense selective awareness, as if the lens of love only sees mesages of love.  As you find the silver lining, see something good in others or in every situation, you appreciate or, make the most of where you are.  You know resistance cannot emerge in allowing.

Gratitude resonates a slightly different energy.  Gratitude is a feeling that emerges as part of the process of sensing accomplishment, like after you overcome an obstacle.  It is then you feel grateful to be where you are after hard work or struggle.  You may feel grateful to be alive after surviving an accident or health issue.  In this way, choosing to feel grateful brings balance.  It brings you from a state of fear back to the inner knowing of the love that is.  A spark of doubt still resides within you about the possibility of having to endure pain and suffering again.  You recall what unwavering acceptance feels like by feeling gratitude, but do not dwell there every moment. You falter slightly.


Value the silent assistants

As you go about your daily tasks, the ego mind harnesses your attention to focus you on the doing. The process and details escape you. This is a level of selective awareness. For example, you move a finger but cannot explain how the process is actually done. You flick the switch to turn on electricity without knowing how it works. The what matters more than the how.

As you perceive disruptions in your life, notice you get irritated, compare or judge, you are gaining insight into how the ego renews itself. When you do not love what happens, you create distortions in your energy vibration. To relate to mind and emotions creates dense energy and activates unconsciousness. Even so, a silent assistant knows what you resist.

Life experience offers you ways to recognize levels of awareness and resistance to intuition. A silent assitant guides you to access inner wisdom and invites you to trust your own authority. begin to sense how it feels to get out of your own way and see who you truly are.

Ask, "who am I?" Begin to dislodge firmly ingrained ideas that block a clearer view. The process of exploring reasons why you go against your nature actually invites you to detach from what does not serve you. Learn to consciously let go of the ideas and emotions you adopt to create the illusion of unhappiness.

Some people do not require intense suffering to discern they are not being true to themselves. They may have eureka moments or, simply evolve to attune to the state of being present. These individuals learn to dissolve resistance by breaking through the bricks and mortar that support it. They relate differently to silent assistants, and know stillness.

Every person can choose to value the silent assistants in their lives, those things that trigger awareness. Your beliefs prompt you to label them and determine whether you trust. Notice when you permit yourself to slide into undesirable patterns. 

As you refer questions to the silent, loving voice within, you always get answers that reveal what is vital to your true being.  Call it a guardian angel, higher consciousness or nothing.  Appreciate yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  You are your own best friend, here and now. 


The Big Truth

Whether or not your realize it, the truth follows you around wherever you go.  The big picture is revealing itself.  Clues are always smack dab, right in front of you.  Clues to what you do not need in your life are also right in front of you.  So, what do you choose to notice and how do you act? Notice how your own selective awareness is serving you. 

Ask yourself if you serve other people before yourself.  If your focus is your own personal agenda, if you only help people when you see how this can contribute to your own bigger plans, then you are sacrificing the potential of more meaningful relationships.

If you desire to perceive yourself in a new way, this doesn't require you to be completely selfless. When you think of yourself, you would benefit from thinking of yourself in the context of a bigger picture.  Evolve to see what is best for others is also what is best for you.  As you grow to feel more connected to other people, distinctions fall away.

The soul is like an open sense.  It intuits all choices without judgment.  The mind judges what is best for whom and why. Aligning the mind with soul allows you to feel your way into states that expand beyond self.  The big truth is beyond ego and self-interest.

Rather than see yourself as different, better, more competitive, more strategic or superior, you shift to see what you have in common with others until the sense of other fades. You feel more inter-connected. As you assist and are kind to others, you have no ulterior motive. You act for action's sake. The big truth emerging is oneness.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha