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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in freedom (102)


Free yourself from the traps

Notice one of the biggest traps we buy into individually and collectively is "I feel trapped" (unable to act/ do what feels right). We are conditioned to believe and to perpetuate illusions, to tell ourselves what we cannot do and why. Imagining undesirable consequences hijacks our attention from the present moment and all that is real. Our thoughts trap us into believing we are limited. We become the unconscious mind, project experience to reinforce our own self-created limitations. Such beliefs keep us feeling small, less-than (abundant and whole), disconnected from who we are. Each individual, though his own unique path and choices, has to come to know himself as infinite, eternal and immortal consciousness. Only then is the alchemical process activated. This changes our relationship with energy. We grow to consciously harness and weild it. This requires steps into greater fearlessness, shifting our point of observation from being our experience (taking it personally) to observing it or being the infinite consciousness that is aware of having the experience and knows it is boundless, untouchable, omnipresent, immeasurable, omnipotent, limitless existence --Satchitananda). Any of these words points to the All-Pervading Absolute. They are words defining the essential nature of the One or Source Energy.


Harness your true power

Notice sometimes we get a wake up call that itself triggers shifts in consciousness. Certain events draw our attention to what can no longer be ignored or avoided within ourselves. Nightmares can get your attention to face whats buried in the unconscious, yet the same energy can be seen detected as vibration to present in form as a reminder of your true power. Changes happen within you that prompt you to make more dramatic or conscious changes in different areas of your life. It dawns its up to us to unleash our own freedom. In doing so, we increase our life energy and allow what is bursting within to emerge.


Tune into Resonance with Zero

(Sacred geometry image 444 by Endre Balogh)

Notice its your consciousness that sees, not your eyes. Otherwise, a dead corpse would see. Consider physically-blind painters that create breath-taking masterpieces, deaf composers of passionate music and expressive virtuosos who touch our Soul. They echo we exist to trust only our own living experience. This is not about ordinary 5 sense perception. Its about tuning into our True Nature, subtle senses within that do not change, that which will never leave or abandon you, which will not lie or deceive you (where all the rest will) for it is indestructible "aware" energy. This is the Source code speaking through your geometric being. We each receive and translate incoming cosmic energy through our filters until our mirror is polished. The Cosmos is not a computer program rather, its Nature's own intarnishable Blueprint. Its energy is aware and has intent, the play or display of which is called "love": aware energy that thrives from its own goodness (harmony with its own indwelling frequency). Consciousness is omnipresent in the Zero point of every torsion field, all things, no exceptions. As Source-made beings, we are born of a conscious universe. There is no absence of existence. It is only manifest or not. Words are simply translations of the original Math. If we are self lost in our own Torsion field of reality, we forget who we are. We are either free or not in our mind. Our own Nature alone has that power, but to access it, you need to love it strong enough and also yearn for what is only ever found in Silence. The Sound or resonance of the Zero Point allows total annihilation of the unreal through soundlessness. Shift to pure vibrate Love. Wide open pathways to infinite parallel worlds appear.


Be open to the Gamut

Notice 'ah-ha' moments are arising in many areas of our lives. We are acting more fearlessly, listening to natural urges to let go and make changes. One big revelation is Earth is not a spaceship but a timeship. As we awaken to the the nature of galactic time, we awaken to our timeless, multidimensional nature and the profound implications and upgrades unfolding in every area of our lives. The radical truth is not something to simply believe in, but something to live and fully embody. As we tune into energy vibrating, we grow more aware of what goes on within us as well as engage more consciously in life and cosmic travel as/ thru a vortex. It dawns no separate self exists, no discrete knower, no autonomous entity standing apart and witnessing all this and reporting to "the others." There is no past, no future, nowhere to go, simply freedom beyond imagining. This is heartfelt Truth. And yet, we exist to go further than simply deduce our 3D world is illusion. There is no substitute for first-hand learning. We exist to discover intimacy with ourselves and life in the world of form. Getting out of our heads is about taking risks to live dangerously, face fears, live and love in ways that allow us to be vulnerable. Only as we experience the gamut of emotions can we fully manifest our gifts, deeply express our own uniqueness.


Get ready for Authentic Love

(Digital art by Tatiana Plakhova)

Notice the universe has a way of getting you to exactly the right place the moment you are meant to be here. Everything we do or do not do readies us for authentic love, if only by causing our hearts raw enough to reach deeper, more grounded connection. A genuinely intimate relationship requires not simply our hearts, but our aliveness, awareness, our integrity and discernment, and our capacity to be both open and to protect ourselves with boundaries. When awakened, love awakens us to engage deeply, to look into and through ourselves. True courage is about inviting what is painful into our heart, no matter how much it may hurt. Love turns us toward the more challenging aspects of life and ignites true intimacylike a fusing of rainbow glass. Getting truly intimate involves fearlessly experiencing all aspects of self, recognizing everything to mirror none other than true being. Now is the opportunity to do the work that liberates us from our own disillusionment. As challenges seem to escalate, this is not for us to rise above or otherwise avoid related difficulties. Rather, its an invite to delve into them, to see ourselves as we are in an ever-deepening intimacy. Being intimate with ourselves is going beneath the surface to explore the core of our fear, to discover the awakening potential of emotional connection and freedom that arises.