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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspirational quotes (206)


Recognize what feels natural

Something inside you is aware of what feels natural. The mind is so conditioned that it does not recall what is natural and does not understand it. Mental perception is an interpretation.  What is natural is untouched awareness.  It sees no order of difficulty or hierarchy.  What unfolds through an open vessel cannot be put into words. This natural unfolding continues, whether or not the mind resists and shifts your attention.  

Nothing sets out to convince you of what is natural. You allow yourself to see things as they are or, obscure the view and so you see things as you are instead.  As you tap into timeless joy, listening ability sharpens and peace expands.  You no longer recall what what never true.  You no longer choose to deceive yourself or distort nothing.

"Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself." -L.W. Gilbert


Take a second glimpse

Notice what happens as you feel that taking a second glimpse changes everything.  In essence, you see nothing as it is.  Every instance you notice someone judging or hear it inside the mind, you forget who you are. Every instance you allow your focus to be on the past, you allow what does not exist to fool you.  This is not about psychological time so much as being aware you choose to see or obscure the view.

As goes with anything, you are invited to taste it again with al lthe senses, as if for the first time.  For you see, there is only ever this moment.  There is only ever one time that unfolds over and over however you choose to perceive it.  Do not allow yourself to be baffled or worried about something that is not there.  You are only ever bothered by nothing.  Know you can always choose again so that you may see things as they are.

"Words are creation of self and every time you open your mouth, you give the world a glimpse into who you really are." -Ashley Highland


Its all right in front of you

To awaken is to live based on what is real.  It is to know unconditonal love is forever present, even when the mind would like you to focus on other emotions.  It is knowing that the sun and blue sky do not disappear whenever the clouds and rain arrive. 

Notice what captures the focus of your attention and what you allow to shape your mood.  Notice how you are conditioned to assume the sun is present during the daytime and moon and stars are present during the night.  In truth, both are always present but your focus shifts as mind tells you what to see.  This draws attention to selective awareness and what you block out.  Notice you tune out and back in at will.

Consider the conditioned mind tells you to see what you think is. It distracts you from what exists beneath or beyond it in this present moment. Questions and answers, problems and solutions exist in the same way. Notice the mind urges you to focus on questions and problems when answers and solutions are there as well.  Notice order is present in chaos. It all comes down to what you are choosing to truly see or overlook.

"The mind is like a butterfly that flits from one flower to the next. Seldom do we find ourselves nestled in the excuisite and eternal ocean of here and now. When you are, you can connect with your true self that is beyond the chattering of your mind."
- Denise Linn


All fear brings a message of love 

The mind cannot explain what its like to be emptiness, infinite joy or pure freedom. Rather than grapple with what it cannot understand, it orients you to focus on the future, to nurture fear of the unknown. It conditions you to interpret and judge as it does.

Notice what happens from the moment you grow aware all fear you feel silently invites you to see through it. A spontaneous shift of attention brings you to the present moment. The message of unconditional love and acceptance is unmistakable.

When you acknowledge that you do not know who or what you are, that is, when you cease to be concerned with the things the ego tells you to get worked up about, something divine takes over. Reasons for worry fall away. There is no thought of controlling anything and no fear of not doing so. Awareness flows freely. It knows any effort you make to obtain or be something implies you believe it is beyond you.  Notice your life reflects and reinforces how much fear is controlling or love is guiding you. 

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and let it come in."
-Morie Schwartz (from The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom)


What if you could not hide anything?

Notice what happens at the prospect of knowing everything about you is exposed.  The mind and ego urge you to protect who you think you are.  You are conditioned to internalize opinions and beliefs about yourself.  This is the intellectual vision, all the ways you adopt labels, emotions and psychological constructs. This vision of you feels wounded, fearful and wants protection.  Softness is viewed by ego as weakness, felt as vulnerability. The ego goes to great lengths to keep you from seeing through it. 

As you begin to feel less of a need to hide anything, motivations fall away. Its as if you let go of the cultural conditioning and personal will to do, have and become. Internally, you experience a transition, a shift of focus. This need for references spontaneously vanishes and leaves you speechless.  You feel lighter and at a loss for what is next.

Imagine complete transparency.  Open the heart to a richness of expanding visions. Notice why you deny what soul knows.  You begin to see as the deepest part of you is seeing.  This is intimacy.  Touching it or catching glimpses is not the same as being it. 

"Eyes so transparent that through them the soul is seen." -Theophile Gautier