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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in love (374)


3 Tips to rewrite your hi-story

Its common to feel unhappy about the way certain events have unfolded or seem to be unfolding in our lives.  We adopt labels. We readily define ourselves as survivors or experiencers of pain and suffering. What if we could see beyond the pain body as a witness, rewrite our hi-story and transform our present and future on every level? Would we do it? Consider these three tips:

1.  Change your attitude

For things to feel stuck or uncomfortable requires two things; an event to unfold and us to feel disturbed.  As we change our attitude, stop feeling powerless and take reposnsibility for how we feel, how and what we perceive changes. Our thoughts and responses to life are alterable. Imagine what happens as we view everything as a blessing and welcome whatever comes.

2.  Recall reality is bigger than you

This moment that appears to be unfolding in our midst is one of a zillion moments that do not fall within the scope of our awareness. The only thing different or special about the events in our experience is those are ones we see or refer to as focus of our attention.  Why allow a tiny speck of energy to determine who we are?

3. Face the fear

Patterns recur as we fear what we would be without them. Drug addicts who come off drugs generally experience withdrawal.  This is a kind  of discomfort.  The first course of action is to let go. If discomfort remains, we can deal with it on a deeper level. This is why it is said we must die to be reborn. Meditation, breathwork, regression or FLP, assist us to remove filters that prevent being, seeing, feeling and sharing pure love. Pain may seem inevitable yet, suffering is optional.

***Also invite readers to check out: Interview with Anne Jirsch and Interview with Karen Joy

5 things to allow you to thrive

Whether unconsciously or during silent contemplation, we regularly ask ourselves what can we do to be truly authentic, more accepting of ourselves and others, and instrumental in expansion or allowing something beyond us to reveal more of the wider Truth. The short answer is it all begins within.  recalibration is ongoing. Although we may not yet consciously experience our innate power in all its facits, there exist things we can do to thrive.  Consider these 5 tips: 

1. Grow aware of disempowering beliefs and replace them with empowering ones

As we do this, we feel and observe the resulting rapid changes that happen in our lives, Changes in conditions only seem to take effort or magic when we do not understand the energetic forces behind them.

2.  Feel and tune into joy as pure energy 

As you choose to be joyful, laugh spontaneously more often and do those things that evoke joy, you constantly revitalze and inspire yourself to create amazing things and enrich this world. 

3. Express what we love about ourselves and others

As we express love openly without fear, we are healing a part of ourselves that never received the attention and appreciation it deserved early in this life and in other lives (if the pattern).  Share how you feel. Be creative and specific about how and what you love.  Say it loud and clear.

4. Realize this is about unlearning more than learning

As it hits thriving is not about doing more, but about letting go of more of the filters that block it, we discover doing less, letting go of control, has a greater impact than we ever thougth possible.

5.  Breathe the way to clarity

The power of the breath and breathwork are often understimated. The pace and rhythm of your breath shares your story of love and fear. Pay attention. The intensity or tranquility of the breath speaks volumes about the degree to which you thive.  Accepting this process is not really about you.  It is an exercise in humility. The human in you is driven by ego wants and desires. Consciousness and a larger reality unfolds without you.  It moves through the breath.  Revelations reveal themselves with perfect timing.


7 Tips to Bend Reality

Recently, I was guided to a Masterclass on Bending Reality by Vishen Lakhiani, the Founder of Mindvalley. He is the must-read, best-selling author of Code of the Extraordinary Mind.  These are highlights of what I observe happening in myself that echo what he is saying continues to happen to him and others who make the conscious decision to be open to evolution in consciousness.  Ponder these 7 Tips to bend reality;
1. Start feeling luckier
As expansion of awarenes happens, we notice more coincidences and shift to see synchronicities.  We realize we can choose to create what moves us forward, closer to realizing a heartfelt vision.   In my case, this takes shape as one interview and relationship guides me to another, as resulting connections deepen my understanding of myself. 
2. See things differently
As we see through conditioning, we access the part of ourselves that sees beyond victimhood and patterns that hold us back.  Being open to seeing differently triggers massive breakthroughs.  We are no longer influenced by forces around us. We know our self-thought shapes our beliefs and experience.  It hits that what we believe about reality must align with our inner vibration to bend reality.  We must make the unconscious conscious and heal what prevents us from being in harmony with our highest possible reality and manifesting faster.
3. Engage in meditation
Awakening helps us recognize the spiritual compenent of transforming our reality.  We engage in meditation, shift from thinking and reacting unconsciously to consciously tuning into our energy and feeling reality unfold.  Exploring ancient spiritual wisdom enables us to access abilities that are not taught by the moderrn (Western) education system.  It dawns that accessing higher states of mind is the key to understanding in practice what it is to create and change the world from the inside out.
4. See the nature of illusion
As we explore altered states through meditation, we discover the nature of Maya (illusion) and that we can shift the flow.  This involves setting goals and activating the power of intention.  We visualize ourselves shift, see the power to change is within. We are each our own magician.
5. Realize life can happen to you or from you
In The Matrix film, Neo asks the spoon boy how he bends the spoon. Neo wants to make things happen. Yet, Spoon Boy says; "Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, itis only yourself."
6. Recode Your Inner World
As you take personal responsibility, you realize something The Secret teacher Michael Beckwith says: we can learn through Kensho (pain and suffering) or Satoris (sudden insights).  Unless we listen to our own Satoris, it seems we create adverity to learn lessons. As we reach the stage where we are recoding ourselves from the inside out, we trigger our own ah-ha moments, consciously create the unforeseen opportunities.
7. Be receptive to limitlessness
Inspiration or intuition leads to your intention.  A perfect example is my family's intuitive move from Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.  Our sense of direction is coming through us. We have a gut feeling about where to go.  We moved before the house was sold because we know where we are meant to be and  go wtih that, knowing details are falling into place. This is about shifting energy vibration into a state of openness and receptiveness to limitlessness.  It is when you feel connected to all life. You are tapped into intuition.  Inspired action guides you to goals.  As you listen to this inner voice, synchronicity is more noticable. Whether or not you were taught reality is illusion before now, adopting this belief empowers you to create and realize what might otherwise seem impossible before now.
 Access advanced states of mind
Approaching self-mastery involves conscious control of your thoughts and brainwaves.  As you realize you determine how you respond to the world, you become an active participant and can retrain the mind. The key is to align both brain hemispheres so they generate the same high brainwaves at the same time.  Matthieu Ricard, and other monks have had their brain waves studied during deep medtiative states. Reaseach shows that forgiveness allows people to access similar high states as well as tap into incredible abilities. Forgive everyone who has hurt you, and this shifts you into higher vibrations of love. The authentic love vibration is the key to bending reality.  Boosting alpha brain waves increases your access to inspiration.  Boosting even higher theta waves gives you more frequent access to psychic abilities so you sense what to do, who to contact and it happens, as if by magic.  Yet magic is only a term you use when you do not understand that you transform your life energetically from the inside out.

5 Tips to Feel at more home

You may contemplate moving or know people who have or are. On the surface, this may appear to be for work or new relationships. We are taught that ancient cultures moved regularly, based mainly on seasons and migrating to where different kinds of food was plentiful. Some nomadic cultures still do. Yet, logical reasons aside, is another explanation possible? What if deep down, the urge to change home or other surroundings is based on something unseen that you feel?

Moving house is a symptom of energy shifts going on inside you.  We are constantly changing our levels and states of energy, but many of us do it unconsciously, allowing moods and emotions to determine our state of mind, as well as the external situations.  What if feeling at home where you are is the key to bringing the highest qualities into your life experience? Ponder these 5 tips:

1. See your home as a mirror

At some stage, you will begin to see how your home reflects your belief systems, sense of self-worth, how authentic or natural you are portraying yourself. Be willing to explore this and change or evolve. You may feel your idenitity or what feels right shifting.  People may call you crazy or brave. New values and perspectives are urging you to transform your inner life which is influencing your outer environment to change (or inviting you to move).

2. Renovate your home and life

At this point, you begin to realize that you cannot become your best self without being willing to make changes inside. It grows more obvious what depletes your energy. Yo may feel compelled to put in bigger windwos, rip down physical walls or completely change some aspects of your living environment to suit what is shifting within you. If you resist change, you notice reistsance severely depletes your energy.

3.  Accept what comes to the surface

Many people assume feeling at ease with yourself means an immediate removal of all the heavy energies, and a sudden transformation from a deep sleep to immediate accpetance of all that evokes dscomfort. IN truth, the awakening journey involves constant fluctuations as karmic energy comes to the surface and you work to rid your energy body of those experiences and emotions.  You may have deep wounds from your childhood, past relationships, and past lives that need a lot of attention and healing before you can move forward.

4.  Be willing to shift focus

The desire to move house is a symptom of other shifts going on inside you. When you go out to a restaurant, grocery store, or bank, you may start to see existing ways of functioning as irrelevant or harmful to the greater purpose you are feeling about life. You start to become disinterested in material items, shopping, eating out, and redefine “normal” . You may start to find more solace and meaning in nature and exploring your creativity.  One of the biggest transformations people go through during vibrational shifts is a longing to get out of their current job or home, and to move into a new role or home that echoes their true purpose. Many people even start their own businesses as entrepreneurs, get into life coaching or energy healing arts. When you feel stifled in your current environment, you being to take action to evolve into your greater purpose.

5. Love yourself more

During this time, you probably will feel a deeper connection to Earth and all its beings. When you see pollution in the air, animals being tortured, or someone crying, you will likely experience a strong reaction and wish you could instantaneously heal everything and everyone on Earth.  As you recall how it feels to love yoruself more, you naturally love others more, which deepens empathy towards others. Perhaps redefine your sense of home not only within, but also imagine your harmonious inside energy expanding outwards not only into your home but also into the neighborhood, community, city, region, country, hemisphere, earth, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, source and therefore within again as a complete circuit.  


5 hints you are on the right path

Its common to wonder whether you are getting anywhere.  You may have a vision of where you see yourself, a message you wish to convey, or be working on a project and feel impatient or confused about the results.  Ponder these ten hints everything is unfolding perfectly

1. You are increasingly honest with yourself

The more you express how you feel, right where you are and what you want or not, the more you begin to see the power and vibrational energy of honesty in action. The universe is always listening. It is a soundboard that echoes back your feelings and emotions in different forms.

2. You grow more open and receptive

In modern day, we are bombarded with messages, opportunities, mail and advertising.  Notice how often you say to yourself you keep receiving what you never asked for and do not want.  Step back.  Reflect again.  Whatever you ask for is always given. You have a role in co-creating everything that enters your scope.  You decide what to notice and how to respond.  Imagine how your experience shifts as you choose to notice what is helping or could help you rather than what is lacking, frustrating or confusing you.  

3. You notice more synchronicities

Everything you need (i.e. people and opportunities) are ever-present.  Whomever and whatever shows up in your radar appears for a purpose. What is it about striking up conversations with strangers who have relatives in the place you are moving to or, have familliarity with something you wish to learn about? Just happen to notice an opportunity that resonates with your soul? 

4. You speak as if its already done

When you are confident and visualize details of your vision coming together promptly, this cannot help but present itself to you.  You must believe  in yourself before anyone else will (including the universe that co-creates with you).  Things come together as the result of taking more responsibility for your actions, perception and growing aware of everything you choose not to see. If ever you allow doubt to cloud your vision or imagine any possibility other than a blossoming vision, then you are creating a very different kind of experience.  Being in harmony with yourself is about thoughts, words and deeds being all in harmony. Focus on wellness, optimum functioning and trust heartfelt intuition at every apparent curve in the road. 

5. You make the most of whatever happens

This is about choosing to love rather than to fear, to connect with people rather than detach or disconnect.  It is about making the most of where yo uare, being spontaneous, laughing more, seeing the best possible outcome, even feeling joy at an outdoor event in a rainstorm while drenched.  All events can be felt as stepping stones to a higher vibrational perception of wherever you are.  When you seem to get lemons, watch what happens as you choose to make lemonade!