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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in nature (68)


Reach a New Milestone

Notice as we reach a new milestone, come to the end of something, or feel ready to close a life chapter, the thinking mind would like to clarify what is next, or cling somehow to the familliar. It may seem like such a jungle "out there" and evoke fear and confusion. Looking for clarity and the nature of the game? Go deep inside. Travel inward. Uncover our timeless inner resources. Bravely explore the unknown. See where this winding journey takes us. Spread those wings!


Awaken Hidden Abilities

Notice awakening is growing aware of ego identification and realizing self as something other than the false self, which is a common assumption. Awakening is not only an intellectual understanding, but a realization, energetic shifts in perspective. Stages of awakening involve dramatic shifts of consciousness, the activating of subtle senses and energy systems that you may not have known existed. Just as going from the dream state to the waking state can involve a major shift of identity and perception, awakening to true nature can involve shifts in relationship, lifestyle, home, and more. It is another way of being and receiving, decoding and transmitting energy. So long as one lives an ego-driven life, one is not awake. As cosmic energy flows freely, it speaks in vibration and symbols beyond 3D explanations. Telepathic and other natural abilities come online. The universe reveals more than ever before.


Decode peace of mind

Notice an early morning walk and meditation in Nature sets the stage for an uplifting day and energizing moments. Settling into a new environment during major transitions is all about knowing peace of mind is the new sense of  "success", "wealth", "fulfilment" and "self-love", all rolled into one. Allow a timeless state to expand awareness and polish perception. Constricted awareness is tense, closed, insecure, and "stuck." Expanded awareness is open, carefree, secure, and flowing. Be here Now for life to expand and flourish. State of awareness is the lens through which we see a 3D world. Cosmic consciousness allows one to tap into or access multidimensional worlds and interstellar travel.


Access more timelines

Notice how we sense and experience the natural world mirrors how we tune and experience ourselves. The more we expand into cosmic consciousness, a sense of interconnectedness of all things, the more co-existing worlds and dimensions merge and enter our scope of awareness, the more the activating lightbody grows self evident. Through every thought and feeling, we determine the direction and energetic reality of our life. What we allow and fully integrate into our Being determines a range of accessible timelines.


An Integrated View of 

Notice how we feel about things influences our experience of them. For example, we hear varied views and data about health effects of 5G. Tune in. The effects are not necessarily what is often assumed. Fear vibration creates a different experience than the love vibration. Different levels of consciousness allow different degrees of receiving, decoding and transmitting energy. From One view, 5G brings no ill effects to our Light Body or Photonic body, which is the upgrade that Humanity will be brought to through the whole Neural Network Process. The overgoal is development of the Rainbow Light Body or Photonic Quantum Body. Some "suffering" may occur in order to be updated on a molecular level to a state where 5G will be lower than the brain function humans will then have. 5G is a lower level of Artifical Intelligence Grid Interfacing with the Human brain, to direct, influence and control human functions. Through higher consciousness, it is possible to access quantum communication directly, without chips, 5G or other "external" technologies. We are the ultimate technology. Nature provides potential for quantum abilities in every Human yet they often remain dormant, unsued or disconnected from optimal function. A continuous structure of neural communication is unfolding to create the galactic Earth civilisation among other galaxies, to achieve a human survival and advancement that will be comparable to Extra-terrestrial civilisations. The emerging consciousness is rendering previous ways of existing on this planet obsolete. Familliar structures are dissolving. Many do not exist in future timelines. Consciousness energy, spiritual life force is the power source. The Internet, SMART Cars, SMART Phone and related technology in the public sphere are precursors to the Sentient Photonoic Replicator System that exists already but not every Human yet accesses, (akin to 3D Printers on a Photonic level); another light system replicates food, clothing, material, using telepathic adavanced intelligence energy. Its all part of a neural processing system. We are catching up with a future integrated version of Self that already exists beyond our wildest imagination.