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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in responsibility (31)


It all comes back to you

It all comes back to you: where, when and how you do what you do and whether or not you change something. You create your own time-line.  You are the creator, the process of creating and that which is created.  It is a lot to swallow.  That is, it is a lot to take responsibility for.  Yet, from the moment you do, the nature of the game of life changes.

In other words, at this point, life is no longer about seeking guidance to improve relationships, job situations, health or other apparent external conditions.  Life is about being aware of how clever you are to orchestrate diverse situations.  It is about recognizing the lessons you create to reach and wake yourself up to the truth. Being life-centered in the present moment transforms how you see yourself and the world. It changes you from a seeker into something else.  Explore it.


Notice what matters

Notice what matters is not what you think but how you feel and what this points toward.  Be aware why the urge to disagree arises, why you feel resistance or conflict inside yourself.  

You are conditioned to assume that opposition arises in relation someone else.  From the moment you see everything and everyone you encounter in life is a mirror, the focus shifts.  Discover you can only ever be aligned or out of balance with true nature.  Any feeling of indecisiveness or restlessness points to denial of true nature.  Get in touch with deeper self.  You generate the questions and also hold all answers. It takes no-thing to go from here to here.


What makes life easier?

You may ask what makes life easier? Get into the mode of self-inquiry. Brace yourself: everything that happens in your life you have chosen, asked for and created. In this way, everything that unfolds is inviting you to own it, to take responsibility and grow.

Recognize you are not defined by your conditions or unfolding events in your life. Ask yourself what each experience teaches you. Appreciate all that arises. Be detached. Do not permit emotions to control you. Ask why you create situations that preoccupy you. Why do you need this? How does this invite you to exapand and be greater love? 'Why' is the query that triggers breakthroughs and transformation. You gain insights and clarity at the pace you are willing to accept. Being aware allows access to inner peace.


Expand spiritual growth

Some people ask how many levels exist in this dream?  Everything depends on perspective.  As strange as it may seem, you orchestrate exactly where you are and have everything available to you to complete the mission.  You have ability to heal yourself from past deeds perceived or incurred in previous incarnations.  Every lesson expands spiritual growth.  Your mission unfolds on many levels. Sense the love, the opportunities to show compassion, to act responsibly, to function in harmony and appreciation.  Experience the reason for creation of the universe. Feel the love expanding.  Learn and unlearn the nature of love.


Everything is temporary

Everything is temporary.  You can choose to make the most of where you are or not.  You can choose to feel satisfied with the nature of your current experience and retain some meaningful lessons or forget it all.  Nobody but you is responsible for what is happening, for what you are thinking and feeling.  You can stop and rewind the tape or let is continue in another direction.  Play it backward, sideways, even fast forward. What is it to be? What if revelations about what is temporary help you feel your way through what is unreal to sense the real?

"Everything [unreal] is temporary. Everything [unreal] is bound to end." -Keren Ann