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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in responsibility (31)


Be aware

One perspective is that different stages of awareness exist.  If you perceive and experience life in terms of past, present and future, then you can be aware after you have done something, as you are doing something and before you are going to do something.  Reflecting consciously on an experience allows you to be more fully  awake.  You gain insight and understanding. Whenever awareness penetrates deeply, you grow more mindful, foresee possibilities, and recognize you shape what unfolds.  Take responsibility to Transform your Life.


Why feel invisible or powerless? 

As the story goes, a stone buddha statue is revered by many people.  They approach it by ascending mountain using a series of stone steps. One evening, after the people are gone, the steps express a few words with this statue;

"It is not fair!," cried the steps. "We are carved out of stone from the same mountain and yet people flock to walk all over us and only ever bow down to you.  How can this be possible?"

The buddha statue listened in silence.  When the was ready, he replied: 

"You, as steps, were formed by a few cuts of a knife. I emerged from that same stone yet, only after more than ten thousand cuts." 

As a reminder, we influence each other and all of life with our intention.  We can transform our experiences from fear to love or not.  The rising sun offers new conditions.  The more one thinks of oneself as invisible and powerless, the more one can grow aware of the inner judge, why we blame or envy and how every emotion brings consequences.  One can exert creative power responsibly or irresponsibly.   


Life is more than a game

The world is your oyster.  You decide what is in your scope of awareness, which opportunities to create or block, and whether you choose to go deeper inside the self to explore more subtle energies.  You may also be drawn to explore power centres on different levels.  To access power centres requires expanding self-awareness.  As you awaken, you grow more conscious and naturally take responsibility.

In other words, whatever you experience is dependent on your evolution or remembering.  To imagine a series of gates creates them.  You grow aware of a guardian stationed at each gate.  Suddenly, you sense you are the guardian, the gate, the challenge and the solution.

As awareness grows, you sense how to contact a guardian so that whatever form it takes understands you.   Telepathy is only one tool among many. In this sense, life is like a video game.  You move through levels of tasks that reflect stages of maturity and wisdom.  Everything is based on skills you acquire or awaken within. Every choice and encounter reveals how you engage to Transform Your life


Create new pathways

Create new pathways by generating new thoughts.  You think yourself into life.  You certify yourself as being whatever labels you adopt. There is no mystery to this.  Simply take responsibility for defining success within the parameters that are you.  Every moment, you reconnect to some part of the real you.

You can take any vehicle you choose to get to where you wish to go.  What does it mean to be aware? To be spiritually-awake? People sometimes feel conflicted when they use technology. If it works for you, use it.

Tools and teachers are available to guide you during your journey.  It all comes down to realizing nothing outside of self offers you the answers you require.  Guides you trust help get you on track or, encourage you to shift focus if you feel temporarily lost or confused.  Reach out to rediscover what feels right.

You are here by choice. This is a step in your own transformation.  You are making choices that empower you to awaken and experience this physical life more fully.  Consider varied tools available to you or suggest some more.


Reach for a new perspective

You may chuckle at the idea of connecting with other dimensions, different ways of seeing or states of being that do not resonate with your current views. How do you respond to the prospect of change?

Reaching for a new level of self-awareness and understanding invites you discern your self-created limitations.  It encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, to take responsibility for yourself.

At this moment, you contemplate some adjustment, a shift in opinion or life change with implications. Notice possible reasons why discomfort and resistance present.  Why do they reach out for you?

Nothing happens without purpose.  You are here for reassurance and guidance and what you feel is a friendly reminder.  Reconnect with your own unconditional state of freedom. Its the sacred grail of love.