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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in responsibility (31)


5 Tips to Reframe Change

People ask when is the right time to re-evaulate their vision of success, lifestyle or other areas of life.  The underlying questions we are asking are; 1) how often do we hear and respond to intuition? and how quickly do we manifest visions? Many books suggest its possible to create faster than is common practice.  If change beckons, yet we are indecisive or unsure about changes,  it is wise to examine different areas of our lives in  detail. For now, here are 5 tips; 

1. Read our emotions

If anxiety, fear or doubt are frequent, this is an invitation to step back and re-evaulate priorities, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Emotions tell us whetherwe favor logical or intutive choices.

2. Be aware of left & right brain 

To grow clearer about what is and is not working, it helps to recognize whether and how often we engage each side of the brain. Left brain is characterized by logic, reasoning and competition and survivial instincts.  Right brain is characterized by creative expression and imagination.

3. Understand the cosmic dynamics 

Manifesting your dreams and making life changes is not always in our control. Consider we each begin with elements of our dreams from conception.  This grows from DNA, gender, astrological data, socio-economic environment and health of the physical body. From birth, this “package” shapes a certain range of choices  we work with in our life. Although we have free will, we are born within parameters of choice we have teh pwoer to shape and change based on awareness.

4. Explore frequency & vibration

Tesla echos: ‘If [we] want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.' This is deep.  Every choice we make influences the vibration of our life direction.

5. Take greater responsibility

Imagine how life shifts as we take greater responsibility for our life choices, directions and related outcomes. What if we begin to see the role of our conscious and unconscious mind in perceived successes and failures? This invites us to revisit experiences from different views.


3 Ways to get closer to truth

Whenever an imbalance or illness arises, while its important to treat physical symptoms, unless you recognize and address underlying causes, physical difficulties simply continue.  There's always more going on undetected by the logical mind and physical senses. This is an invitation to pay closer attention, to go deeper into what you resist seeing and addressing within.

1. Take responsibility for the process of your own healing 

This is not about always doing everything yourself. Reaching our for guidance can be helpful.  Deep healing is not about fixing physical issues. Rather, its a much broader process that gets at the root of underlying causes of physical, emotional, psychic or social disfunction. 

2.  Recognize your dysfunctional behaviours

Few people see themselves clearly.  We see through distorted filters of belief which allows us to avoid facing what drives us at the core. This is about making core values that drive the shadow, conscious. So long as you feel unfulfilled or unworthy, for example, you are programmed to compensate for perceived inadequacy in your behaviours.

3. Sacrifice your dysfunctional behaviour

Making the conscious choice to give up certain behaviours takes a lot of courage. It may feel like a sacrifice. Yet, you cannot give up anythng real. When you are ready to explore the true meaning of integrity, and live this on many levels, you are getting closer to who you are. This is about remembering what the flow feels like. It is not about appeasing anyone. It is about letting go.


5 Tips to feel more energized

When feeling drained, you are taught to seek new sources of energy and new ways of generating energy. It is common to exeriment with food and reduce or eliminate certain items from your diet.  It is also common to focus attention on activities to build physical endurance, stamina and dexterity and to stop doing what makes you feel heavy, tired and unmotivated.  All approaches have their place. Yet, what if you could access more energy instantly?  Consider 5 tips to feel more energized:
1. Accept things as they are

When you accept something as it is, your ability to change the situation changes. Whatever you accept in this moment, you are free and your aliveness blossoms. From the moment you see your responsibility is limitless, you accept everything the way it is. Whenever you deny responsibility at any level, you deny the way things really are. Conscious or unconscious denial is a form of resistance and both are draining.
2. Let go of enslavement

When you react to something, you are enslaved to that.  When you get angry, that to which you direct your anger is in control of you. The basis of creation is acceptance otherwise you are a series of reactions. Reactions are draining physically, emotionally and mentally. Being a calm observer balances and stabilizes your energy levels.

3. Be aware of mental creation
Action is about the next moment. Previous moment is about what appears to have passed.  You can only think about past and future. Yet, your whole experience of life is always in this moment. Any other moment is imagination. Thinking about past and future is not a problem. The problem arises when this moment is forgotten.  The next moment is not inevitable. Mind does not know future. Mind takes its understanding of past and reshapes it. Focusing on a future implies you only see it as a repetition of the past. This is draining.

4. Be in this moment

Being in this moment is tapping into the unlimited power house. Living in the moment is not the same as living for the moment. Living for the moment is the pleasure-seeker's life. The feeling of 'not-enough' or dissatisfaction is draining.  This is the reason for constant seeking of new sorts of plaeasure. Living in the moment is not something you have to tell yourself. Simply sense the next moment is full of unlimited possibilities.
5.  Be authentic  

Ever notice that when you are not true to yourself, when you do not heed intuition, life feels draining?  Being authentic is like a direct connection with the source power of your core.  It enables you to tap into untapped energy, unlimited source of inspiration, confidence and fearlessness. The more you are true to yourself, the more enthusiasm and energy flow.  When you are in the logic of your head, everything seems to take effort.

The moment is here

The moment is here for a shift in perspective, frequency and way of life. No more are we able to say something may or may not happen.  No longer can we self-doubt or resist accepting and expressing our deepest truth.  Shifting energetic gears means it is impossible to tell or manifest another lie.

This is the moment from which we take full responsibility for all we create, encounter, perceive, and however we respond.  Everything is simply a different version of ourselves, testing our own resolve, helping us draw out and exercise our forgotten abilities.  This is the moment to feel revitalized and guided by the growing intensity and momentum within.

This is the moment endless courage, confidence, inspiration flow naturally and seamlessly. This is the moment to consciously design and manifest the existence only spoken or dreamed about previously. In the blink of an eye, everything required is presenting, communicating  with and through you, and details are coming together.

Step back and take a panoramic view of your life in all its ebbs and flows.  The ebbs are pointing to the flow, that everything required is already accessible. Whether its money, relationships, opportunities, contacts, direction or some other  path or solution, everything is already engaging in silent dialogue with you. Stop, probe deeper, and listen. Everything is part of an endless stream of synchronicity tuned into at will.


The gift of responsibility

Ponder the gifts you give yourself. Some are more obvious than others.  All you have to do is trust your intuition, trust those inclinations the logical mind cannot explain.  You determine your dreams, encounters and experiences and you also have power to change direction. Notice when things are flowing smoothly, you do not grow.  Discomfort as well as impulses to do what seems new or out of character, are opportunities to gain insight into yourself.

The moment arises when you cannot "numb out" anymore. Life choices you outgrow or that do not resonate with your soul, prompt you to reflect and move in new directions.  In essence you shake yourself up.  This can take the form of nightmares, redundancy, relationship changes, geographic moves or visions of seeing yourself somewhere other than where you are.  Whatever unfolds, change is imminent. How you respond is completely up to you.

Each human being invites him/herself to take new levels of resonsibility.  Being responsible means responding to what is needed.  This is the moment to wake up and change your reality.  Empower yourself.  

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