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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in vibration (158)


Recall what aliveness feels like

Notice to begin to feel more alive is to recall what happiness truly feels like. Its a deep visceral journey. Living from or being guided by 'Soul' implies total aliveness, not with or due to someone else, or some situation, but with yourself. This version of absolute aliveness has no outward causes. It is ever-present and also inalterable. Free will simply implies one can tune into/ out of any vibration.
To lose touch with Soul, is to lose touch with the basic source of core vitality, aliveness, and creative inspiration. Coming back to listen differently, coming full circle, is about surrendering to wholeness, tuning into self-love and appreciation in unforeseen ways. Divine guidance is everywhere. True love is the way of no expectation. Love exists only in total acceptance where there is no desire to change anything. Anything else is not unconditional love, but desire or judgment.
This journey of existence offers endless insight into freedom of mind and the truth of suffering. Find courage to be real. Listen to the heart rather than mind. Be satisfied with life in the present. Explore the unknown. The journey of facing oneself can be very painful, yet what is revealed is beyond mind's imagination.

Shift from Belief to Awareness

Notice many people talk about what they want and wonder why it all does not simply show up. Turns out, if we are not in vibrational alignment with what we are requesting, it cannot show up. This is the Universal Law of Energy in motion.
Truth is, as our vibration increases, we start to achieve and experience harmony with the universe on many levels. Some remain unseen. For those we do see, this has nothing to do with random occurrences, "getting lucky" or stumbling on the right people or opportunities. The higher or more expansive our vibration, the more we consciously control our reality, align with what resonates in our Soul.
Many ways exist to sustain a higher vibration. In essence, its about creating body-mind coherence, so the body and mind work in perfect synchrony, like an orchestra with many instruments. To align with core vibration stabilizes us on a frequency much like each of us can tune into a preferred station on a radio dial.
Come what may, attitude and consistent practices are important. This is how we rewire the brain, create new connections and simultaneously raise our energy. All this has huge consequences in the external physical world. Of course, its one thing to read about a concept. Its quite another to put it into practice and manifest directly for ourselves in real time experience. This is the path of the alchemist, the Hero's journey. That is, an energetic shift occurs from belief in heresay to awareness of what is always here and allowing it to enter our field.

The Ultimate Pointer

Notice the body functions on instinct. Consciousness operates naturally through intuition (or the language of the Soul). To accept and act on instincts with absolute joy, without guilt or judgement, guides us to feel into intuition. If it seems body and soul are in conflict, this invites closer attention inside ourselves.
The body and soul share a vision yet operate on different planes. And just as instinct functions in its own way, through signs and signals that are learned and read, so does intuition have a language of symbols, feelings, sensations that the human journey guides us to recognize and trust implicitly. This is inner harmony.
Intellect is a bridge and a potential disturbance on our journey to expanding consciousness. Intellect is where fear can take hold. Its up to us whether we tune in and respond. Any fear we hold is rooted in fear of death. This prevents us from truly living. Fear tells us we have reason to feel trapped, that free will is out of reach. The vibration of fear disconnects us from our divine power, true Self, love essence, creativity, intuitive guidance, freedom. Fear focuses us on the external.
Every person and situation is a prospective encounter, teacher and guide to see deeper into ourselves. Each one can be viewed as a hindrance or a stepping-stone to experience the vibration of a higher plane of functioning. As we shift into multidimensional being, we relate to intellect as a stepping-stone. It dawns every thought and feeling we create emits a vibration into the universe. As we master our own thoughts and feelings, we master energy flow and shape new realities.

See Life in a Nutshell

Notice none of us is a stranger to the darkness, to challenges or adversity. We exist to make the unconscious, conscious, to face our version of dark, to bring it to light and see things as they are. This is the cultural metaphor of the Hero's Journey, quest for the Holy Grail, the blossoming of the thousand-petalled lotus.
Admittedly, experience is not always wonderful. We might find ourselves engaged in conflict, feeling rejected, abandonned, humilated, betrayed, experiencing injustice or other suffering. Yet, we thrive in unlikely conditions. We are like the phoenix, rising from the ashes as we grow conscious of wisdom of true nature.
Everyone of us is special. None of us is like anyone else. Solving our own mysteries, unveiling, materializing our gifts, translating those into service, is the point of this human experience. We move through layers of energy fields at our own pace, detect and perceive is based on expanding levels of consciousness.



Transform your frequency

(Image Credit: visionary art Samuel Farrand)
Notice what we perceive in a non-physical environment is determined by our sklll in reading and translating energy transformations. In holographic reality, energy shifts and changes in stages that evolve from one state or form to the next.
Every moment, our body receives, decodes and transmits light. Our experience varies based on level of consciousness and intiations successfully passed. At any given moment, our perception of reality reflects our understanding of ourselves.
As we allow blockages to dissipate, to communicate in new ways, we deepen adventures in consciousness. Every adventure has an entry point, a middle and an exit point. Some relate to a beginning, middle and end of a path. Others relate to a spiral or simply energy in motion without a predicable path. Come what may, each chapter or stage of the journey alters us. We are never again the same.
As it is, we transform in parallel with the evolving journey. To be on the same wavelength as someone allows us to read the mind. tap into the hive mind or collective consciousnes is to know that telepathy is possible on a wider scale. This is not an easy shift for everyone. Deeper connection happens through the vibration of compassion. Learn to tune your own frequency.