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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in wisdom (33)


Honour Being in-Limbo

Notice amidst ongoing shifts in consciousness, emotional and global upheavals, its crucial to honour the "liminal space", in-between gap or transitional phases of transformation. There are periods of being "in-limbo", when what used to make sense to you no longer does and yet, you still resist completely letting go with peace and certainty to move ahead, above, beyond. It touches relationships, situations, identity- previous foundations or perceived truths of your reality are crumbling. Its those points where the mind does not yet see clearly where to go from here, does not yet completely accept or reject new ways of seeing, know how you will survive or operate beyond the familliar. This is where surrender happens.
It is my experience that we discover a great deal of freedom during this process of shifting to think less and feel more along our winding road. A similar feeling arises during lucid dreaming as we come to sense different levels of awarness and energetic activity.  This freedom does not necessarily imply the total elimination of suffering or all our expectations. And yet, it does free us to live more fully, can lead to profound changes in character, priorites and being open and receptive to the unusual and unforeseen.
From the moment we begin to accept we do not have to know everything, that our assumptions are unfounded, that ideas of past and future are distractions to the ultimate truth, our life shifts in profound ways. New opportunities arise as if from nowhere, what we had aspired to or struggled toward unfolds without effort, teachers and invisible guides make themselves known. Suddenly, it feels natural to experience pure presence. This is about bringing the ind to the present moment, seeing blessings & wisdom in whatever presents.



Reclaim forgotten power

Notice each of us is the authority in our own version of reality yet for varied reasons, tend to forget this and give our power away. Let this moment be a turning point. Its up to each of us to take responsibility to move our lives forward, to grow aware of and let go of what no longer serves our highest good and the good of all. Reclaiming inner power can involve starting to see ourselves as the beautiful, strong, bold, and courageous beings we are created to be, putting heartfelt knowing into action. Reclaiming power also happens each instance we choose to forgive and love what we are taught to fear or hate so we can move on and it no longer controls us. Blossoming into more of true divine nature is about growing in wisdom and maturity to decode the signs and signals we give ourselves. Love the journey.


Reactivate the Truth inside

(Image: solar faraes credit NASA)

Notice every instance you recognize and let go of some ego-driven focus or pursuit, you are recalibrating energy, strengthening and re-vitalizing natural systems of energy fields. In order to rebuild the Earth fields to a level they were in ancient times, that is, that were connected by an active, global, interconnected free-flowing energy pyramid system, we have to purify psychological resistances and attain liberation from ego. Seeing what is real within oneself, loving our true being fully, only happens as we see through the ego as it works through us, and shift to act in resonance with the the real. This radiance enables what is real to shine and emerge in others. To function optimally, we must vibrate the core frequency consistently. The nature of emptiness makes space for the fullness of natural energetic capacities to transform reality on an unfathomable scale. Every stage of consciousness emits vibration to shape our course. We each have a unique path. To what degree we allow conscious shifts within and the level we build our capacity to hold energy, is our compass to create and navigate new realities. Meditate on it.


Embrace the whole journey

Notice each of us is on a journey. We have opportunities to join our own dots about who we are and why we are here. Based on our own allowing and resistance, direct experience leads us to grow aware of more innate wisdom. What we read in books or hear from others, can lead us to reflect but does not itself activate our alchemical process. No shortcuts exist to what can only be fully activated within based on our choices and shifts in consciousness. Being aware of the divine radiance in our midst mirrors what we may not yet recognize in ourselves. As the internal compass comes alive, one shifts to tune into True self and sees the unified view in the ether before it manifests in 3-D.


5 Words to Clarify Purpose

You may find yourself asking, “What do I want in life right now?” So, revisit purpose.

At different life stages, you may define success, fame, money, wisdom, fulfillment and words like “happiness”. Generally though, when asked, people reply with a combination of these things and what they cannot describe. You may not reflect too much until at some point, the issue of deeper purpose arises in mind and you cannot shake it. Whether or not you realize it, you unconsciously chase the answer during much of your life, creating experiences, for the pursuit of something you may not put your finger on. Soul purpose may then take shape in surprising ways.

  Never before has HUmanity known so much about what we consciously and subconsciously look for in life.  For starters, we may be prompted to look at different life areas but this only begins to touch the surface.  Consider five words to further explore how you see yourself and the nature of your purpose.

1. Survival

2. Harmony

3. Connection

4. Growth

5. Release