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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (632)


Create radical forgiveness and self-love

Notice during this journey of human existence, we often encounter challenges, forcing us to confront our shadows and question the dynamics of our relationships. Such experiences can lead us to a renewed sense of freedom and joy, as we uncover valuable lessons from introspection and deep self-work.
Ram Dass inspires us to explore the power of shadow work and forgiveness to feel more harmonious. He echoes all we do, every action and intention, unfolds within the privacy of our heart. This profound truth highlights our innate ability to shape the external world based on our internal landscape. Our thoughts, emotions, and intentions hold immense power, and by cultivating self-awareness, we can consciously create a reality that aligns with our true self.
Shadow work, essential to growth, unveils the hidden aspects of our psyche. It reveals the nature of our shadows, which learn to disguise themselves to fulfill their own needs. These shadows manifest as dysfunction, creating disharmony and disconnect in our lives. Still, shadow work offers us opportunity to recognize these shadow aspects with compassion and understanding.
Sometimes, painful experiences serve as catalysts for deeper self-reflection. A challenging encounter, like a recent exchange with my family about my decisions for my kids' home education, prompted me to question why I am viewed as a "bad person." Despite the initial urge to blame, I realized the power to change the narrative is within me. Understanding that everything is done within the privacy of our own hearts empowers us to explore what needs to shift inside.
Through shadow work, I discovered that my shadows sought to create a world of fear, chaos, and disconnection by projecting my own fears onto others. For years, in seeking acceptance, I unconsciously surrendered my power to those around me. Yet, this realization led me to see I am a loving and compassionate being. Shadows within are responsible for my own perception of dysfunction that manifests externally. By embracing self-love and recognizing our shadows, we can release the need for external validation and reclaim personal power.
To allow our transformation, the practice of surrender is key. Yet this is not giving up or giving in, its about "letting go" of old stories, projections, judgments we carry within. Creating space within our hearts for something new to manifest requires release. Central to this process is the radical act of forgiving self and others. Forgiveness does not always require we involve those we forgive directly. It is an internal process, allowing us to let go of resentment and create healing within. Recognizing that everything we do unfolds within our hearts empowers us to take ownership of our experiences and create positive change.
Shadow work unveils the nature of our shadows, allowing us to address and integrate them with compassion. By releasing the need for external validation and embracing self-love, we reclaim personal power and create a foundation for inner transformation.
Feel into the power of the mantra, "Let go, something magical is about to happen." This mantra beautifully encapsulates the essence of our journey. By surrendering to the flow of life, we create space for something extraordinary to unfold. So, let us release our attachments, embrace the transformative power of shadow work and forgiveness, and allow the magic of life to unfold before us. May we find solace in the privacy of our hearts and embrace the transformative power that lies within us.



We collectively change reality

Notice we are collectively participating in and changing how we understand reality. Call it what you will, when ready, a quantum leap in consciousness triggers deeper remembering. At any moment, to see beyond illusion helps us realize we have innate ability to activate dormant systems, transform energetic reality. All of us, individually and collectively, have access to layers of reality that are not yet fully evident to all. Tuning into a certain frequency is key to Individual access of vast energetic worlds. Stages of awakening unleash awareness, so one recognizes open cosmic doorways. Rather than transcend "normal" human consciousness, superconsciousness is simply the act to reverting to our natural or optimal state of being.
Awareness, the subconscious and superconsciousness comprise the triple nature of the mind. However, to achieve a full and specific harmony, you need to know the nature and distinctive features of all areas of our mind and how to use them correctly. This is the path from fragmentation (ego agenda) to wholeness (true soul purpose).
Recall the mystic Nisargadatta Maharaj stated: “The real does not die; the unreal never lived."



Notice to be aware is an ongoing process. Awareness is not an end goal. Time is illusion so beginning, middle, end are illusions. As we develop mindfulness, purify thoughts and feelings within, we grow aware of the present personality and the core along with all the influences, distractions, distortions. As deeper energy discernment arises, sources of influence within and beyond our own energy field, are felt. Many stages exist in awakening. It is not a single "event."
At some stage, it dawns spiritual growth and personal growth are the same. This is a purification and process of rediscovery of who we truly are.  We are constantly interfacing with other versions of Self in parallel timelines and worlds. Expansion of consciousness allows for non-verbal, energetic and telepathic exchanges unaffected by space-time. Accelerating changes in the physical world echo ongoing internal structural transformation and transmutation. Coming to adapt and accept conditions beyond our control is a learned skill, part of the journey to self-mastery.

Awaken your Light Body

Your Light body is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. Your light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level, closer to your soul, than your chakras. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers, for a total of ten centers that power and make up your light body.
As you awaken your light body you will learn how to change less harmonious energies into positive ones and use the energy around you to go higher. You may experience a stronger sense of personal power and a greater ability to control your emotions, stay centered, release old blocks and stuck emotional energy, and respond with love and compassion.
Your light body opens doorways to the higher realms of light, such as the soul plane. Awakening your light body assists you in adding light to your thoughts, opening your channel upward, and connecting with the Universal Mind. As you awaken your light body you will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life.

Listen to wake up calls

Notice what it is to remember and embody the power of spiritual mysteries. Seeing from/ into varied perspectives alters what enters scope of awareness. The purification process elicits wake up calls. People we encounter always set us up to feel exactly how they feel. The unconscious is triggered unless we make it conscious, heal, outgrow it. The key is to shift to see from awareness behind it.
So, to resolve a conflict in your life, identify how you feel in the moment, realize this feeling is energetically self-created, and devise a solution based on those specific emotions. With awareness, we are empowered to change our response. Maturity happens as we encounter the same situation yet respond differently, in love and acceptance of self and understanding of the interconnectedness of all.
Consider a child or adult throwing a tantrum feels powerlessness or anger. Intense energy is hard to ignore. The point is we must feel, and respond in love to truly shift energy. Every relationship conflict arises to teach us something about ourselves.