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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in Be Your Dream (12)


Decode the secret of the universe

As you read here, you are ready to click the link below to watch a five part series that may rock your world. It may fundamentally change how you see what is going on around you and within.  In essence, it lays out how we actually live in a holographic universe. So, the reality you are taught to believe and struggle to fit into does not exist.

As you come to sense everything comes down to an electromagnetic impulse, you may be compelled to research further.  Do what feels right. If what you find does resonate, you may ask how you could you be so accepting to take it all in and what could possibly be next? You are not the only one. When you ask, answers are given.

As you awaken to a version of the truth that defies what is designed by the mind, you may wonder who can fix it.  This is only because your points of reference or grounding are projected by the mind and you are conditioned to fear what is beyond mind.  The real solution invites you to deepen connections with people around you.  Call it a dream if you choose, but there is more to your current perceived existence that the left brain and five senses reveal. This is already proven by Science, but it is rarely within conscious awareness of majority of poulation. People tend to turn a blind eye. You? 

The external world shares its secrets about matter through vibration.  Research is beginning to reveal  water is picking up information in the world, sharing and perceiving this over time as we use water and interact in natural ecosystems. What happens as you discover everything is energy and you can shift your energetic state more consciously? What happens as you sense something has taken acttion to stifle your innate abilities or blocked your access to them? How? Why is this coming to your attention now? That is for you to discern. Everything has perfect timing.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla


Notice the natural intention

The mind would have you believe that there is such a thing as a natural intention.  Notice the origin of intention.  Recognize the nature of conditioning.  Feel how the heart responds. 

Amidst the apparent hustle bustle in the external world, stillness is present and aware.  It allows you to see through a lens of timeless observation and touch the soul. You notice the ideas, the body, self-view and noise that capture your attention, do not look the same. Feel how you are the energy that flows intuitively through beliefs and emotions without intellectual purpose.

In essence, divine grace is present. A natural or cosmic intention exists.  This is not the same as the intention conceived by the human mind. Allow the truth to reveal itself. Align with what triggers uplifting awareness.  You open up to expand into more than the mind can chew. Who is the seer of it all? Be the Dream then awaken.  Be the directionless point with no boundaries.

"I think that growth and spiritual awareness come in slow increments. Sometimes you don't know it's happening." -Mariel Hemingway 


Knowing your life purpose

So often, people allow fear and insecurities to trick them into postponing their dream.  Your mind may echo that you are not ready to take the next step and provide endless excuses to rationalize staying where you think you are, doing something you dislike. However, the ways you focus and see things always serves you.  Its up to you to realize how.

As you step back and watch the ego mind, you may notice it tells you that you have other priorities.  You may notice it echos you do not have the time, money, skills, training or degrees to realize a given goal.  This kind of talk plays on your self-worth and can deflate your enthusiasm and confidence, but only if you permit that. Fears and insecurities exist when you believe in them and allow them to hold you back.

Observing your own thoughts also helps you begin to realize the ego has motives for saying what it does.  You can appreciate what it has to say and you can also choose not to allow it to keep you from doing what inspires you.  Why not Be your Dream? This choose-your-own adventure is like a kaleidoscope with infinite realities.

"I've never begun any important venture for which I felt adequately prepared."
-Sheldon Kopp


Miracles can be obsolete

Miracles strike many people as extraordinary events.  You may associate them with healing the sick against the odds.  You may sense they symbolize a natural sign of forgiveness,  freedom from fear, or overcoming obstacles. You may feel they inspire awe and appreciation, remind you of being loved.  Whatever your view, you may feel what you are taught abot miracles is increasingly irrelevant. How could that be?

What happens as you realize every moment has the potential to be a brilliant  moment, that every day has the potential to be a brilliant day? This means miracles are not maybe once in a lifetime experiences. What happens as you begin to sense miracles are ordinary and normal, that being one is like seeing through the lies you tell yourself?  Deep down, you know everyone has the power to do great things. You know you have the power to touch people you have never met.  In fact, you already are. This is about being open to recognizing truth amongst all the lies.  Awaken and Be your Dream.

"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but contrary to what we know about nature."
-Saint Augustine


Why surrender to broader knowing?

Every moment of physical existence, you are conditioned to resist what the heart tells you.  This happens as you are invited to adopt language and symbols, as you are taught to make choices that please others, as you are inclined to favor doubt over intuition.  That which you hold as your object of attention is part of your way of filtering and exploring what matters. You engage in life with selective awareness by choice.

Now, in this moment, new perspectives are always arising. Beyond the body you see, the essence of being is actually a force of energy. It sends you messages from a state of complete allowing, a state of no resistance.  That is, your personal perspective shifts into an observer. This witness is a perspective of broader, cosmic knowing.  It does not judge, doubt or fear.  As a pure consciousness, you are non-physically focused. This energy vibration is the most dominant vibrational part of you that shapes your perceived experience. So, why surrender to this broader knowing? Why Be your Dream now?

Notice what happens as you observe the ego mind rather than believe all it says and allow yourself to be contolled by it.  Focus shifts to unconditional love and appreciation of everything. Difference no longer exists. You see everything as a divine reflection. There is no separation. If you encounter conflict or judgment and take it personally, notice your energy vibration. How you feel about others mirrors how you are treating yourself. The state of your external world mirrors the vibration of your inner world.

"All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling." -Blaise Pascal