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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in intention (36)


Why expand consciousness?

(Visionary Art by Cameraon Gray)


Notice expansion of consciousness is essential right now. As old paradigms fall away, new realities emerge powered by consciousness-based systems. When one requests for material needs, the spiritual energy will manifest. That is, our advanced consciousness interfaces with the consciousness of the atoms of structures themselves.From the moment fear/ doubt cease to exist in our consciousness experience, materials materialize due to power of intention and belief in our own spiritual development. This relationship creates trust that allows the operation of Consciousness Physics on that level to occur and become a Physics and Art within our civilization and individuals. Imagine you recall what it is to transform your molecular body into consciousness at will. You would power vehicles, navigate through energy based on your consciousness mind alone. All Atlantean technological advancements were based on Consciousness as the means of operation. Consciousness belief structures were their power source throughout the Planetary Grid. DNA upgrades are happening and required to shift into molecular alignment with Universal Consciousness. More goes on than meets the eye. 


Create new brain pathways

(Image: Sacred Geometry by Samuel Farrand) 

Notice aspects of our illusory world must be consciously seen as they are and dismantled for our true calling or purpose to come to light. If we resist doing what feels right, dreams shake us up or tiny pockets of reality crumble to get us back on track. Certain roles, situations or relationships may no longer be aligned with who we are. Resisting what feels natural, or not listening to our inner voice, creates energy blocks. Every external event reflects deeper energetic shifts. They take shape as physical events moving us into greater harmony with Soul. The prime director is your “Higher Self”. Those that guide you to heed intuition take cues from your Higher Self as only you know what’s best for you. Your Higher Self is your Soul. That’s who chose your parents, body, family, friends and situations planned out through experiences. Your Higher Self makes no mistakes. The more in alignment you are with Higher Self, the easier things become. We have each uploaded Source Code to empower us to move ahead at our pace in our unfolding reality. We are already activating many abilities yet not using all consciously. Pattern recognition is emerging as we apply the power of intention. As you interact with what reflects your higher consciousness, you are interacting with your collective consciousness in both past and future in the same moment. Each instance wholeness mirrors back to you, you gather and process wisdom, experience and knowledge from other lifetimes at will. Many humans are attached to their current form. In order to change that, you invite a situation that allows change to happen. Current global events set the stage for internal restructuring or transition. All changes require a medium to create the change. By creating change, you change your consciousness, rewire the brain or create new brain pathways. This changes thoughts and behaviour patterns. To create a new reality, we transition into a new understanding, a more refined perspective of the same thing, from a different, more expanded point of view. 


Rediscover paradise

Notice though often overlooked or temporarily forgotten, we are one with Nature. Freedom is calling each of us on a unique path of remembering. This desire will take One to where it rises from: Self. All other desires burn in the fire of the divine Sun. An archer metaphor suits. Although our intentions and actions are under our control, the direction taken by the arrow as it leaves our bow of life is influenced by variables beyond our control. How we respond as the arrow flies is up to us. Do we rise up to a higher level, appreciate life from a whole new vantage point? All Nature calls us away from suffering and fear into our own Divine Being. Any sense of separation from the Divine, from Truth, is merely imagined into experience. This is how suffering is born. The unchanging, ever-present Truth in the hearts of All. The world is a mosaic of expressions in which each of us is invited to awaken. To discover paradise is already all around us is also to recognise paradise within. The serenity in Love is a kind of paradise. The Truth is Self-evident.


15 Ways to Be more Zen

Amidst all worldwide events unfolding, here are some ways to get in touch with what matters and be more Zen:
  1. Review priorities. (What is necessary & what can you let go?)
  2. Breathe & act slowly and deliberately
  3. Be okay with doing less
  4. Immerse regularly in Nature 
  5. Designate time for Self-love/ selfcare & service
  6. Integrate mindfulness into everyday
  7. Face everything with inner calm and peace
  8. See everyone as a Buddha/ master/ mentor 
  9. Be receptive to shifts in awareness & perception
  10. Set a daily intention
  11. Create space for negative emotions 
  12. Cultivate wise thoughts & spiritual practices
  13. Face a something you fear everyday
  14. Choose love, note fear (fear= resistance, love =openness) 
  15. View everything as a blessing

7 Tips to resource well-being

Resourcing is calling into play anything or anyone that supports your well-being. Such resources are a natural part of your life, yet the process of calling upon them wisely, quickly and easily must be learned.

What if you could:

1. Tap into resources within and around you with intention (including your own felt sense, to connect more deeply to your inner safe space)

2. Learn techniques for letting go of tension

3. Deepen your meditation practice

4. Cultivate body awareness to self-regulate (so you do not get overwhelmed by external stimuli)

5. Learn to bodyscan to let go of tighness

6. Activate sensations in the body to pinpoint inner resources

7.  Readily access untapped potential  

Gaining insight into your own power of intuitive healing enables you to work through trauma, live in harmony with authentic being and recalibrate energy and life conditions. Contact us to move beyond overwhelm and conditioned fight-or-flight responses.  Heal naturally and ease into your own inner peace.