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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in light (45)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Runaway Train

Dream: I  dream I go to the station to catch a train and somehow miss it.  This happens repeatedly. The scenario plays out over and over. I wear different clothes and each time I reach platform to watch train pull away.  What gives?

Insight:  In human waking life, are you waiting too long to make a decision? Life may show you many examples where you think you are just about to make it, yet don't and are confused, frozen or disappointed.  You may just about reach the mountaintop yet, something prevents it. You almost reach mouth-watering fruit in a tree, and then a bird gets it. You may just about win a race and stumble. You may strive to achieve a certificate that becomes obsolete or just miss getting a promotion.  The repeated 'almosts' are pointers.

The ego mind might echo things do not happen your way because you are not good enough, not experienced enough, not qualified eough, do not have enough stamina patience or whatever it takes. What other reason might exist?

When something happens repeatedly, it invites us to see what we are missing or not seeing clearly.  Reflect on the nature of delays in current experience. What are we postponing and why? Fear of something undesirable is the common answer. Being proactive changes the game. Rather than wait for something we may not want, speak our mind, create boundaries, step up the initiatives. IN chasing what we think we want, we may be missing something else.

On a more universal level, this dream is a metaphor for how the mind functions.  The mind is running after life and somehow seems to miss it continuously. Why? When we shift focus of attention away from the present moment to the past or future, we miss the proverbial boat. The dream itself symbolizes the mind.  It is always missing the train.  The mind is bound to miss what it is reaching for because in taking time to think, that thing is already gone. Time waits for nobody.  Its the analogy of sand slipping through fingers.

So, to live in the moment is to be spontaneous, trust and surrender to the unknown.  It is also to be enlightened, to feel truly alive wherever you are.  To think about anything is to miss it.  In this light, enlightenment (peace, bliss) is not a goal to work toward or something we decide to accept or not after exerting effort.  Its the revelation we only have the present moment to live, to take chances. The mind lives in tomorrows. To truly live only happens right now.  Say what you mean, mean what you say. Be brave Be here now. 

Among our services, we offer Dream Consultations to explore dreams on your wavelength.  We also offer an Astral, Luid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us to discuss.


Awaken to cosmic magi


(Art by JR Slattum -
Notice if my present day self was to converse with myself 5 or 10 years ago, I would have said, " I know you are living the best life you can, but you are missing some big pieces of a puzzle. You are not only a danger to self but also others. Yes, you are in an illusory world of your own making. In time, it will all crumble."
And so it did. From the moment my deeper unravelling began, I cannot express the words or process, but something unique and life changing happened in my perception of this world. It emerged and accelerated to the point that not only unleashed all I am, but a new version of all that is. New realities blew the mind. Funny, the most earth-shattering revelations unfold during the darkest period.
Turns out, awakening is happening whether we detect it or not. The pace it happens to and through us and the experiences that unfold are shaped by our allowing and resistance Whether we believe it or not, the moment of truth will come for each of us. We all have dormant knowing. Only as we stop can we see.
We are all already all that we are, yet those who seek remember. I cannot deny the impact of the dark night of the soul. I encounter others along the way and we all access cosmic magic. As for those who love and support me, whether asleep or awake, shifts and changes are undeniable. Only level of consciousness differs.
Unknown to some, my cosncious choices activate a vibration of deep knowing in them too, and the domino effect continues. As you come to realize who and what you are, and the veil is lifted, the lies, the mis-conditioning, the illusion and the physical want of the human flesh for form is revealed, life cannot feel same.
Peace and harmony echo core knowing. Awake is then- You, I, We and All. Suffering and chains of mind dissolve, attachment to matter, thought and physical self. Freedom is. One knows what is always here. It need not be earned or achieved.The quest or seeking simply ends as light illuminates within.

Nisagardatta Maharaj echoes: The unreal was never born and the real cannot die.We redefine lucid as we awaken in our own dream. Light, love and Consciousness echo all that is eternal and divine. The rest dissolves from view.

Be the cosmic dragon

Notice to take full and complete responsibility is to know we can make no "wrong" decisions. All that exists is our continuous journey toward experiencing Oneness with the Great Mystery (Oversoul/ Source Energy). This means every choice enriches us and brings us closer to Oneness or aligning with all our desires and dreams.
So, every path involves adopting and shedding layers of untruths, guiding us to the unified field. Although no "wrong" decisions exist, it is possible to prolong detours, to create vibrational states that expand on insight into who and what we are not, to master alchemy. As we deepen emotional awareness, we detect the vibrational nature of our choices, can make conscious changes, send ripples into the universe to transform our multidimensional conditions.
Come what may, some assume others seem to be making "better" decisions, experiencing less suffering. Well, each being is on a unique trajectory, coming to the physical realm with different intentions. We each do the best we can based on our level of consciousness. No decision can ruin the life you are generating, orchestrating and dismantling yourself. New opportunities constantly arise to open or uncover universal insights, vibrations and experience. We are our own cosmic dragon, carrying our own light & cosmic timing of remembering and embodying ultimate truth



Align on every level

Notice the "New Human" is not what is often thought. We are taught we "evolve" into this mode of existence, rise up into a higher, more stable vibration.
Imagine no longer needing a body, no longer requiring intake of food, sustenance, as we come to know it. When people speak of light body and energetic body, this refers to the etheric body. Yet, energetic being is always here. Shifting focus along the light spectrum is not about becoming something we are not already.  It is expanding into and accepting more of what is real and possible.
The Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links our multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects us to encoded data through high electrical currents that enable us to receive , decode, translate, manifest our hidden talents and soul purpose on this plane in the here and now. No low vibrational doubt or excuses.
Vibrating higher, more consistently, allows us to access a wider energy spectrum and results in dropping the physical body. Some associate leaving the body with imagined physical "death". Another view is accelerated evolution is pointing to the possibility of letting go of the lower, denser 4th aspect (body), because that vibration depletes Earth resources. We do not need physicality to exist more fully in the etheric state.
Truth is, we cannot continue to do the same thing, cannot live in the same way. We already draw energy from Earth's life force, her etheric body. We are invited to shift so Earth no longer has to do that. Another view of shifting into greater harmony with ourselves is sustaining purely on the energy of the etheric body. The "newness" of things, change of perspective, is possible now. Expansion of consciousness allows seeing the bigger picture. As awareness dawns, it hits we are insignificant, part of everything that is. Nobody can change us but ourselves. We must walk the path of realizing the deepest truths and realign on every level.



Activate the innate Rainbow Bridge

Notice we each activate the rainbow bridge between self and Source/ Higher Self. Opportunities exist to let go of illusions of separation, to unblock innate, far-reaching cosmic connections and energy streams. We bridge individual and collective consciousness, self and other, shift from who we think we are into who we truly are.
As worldbridgers, we come to align in this present moment, to hold a unified vision of harmony, between humans and things seen and unseen. Vibrational shifts activate dormant systems. Tuning into the Soul mantra alters how we receive and integrate energy upgrades. The physical body comes to hold more light, and accelerate change. Innate abilities like shapeshifting and the unthinkable come online.
The ultimate point of existence reveals itself vibrationally with perfect timing. Wavelengths of light speak a timeless language. As we move beyond self created limits, beyond all we experience with the five senses, the power of focus changes our interaction with and understanding of life force energy. We can transform, transmute anything based on how we respond. One is limitless, omnipresent, the one and only I AM. One recalls and embodies nature of undying.