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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in meditation (53)


5 Ways to Strengthen Relationships

Those who struggle to create and experience lasting relationships may be unaware of the power we each hold to reframe or turn our lives around.  This requires introspection, shadowork, deep honesty.  Before making hasty decisions, consider 5 Ways to explore new approachins to existing relationships:

1. Give & receive without judgement

2. Treat others as you would like to be treated (or better)

3. Derive strength and inspiration from relationships

4. Act to enable your partner to feel seen, heard & valued

5. Cultivate courage to speak your truth with compassion, understanding and love

Now, doing the above whole-heartedly opens you to deeper insight within yourself. If, when you communicate, you still do not feel loved, valued or heard and still do not feel on the same wavelength, then this invites you to step back and recognize your needs are not being met and other actions must be taken.  Positive, lasting change can only result when you consistently listen and align with your true self. 


This is of course, the tip of the iceberg. Connect with us to join one of our related courses to help renew, revilaltize or reframe key relationships in your life. 



The Point of Meditation

Notice meditation is about opening the sacred heart or Third Eye. This is not a vestige or organ living in the head. Its a blossoming of awareness that presents based on expanding consciousness. One aspect is not the part of you that identifies the "I" that associates you with the limited physical body. As we examine this first "I" more, it is a mosaic of childhood conditionings used to fulfill agendas that even this "I" does not understand. It does not know what it says and is completely unaware of what is beyond it. The second eye is an entity frozen in time, the Inner Child, the self you were long ago that refuses to dissolve, that runs the show to gain power or sensory gratification that it did not have as a child. It has many different agendas. It is anti-love, or resists love for it knows not what love is. This second eye arose from a sense of rejection. It was created in an environment that was not unconditionally loving. It may not know its gender or whether its alive or dead. Until this unfulfilled or empty ghost is flushed out and seen as it is, it cannot be dissolved. Until then, the second eye perpetuates itself through activities of the first "I" (unbeknownst to the first "I") that projects the second eye in the form of "the other". Things go on with the second eye that the first "I" doesn't know. The second eye enjoys the vex, suffering, self-defeat. To get beyond suffering, you cannot simply analyze the first "I" because the second eye controls the thoughts the first "I" is allowed to retain. The truth keeps falling away, yet it consistently slips away as the first "I". The key is surrendering to the Third Eye, pure awareness, love and the unborn, eternal Self. It sees all. As one turns inward, the first "I" comes to surrender to divine nature and the second eye can be fleshed out, cherished and integrated into the whole. The first outranks the Third Eye. Only as the rightful owner of the mind is allied with the conscious mind can all vexations and unconscious agendas be overruled and absorbed by the Divine. It is not "I" that actually lives within us but Supreme Reality, that which is beyond any name or form. We can point to it but it only reveals itself as we make our way through the winding web of illusions and love ourselves fully. We can surrender to it. If you are meditating and the mind refuses to be quiet, this is simply resisting the ever-present divine within you, the very life of our Being. To surrender through the act of silence can overcome the ani-love force that has created illusion, ignorance and the wheel of reincarnation. Liberation arises as one accepts oneself fully and knows one has been the divine all along.


Allow Silence to guide you

Notice this is about shifting or giving attention away from "me" to immense sense of eternity, spaciousness, everylastingness which is always here. It is never absent from anything or anybody. It is not something that someone can give you. This awakeness within cannot be grasped by the mind or the form of the body. The point is what is occupying and moving through the HU-man body. You cannot get yourself out of the centre of being. Silence does this. Only in quiet can 'what is true in you' come to centre stage. The greatest obstacle are the "me"'s addictions- heroin, cocaine, alcohol, technology, trained to be addicted to approval, intensely addicted to approval, to seeking and being loved, to its ideas, its own thinking, opinions, for no particular reason. The mind pretends its something intelligent. We can give the mind things to do and soothe the ego. Love watches the withdrawl, the shifts from additction to addiction and knows no barriers.


Attain a deeper state

Notice when you are not attempting to control your experience, all that remains is for you to watch, listen and be. You may come to tune into the watching, the awareness, notice its something quite fluid and flowing from one point of awarness to another. You may notice how your body feels, sensations arising and falling. You may tune into the silence or intermittent sound. Allow awareness to go rather than where you want it to go. Deep relaxation happens as we let go of control. Even as we let go of attempts to relax, something magical happens without us. There is no effort to sustain anything; not a thought, a pleasant or unpleasant feeling, or a memory. Every sensation lasts as long as it lasts, and is allowed to dissipate. Awareness may decide to stop and rest. Notice awareness moves as it wants to, where it wants to go, no attempt to control it. No effort need be made to stop anything from happening. Instead of seeing where you can direct awareness, you await seeing where awareness can take you wherever it wants. This may be somewhere or nowhere. Be like water. Notice watching water flow freely has a way of unwinding you, your thoughts and body. Nothing is pushed away but allowed to take its natural course. Listening to the wind blow, is akin to listening to the flow of the breath and water. There is no end to allowing everything be as it is. Every instance of letting go guides you to the next opportunity to repeat this. Attaining a deep relaxed state may happen, but there is no goal to stay or move. Notice your own allowing and resistance. No need to enhance anything.


Allow evolution to happen 

Notice being focused on trauma, fear, blocks one energetically from experiencing more expanded realities. Facing one's own shadows is required to let go of self-limiting beliefs to directly access cosmic Truths. Processing the energies shadows represent implies lower frequencies must be purged/ purified. A process of letting go and big life changes must be embraced and integrated. True Nature is Maths which are, by their very nature, Aware. Sacred geometry are alive beings. Direct communication occurs beyond words. Mature reflection requires travelling the path back to Source, point of origin, timelessness. The first stage of remembering arises in learning and unlearning, informing oneself, reading, listening. Wise elders or old souls point to the door of your own awareness which you only enter alone. Tune into the inner heart, Earth fields and beyond for "intel." The second stage of remembering arises in reflection, thinking, tuning into all this by yourself, processing it clearly in your understanding, detecting truths and untruths. This is the accelerated version of the entire process of evolution, itself. You slowly mature, from the inside with indwelling certainty and ever growing confidence, for having checked things out directly, personally. Everybody works at his own pace on the grand scheme of things. Only then, the third stage is meaningful and blossoms: it is wisdom of direct experience, or "practice of cultivation, or meditation". Here, you personally and directly "taste" non- conceptual wisdom, or nature, in the silence of your own discriminating knowledge. This is forever a silent language, whence its universal description as being "ineffable, unspeakable, unthinkable, inconceivable". And this form of wisdom is the (only) one that sets you FREE. The rest entangles you still, to the inertia of dualism as a latent tendency of the mind, even on more subtle (deep) levels. Nothing anyone says is the same as being the flow, discerning oneself. An alchemical process unfolds beyond what the human mind grasps. The result is a complete shift toward optimal function (shift in how one receives, decodes and transmits light).