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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in mind (139)


5 Reasons to Lucid Dream

Its widely agreed that lucid dreaming has many benefits and yet how do we get here and practise consistently?  Consider 5 Reasons to lucid dream;

1. Know Power of Intention

People are motivated to do things because of an underlying intention.  As we make the intention conscious (or grow aware of it), this creates momentum for the experience to take shape in our lives.

2. Strengthen Memory

Good dream recall  strengthens memory. This essential to lucid dream. This starts with the firm resolve to recall your dreams. Dream journaling helps. A proven technique is to wake up a few hours earlier, stay up for fifteen minutes or so, then go back to sleep with the intent that “I will wake up in my dreams, I will remember my dreams.” 

3. Be Willing to Explore Techniques

Eastern and western techniques exist to help orient the dream journey.  Taking supplements, using technology that tracks brainwaves, visualisation and specific meditation techniques are some of the options available.

4. Feel the Urge to gain mind mastery 

The real point here is not to gain mastery over your dreams but mastery over your mind.  By gaining mastery over your mind, you grow fearless in the dark. The nighttime lucid dreams and yogas can illuminate, eliminate fear, the primordial emotion  of samsara.

5. Interested in Universality

The practices of the night lead us to this unified field and awaken us to the universality of the human condition.  In truth, when we go to sleep, we actually going to meet every other sentient being on this planet, at this deepest possible level. We’re going to sleep together and rest in the same luxurious bed of the primal mind. Our job, when we arise each morning, is not to forget this nightly reunion.


What is Wholeness in practice?

Notice a key question that arises in this moment is: can I see, observe wholly without division? To observe through the lens of wholeness is sanity, lucidity, clarity. To watch how our mind is operating - to observe, not correct it, not shape it, not say, 'I must become whole or act to feel whole, or take steps to be sane,' may feel insane. It depends how the mind watches. Does it watch with judgement and analysis- form a conclusion, a condemnation, or refer to memories? Wholeness is as mind freely observes. Tremendous joy and vitality arise right here without us. Tune in.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Cancer & Relief


In the dream, my mother had cancer in her lower body and doctors said it was spreading. She was mostly confined to bed and accepted medication. I wanted to know how to heal her disease.  She was disinterested.


On a basic level, we cannot control or change others, only how we respond to them.The point of view (beliefs) of the experiencer strongly influences the outcome.   

The scientist would describe an ailment based on his language, conditioning and understanding.  A shaman might tune into deep hurt, longstanding resentment, a deep secret or grief eating away at the self of the client. Those who tune into energy sense cancer emits a vibration that reflects the experiencer holds hatreds or grudges. If disheartened, the experiencer may say, “What’s the use?”

Many people limit sense of things to the physical bosy, that which appears to be born and assumes it will die. This view alone underestimates the power of the mind.  Humans are always affected by the energy of their attitudes.  Someone who has a superiority complex or who is aggressive and violent, is on a downward spiral.  They are weakened in their heart, mind and solar plexus where emotional attitudes are held.  In the Andes, people often attribute an aching stomach to have been caused by sorrow.

People who harbour hatred inevitably experience conflicts with relationships, and imbalances in material world.  All this reflects degeneration on a cellular level.  Evaluating energy centres of the dreamer is often advisable.

The dreamer would be wise to reflect on energy levels, whether there exists a craving for affection or a fear of certain kinds of treatment or environments. What makes you feel excluded or ignored?

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams as part of individual sessions or psychotherapy.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Horse stuck in fence


So, I was walking along this path with a friend or 2, looking for something it seemed, somehow I had the feeling it was a misty morning. Anyway, we turn up this other path and I look up and see a bit of a commotion. so I hurry up and then see the horror or this bay brown horse that had somehow got its front legs tangled in the fence wire. But at a height just higher than my head. So, I am now this side of the fence, the horse is that side of the fence but its head is this side. There are a few people trying in vain to cut the wire with an old garden scissors, but nobody seems to stress.  I recognise the boy with the scissors as being in the same school my daughter was in well I see this and go into Panic mode. we must free this horse asap else it won't make it. I shout to those in that side of the fence to wake up and hurry up and get pliers from the house or garage behind them and cut the wire from this horses legs. Then I get a Christian lecture from this boy’s mother about my language. And all I am thinking is please not now just get pliers. And I am feeling so confused with the mentality of all these people. And what about this poor horse. Helpless. I woke up.


Invite you to start with the emotions that stand out: helpless, confusion, panic, horror, fear (of death).

Brown animals as totems echo strength, stability, and endurance. The moment a dream animal exerts effort to escape a trap or entanglement, it warns you to pay attention to what you resist releasing in waking life.  If your relationship with self needs some work, to embark in a healthy, committed long-term or deepen an existing relationship, raising self- esteem is key.  If during childhood, you were often given what you wanted without much effort, you may have to learn assertivenss, learn to communicate.

When fear is evoked in nature, we may be ready to integrate a new level of awareness into our lives. How do we cultivate more self-love? Do a task you have been postponing.  Put yourself out there and create a kind of community to reflect self-love.  How can we be more autonomous in the way that we are living our lives? How do we speak to ourselves (self-talk)? What is our entourage like? Is there camaraderie, loyalty?  Are you nourishing soul growth?

Fence dream symbols often echo or emotional or relational boundaries. Are you ‘caught up’ in situation that evokes discomfort? If you or someone you know is at the ‘breaking point,’ what gets you over the hump is the decision that “I must feel better.” The revelation happens that there are things that must change for you to live a different life.  We learn about people when we observe them relationally.

Dream pliers are symbolic of a deep desire to. fix something. Resolve your family conflicts.  When we can accept ourselves despite our flaws then we can love a partner despite our flaws. People who judge themselves harshly also judge others harshly.   Choosing well and discerning well requires you know your needs well.  Are you a communicator and is this person open.

Scissors in a dream are part of your quest to eliminate anything non-essential from your lifestyle. This can be feelings and thoughts that you keep, yet disregard. Figure out what you cannot live without in a relationship and do not settle.  What is healthy is people who know themselves, who are kind and who communicate.

If you believe your needs are less important, then you are prone to co-dependent relationships and may have abandonment.  If you think your needs are more important than someone else’s, then you are selfish.  We are not given many examples of enduring love, of what happens after the honeymoon phase.  Everyone deep down is capable of that.

Our greatest opportunity for healthy soul growth is through relationships.  A bad relationship is not good for health.  Trust, safety are foundational.  Do you want to be a great partner.  If you do not feel protected, if you do not feel like you have the freedom to express yourself, then control may be an issue. When we support each other to deal with our own stuff reveals we can be here without having to control a situation. (i.e. Do you want me to give you a hug, support, you listen or do you want my advice?)  What is the source of your beliefs, morals? Religion? If you feel stuck in an area of your life, you have the power, ingenuity,  resourcefulness and awareness to get yourself out. The nature and pace of change is up to you. Nobody can rescue you but yourself. Everything in the dreamechoes a part of your state of mind.

We offer Dream Consultations for single and multiple dreams as well as an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.



Dream Analysis of the Week- Destruction Series

Dream Series:

In the first vivid dream, I see my husband abandoning me for someone else.  I feel the deepest pain.

In the second dream, i see from high above the great wave of water coming on the town. I think how to help when water is already flooding everything. My view is far higher than some high building/mountain looking down.

In the third dream, the vision of some kind of construct. On the both sides they were like flat Earth planes and than many planets on both sides and something in between.This middle space i cannot recall. 


In a nutshell, the theme of separation is presented in examples on personal, planetary and cosmic levels.  At each level, the perspective is from a different level of the Sun- the inner sun or sacred heart, the cosmic sun and galactic sun.  At each level, resistance presents to change.   Moving through 5 key wounds (rejection, abandonment, humiliation, injustice, betrayal) and healing is the path to love, acceptance, wholeness. The god Shiva is to be united with Shakti.  Life or Earth re-balances or recalibrates. Peace arises at each level. 

The body-mind complex (pindanda) means microcosm while the word Brahmanda means macrocosm. We often hear the phrase, 'whatever is there in the microcosm is also there in the macrocosm'.

Another way of seeing here reminds us all humans have centres of energy also called Chakras. An Yogi can by mantra japa pierce these Chakras in the sushumna nadi inside his spine. The question is how does an Yogi benefit from piercing these Chakras. Well, turns out that these Chakras in the human body-mind complex (pindanda) have their correspondence in the cosmic Lokas or planes. As the Yogi ascends chakra by chakra, he passes through the corresponding Lokas. Sir John Woodroffe in his book, 'The Serpent Power', presents the following table that shows the correspondence:

  • Muladhara Bhuvarloka
  • Svadhisthana Svarloka
  • Manipura Maharloka
  • Anahata Janaloka
  • Visuddhi TapalokaAjna Satya or Brahm
  • aloka (One who attains to Sahasrara goes beyond all Lokas.)

Turns out, 'whatever is in the macrocosm is in the microcosm' is not seen as scientific truth. We are not made of dark matter or dark energy. What surprises a Yogi as he keeps piercing each chakra is that the human being is built similar to the plan of the universe or the cosmos. This is why the Yogi by leading his shakti to each Chakra can access the equivalent loka of the 14-loka universe. There is no way a priori that any body could have predicted that. This similarity of the microcosm with the macrocosm at the deepest level is the surprise. Just as the universe is built of 14-lokas or planes, so are we. Whatever we have is also there in the universe.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations on single and multiple dreams and we also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course.  Contact us.