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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in nature (68)


Do inner work, reap the benefits

Doing inner work on ourselves guides us to insights about the idea of God, the divine or sacred. The word is less important than the process of going iinward, feeling into what this is for yourself. What does it mean to grow personally? It implies you grow in maturity and awareness of issues you have inside of yourself: fears, desires, insecurities, needs, wants, self-consciousness, shame, embarassment, guilt, anger, resentment, the list goes on. These words refer to sample currents of energy unfolding within.
Consider the analogy of rocks creating disturbance or current in the flowing river. Simply removing individual obstacles to spirituality reveals the natural state of things. So why are we taught to make complicated what is simple? Obstacles we face are the roadmap to spiritual states of expanded consciousness. They are the pointers to a more peaceful existence, a completley new perception and vibrational sense of reality.
At the perfect moment, it dawns no recipe or technique exists to meet or get us to God or magically make us divine. Disturbances within invite us to see them as they are. This requires sheer honesty about what we are looking at and projecting into the external world. We have to be willing to see clearly. The path to liberation begins with our willingness to see the the nature of rocks which represent our own shadows.
We can evolve to look at ourselves objectively. This requires we rise above judement, complaint, self criticism. Changing our attitude about ourselves and what we see inwardly is a huge step to transforming our lives in ways that benefit Soul growth. To see the obstacles (garbage) within ourselves as they are is to reduce suffering around us. The bigger the obstacle we face, the more we reduce suffering.
Normally, those who are not awake are unaware of the nature of their thoughts and feelings and get lost in their emotions. They are unwilling to face truth, or take full responsibility for what they create. Rather than see what causes the disturbances in their lives, they may get stuck in survival mode, simply taking action the best they can to keep their head above water. IN order to get beyond this state, we must be willing to get out of the water, be the witness and see deeper into what is unfolding.



Feel the wave of energy

Notice if you ride a wave of energy that no longer motivates or captivates or nourishes your soul, and you are losing momentum, then a simple shift in vibration will bring you into resonance with compatible swirls or streams of consciousness. True, lasting shifts require letting go or disidentification with waves of existence that stagnate or no longer serve our soul growth. Energies are like wave options that seem to flow in different directions, present in varied colours, textures, patterns, frequencies, temperatures.
Come what may, it is always possible to see beyond the drama, the jungle of emotions, apparent chaos or confusion. Simply step back from the personal to the universal. Dare to integrate valuable lessons, depersonalize events and refocus on energy flow. Be in awe of the bigger picture. Divine grace removes layers of complexity and illusion. From an energetic standpoint, the key is to go with the natural flow, heed the heart or intuition wherever it leads us.



Step outside that comfort zone

Notice as we move into an age of accepting multidimensional nature, we shift away from doing to to focus on being. Its natural to move though multiple careers, to blaze trails, create multiple pathways, nourish many perspectives. Having an open mind accelerates conscious expansion. Allow different views to flow, learn languages, travel and explore. As we venture into the unknown, see beyond the status quo, we plant seeds, inspire others to expand horizons.
This notion of time invites us to zoom out and see the arc of time, to discover that a true rainbow is actually a circle. We are invited to expand our sense of wonder, explore states, forms and formelss states more consciously. Different understandings of time suggest humans have lived far longer than the current average lifespan. Records of ancient Summarian kings attest to them living thousands of years. In the Bible, Mathesula is said to have lived over 900 years. We even hear stories of immortals who exist in remote places and different ways of functioning through space time. Limited beliefs of life and death can shift into awareness of eternal streams of consciousness.



Captivated by the unknown

Notice in this moment, we never really know what we are in for. Human existence is meant to be challenging. The world can be a perilous place-full of sinkholes, tidal waves, the perfect storms. Yet, existence is also idyllic, beautiful, full of miracles, from the aurora borealis to sunrises and sunsets that take our breath away and bring it back. Its through riding the waves of turmoil, the unexpected highs and lows, the picking ourselves up off the floor or surfacing from the deepest chasm that stretches us, lead us to gasp in amazement. Its when things do not go to plan, when emotions overwhelm, when all seems lost, that our true character and path are revealed. There is bravery in admitting "I am not okay, that I struggle." Accepting this is about loving ourselves and deepening resilience. We can be tough, stoic, and still admit we do not know. Moment-by-moment, we each live a dream, whether we dangle freely, balance with grace or by the skin of our teeth. We hold on not simply for a thrill. We trust who we are, where all this is heading.


Let go of Attachments

Notice attachment to pleasure, is an obstacle that evokes suffering. We attach ourselves to sources of pleasure because we expect happiness from this, forgetting happiness is always in us as the essence of true Self. To expect joy from the external, from relationships, jobs or other experiences, is to create energetic attachments. If we find these things make us unhappy, we create an aversion to them. Likes and dislikes are impediments on the spiritual path. Basing our happiness and unhappiness on the external makes us feel powerless, dependent and unable to control our destiny. Although happiness seems the basic need of all, why does it seem so few rarely find it and actually dwell here?
Well, just as a pure, clean mirror reflects our true nature beneath and beyond the skin and bones, certain pure, clean faces reflect our core happiness. This is why its saidd the eyes are windows to the soul. We give our power away each time we look away, think a person or situation is reason for our happiness. Other faces and situations evoke discomfort, and our happiness is distorted. So, we tell ourselves we dislike them. This is simply ignorance. Only as we reconnect with core being, go through purification, let go of what distorts true nature do we begin to feel happy at a smiling face because it dawns this reflects our inner radiance. Sri Swami Satchindananda reminds us nothing and nobody an give or take away our happiness, only distort our own timeless inner happiness. This is echoes in the timeless Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Thus, only as we connect deeply with Self is it possible to exude this happines or true nature. Its not based on what we do but being intimate and reconnecting with the truth of who we are. As we grow increasingly fearless, our destiny presents in greater clarity. Its up to each of us to seize the day, and listen to the heart to feel truly alive. Only then do we authentically allow fun and spontaneity to arise and be our compass does soul consciously guide the course of our lives.