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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in vibration (158)


See reality as it is NOW

Notice the revelation nothing in the world actually needs to be fixed. Rather, our projections create illusory versions of reality that require recognition, defrag and integration. True nature never loses touch with perfection, regardless how world events unfold. Our perception arises from dominant energy vibrations within us. The balance or harmony of dischordant energy within us will end illusory reality.
Simply focus on "The Three Principles" — Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. These are the basic forces responsible for the creation of life and all of our psychological experiences. They comprise the eternal backdrop behind physical existence. This dimension of life is formless, unchanging, eternal, always here.



Be the Phoenix that transcends cycles

Notice the phoenix is a universal symbol of death and rebirth. It echoes what exists beyond cycles of regeneration, deeper transformation, transmutation, immortality. Referred to as a "thunderbird" in Native American cultures, this creature is widely felt to shape weather, wield inner power and abundance.
As a dream symbol, the phoenix echoes we are each a portal to a new reality. As energy, we dematerialize and rematerialize or re-invent ourselves. Our projections reflect state of our inner world. Every moment, we are source of our own fire and ashes, embody courage to face challenges, know soul itself is indestructible.
So, essence of being continues after death. The energy of consciousness is eternal. Even though our current physical body, 5 aggregates (physical form, feeling, perception, mental formation & consciousness), this physical energy may disappear, wider consciousness is. Truth is beyond belief. Energy continues. Awareness linked to our individual body is impermanent as it depends on things to be aware of.
To go beyond ego’s false ideas before physical death, allows transcendence. Yet, until that uncontrolled (unconscious) energy is exhausted, the cycle of death and rebirth continues. So, after death, soul returns, maybe in a dualistic realm similar to here where pleasure and pain, fear and happiness are available. But in another uncontrolled rebirth, we might be reborn as an animal or in what we call hell.
Come what may, hell doesn’t mean an endless situation or a place we cannot escape. Hell is not a permanent state. It is also not something outside of us that we have to fight. Hell is a vibration of consciousness. Hellish environments arise from our consciousness, from negative projections. Thus, feelings and frequencies create our reality. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not a burning place waiting for those who deserve punishment. Nobody but ourselves puts us here. When our consciousness is ready, our hologram materializes based on vibration.
Rebirth, disease and death—these are basic human sufferings. But the nature of hell is extreme suffering that is far greater than the usual human sufferings. Despite its intensity, that state is also impermanent. It does not last and is not static and unchangeable. When the energy for that state of consciousness ends, another arises, until one stabilizes the cycles and is fazed by nothing.
Turns out, mental projection creates every experience, not belief. Discomfort may arise, whether you believe in it or not. It all comes back to energy vibration, frequency and inner magic. We are each like a phoenix that has unforeseen potential to unleash.



Move consciously between dimensions

 Notice you can have outrageous experiences and still not reach the core. You can see lights, detect vibrant colour, sound, activate subtle senses, feel sacred geometry, and still shift into a visionary place unlike anything before experienced. A rupture occurs in a plane, a wrinkle in time, or a shift of vibration permits moving from one dimension into others. Symbolic, energetic or hyperdimensional language allows communication. Mutual transmissions occur. Glittering, transforming things emerge that highlight the pure essence of magic. We are constantly guided to the next info that propels us on our journey. Intuition remains the most reliable guide


Move beyond the unreal

Notice at a given moment, the energy streaming through us is coming from the One Unified Source Field. This collective stream of consciousness is not touched by individual ego mind. That fearful part of us is not powerful enough to collapse the quantum wave. Only as one moves into the fearless vibration do conscious magic and mindful co-creation happen naturally. This explains why ego cannot create all it wants--it secretly fears not having it or creates from a belief in division (superiority/ inferiority).
This deep truth is a reminder that any belief in negative events, and related low vibrational states, are self-created. Any perception the world is in chaos relates to forgetting the one key truth- that God (divine nature) is not separate. Any quest for external power, domination, harm of "others", stems from believing in illusions fo separation, related imbalance, inequality. In truth, losing part of true nature is not even possible. All is seen and done to and from the same one Self. As Nisagartdatta Maharaj echoes, "The real does not die, the unreal never lived. Set your mind right and all will be right."
So, loving God (divine being) fully is leaving what occurs to the will of God (Generator, Orchestrator & Destroyer). Surrender is knowing the best possible outcome of this dismantling process is unfolding. It is also accepting what is beyond the physical and revealed in steps based on vibrational shifts has perfect timing. Our vibration shapes our perception. There are those who see and focus on negativity while others see this current period as a through what is uplifting, being created and transformed.
One view is no destruction exists as the divine being is deathless. Confusion in 3D arises due to words like "apocalypse" taken out of original context. Many view this term as meaning the complete destruction of devastation of the world in a negative sense. Yet, originally, in the Bible reference to the word apocalpyse echoes revelation. In addition, the Greek word literally means "to pull the lid off" or reveal something. This ancient context is associated with joy, excitement and peace.



See what is really here

Notice our third eye is a most powerful source of insight. To see with the third eye is to see beyond the dualities of existence, to see things as they really are, beyond conditioned fear and judgment. This is about universal love and acceptance. Come what may, we perceive what is aligned with our vibration, what we allow into our scope of reality. We each have potential to create peace within ourselves. If our sense of peace is based on the external, such as someone else's behaviour, or a specific outcome, we can never be at peace. That is giving our power away. We may focus on a specific state regardless of what unfolds around us. As dormant systems activate, we see more of what is here.