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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Journey of an Alchemist

Notice in hidden underground caves of dreams, most precious gems and insights emerge crystal clear. And in waking life, its only by descending into the abyss that we recall what it is to trust and surrender, rewire the brain, activate dormant systems, shift from fear to love. The sheer magnitude of what must be faced is reminds us anything dark or negative is a call to rise. Our innate capacity to reframe challenges builds character, resilience, births the alchemist or opens the golden flower within. As we forge a unique path through darkness, create lines of wisdom in our skin to mirror life's eroded walls, others also find their inner light


Recall what aliveness feels like

Notice to begin to feel more alive is to recall what happiness truly feels like. Its a deep visceral journey. Living from or being guided by 'Soul' implies total aliveness, not with or due to someone else, or some situation, but with yourself. This version of absolute aliveness has no outward causes. It is ever-present and also inalterable. Free will simply implies one can tune into/ out of any vibration.
To lose touch with Soul, is to lose touch with the basic source of core vitality, aliveness, and creative inspiration. Coming back to listen differently, coming full circle, is about surrendering to wholeness, tuning into self-love and appreciation in unforeseen ways. Divine guidance is everywhere. True love is the way of no expectation. Love exists only in total acceptance where there is no desire to change anything. Anything else is not unconditional love, but desire or judgment.
This journey of existence offers endless insight into freedom of mind and the truth of suffering. Find courage to be real. Listen to the heart rather than mind. Be satisfied with life in the present. Explore the unknown. The journey of facing oneself can be very painful, yet what is revealed is beyond mind's imagination.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Relationship Change


I thought i was going on a romantic island getaway with my partner yet had mixed minds about it. Instead, we found ourselves on a luxury yacht with hot tubs and spas in different rooms and were told by ship captain that the trip was going around islands in circles near the horizon with people we did not know. My middle sister showed up with a duffle bag full of white fluffy towels and put it on a big bed.  I went up on deck, saw a lifeboat tied to the side and jumped in. I started rowing toward a portal that opened in the ocean. As I passed through it, time stopped. I saw my children were playing next to neighbours at a park on a white fluffy cloud. My boat suddenly turned into a hot air balloon. I landed on the floating world and the kids climbed in.  We lifted off, flew in a new direction.  Another portal opened.  I navigated the balloon through.


Relationship change on the horizon. The definitive decision is yours. Its clear your current personal life is not taking you where you wish to go.  You may feel unforeseen burdens by circumstances beyond your control.  Water and spas echo your emotions or empathy toward others. You might be overly sensitive and would benefit from freeing yourself from taking on other people's energies. Remind yourself you consciously define your own frequency. Making a conscious move to become the captain of your own ship would expedite a rapid change of energy and scenery. You may recall energy of doing it before. 

On another level, this is about re-adjusting templates of energy and recalibrating personal energies to align with inner wisdom you are ready to share. You may sense an urgency to shift or a sense of 'time running out' in order to prompt you to shift into your soul role. The quickening you feel echoes you are really have (and are in) 'no-time'. Pressure you place on yourself to be more authentic is helping highlight and let go of illusions that already served their purpose.

A lifeboat echos your ongoing spiritual journey is offering an exciting mixture of possibilities as you move forward. This includes switching timelines and dimensions according to the nature of your vibration. As you recall more of your true power, there is no choice only being in alignment. Lucid dreaming is a tool we can use to consciously move into dream yoga and new scenarios in waking life in ways that reflect our true nature. What would activate your own inner magic?

Fluffy clouds tend to represent peace and harmony. You are not only moving toward but also know what this really feels like. The true playground is unlimited, a holographic reality like the holodeck of the Starship Enterprise of Star Trek. Tune into your inner child.  Allow light-hearted feelings to guide you to the best course. Let Soul be your pilot. The moment arises to intuitively move beyond, reframe or rise above difficult life situations. Changes are definintely in process.  The direction you go from here is up to the degree you are willing to take radical responsibility, trust and surrender to the unknown.  To face oneself is to observe without judgement.

"When we're deluded, there's a world to escape. When we are aware, there is nothing to escape." -Bodhidarma 

We offer Dream Consultations of single and multiple dreams and also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us for details.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Hugging the Sun

(Image: Adam Kadmon Body)


I was hugging the Sun in a furniture store. It was very disorienting. What is this about? 


A dream may be viewed from our own dominant level of conscious awareness. On one level, the sun may refer to a pillow on a piece of furniture, a source of comfort in the 3D world. Once you embrace your value, talents and strengths, it neutralizes when others think less of or judge you.

On another level, the sun metaphorically embodies many spiritual properties that lead to degrees of awakening, completion and enlightenment. In many cases, this major shift still remains unconscious to the dreamer. The dream sun in encourages us to look inward as opposed to the outer world. To feel disoriented suggests confusion or indecision or self-doubt about some key life area.

The 'Great Central Sun' refers to the sun of the inner heart often missed or completely forgotten. Pay attention to the time of day the dream is taking place. The state or level of Sun mean something is ending, and/or also beginning.

Furniture is often symbolic of ideas you 'rest upon' or believe in.  Letting go of ideas we outgrow is a healthy was to sell or give away 'old furniture.' Reflect on your experience and interaction with different kinds of furniture. For instance, does it have legs or wheels? Is it stationary? Malleable? Is it something you can now do without?

Hugging echoes love and compassion, as wella s a readiness to help yourself and/or another. In another way, you may be in the process of hugging or embracing your own journey deeper into the unknown.

A dream store is often a physical space or building that reflects our state of mind. Reflect on the details of the area- was it tidy?, cluttered?, well-organized? Logical? Shutting down? Financially stable? How would you describe it? Dreams invite us to create awareness of our bodily state, free from any narrative of it being “good” or “bad.”  of curiosity and exploration: “This is a bodily feeling.  It is one I am feeling-this is what it feels like.”

Without this sense of awareness, we often create narratives around our negative feelings that involve blame. We blame ourselves or those close to us for making us feel bad. A loved one or the environment we’re in may inadvertently trigger us, which can lead our body and brain to believe that the person, place, or physical thing is the problem. This creates real interpersonal problems and perpetuates conflict. It can also cause a bias toward negativity in all our interactions, as we look for someone to blame for our bad feelings.

In truth, blame is a coping strategy. But as a coping strategy, it is both easy to fall back on and highly ineffective. To be fully aware of our bodily feelings can guide us to experience these feelings outside the context of blame and, hopefully, understand what may actually be triggering them. This deepens the journey inward.

To make reference to the Tree of Life and Kabbalah, the Ein Sof conceived the general plan of Creation (Adam Kadmon). This general plan contains all the details that had happened in the past, the details happening in the present, and those which will happen in the future. Here time is not a factor. The Adam Kadmon or Primal Man is the general plan of the universe symbolized by the Tree of Life. All universes, from the upper to the lower, are within this general plan. The Keter of  Adam Kadmon is the plan itself; the Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon is the universe of Atziluth (Emanation); the Binah of Adam Kadmon is the universe of Briah, (Creation); the six lower dimensions of Adam Kadmon are the universe of Yetzirah (Formation) and Malkuth of  Adam Kadmon is the universe of Assiah (Action or Materialization).  Adam Kadmon contains all info that Ein Sof or Infinite entail.  

Silence is required to move beyond structures of unconscious influence.  Silence is non-dula and wholesome. To allow thoughts and feelings go by without personal identification is essential.  One cannot see oneself clearly if one cannot see who one is in the present moment.  Clarity sprouts with non-jugemental awareness of oneself.  Attention to oneself moment-by-monet changes one's reaction to the world one projects.  What one is cannot be affected by temporal states of memory.

Among our Individual Services, we offer Dream Consultations  for single and multipole dreams we put in context as well as offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for more information.


5 Ways to Activate New Opportunities

Notice every moment is an opportunity to redefine the direction of our lives.  Its common to reach a hiatus, a point in life where the prospect of change appeals in some or many different life areas.  What to do about it?

1. Pay attention to discomfort

2. Review different life areas & priorities

3. Brainwstorm ways to empower yourself 

4. Be aware of your relationship to inner and outer worlds

5. Meditate on your vision of new opportunities