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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in change (53)


Taking responsibility is not what you think

Notice at any given moment, to take responsibility for our lives, we must be vigilent of our actions. This implies we recognize if what we do is simply a means to an end, we are not present in what we do. If moving from point A to point B and only focused on the destintation, its easy to get impatient, stressed, imagine being somewhere else, be unfocused, not enjoy where we are. If the mindset is "I'd rather be (elsewhere)," then happiness is short-lived or even bypassed altogether. That's not responsible through the lens of the soul or expanded being.
Many people are taught that taking responsibility relates to self-care, "growing up", becoming financially independent, self-reliant. These traits have a place. Still, in many cases this involves developing a serious nature, forgetting spontaneity. The feeling of presence and awareness is widely overlooked.
In truth, taking responsibility for our life is about how we perform actions. If most of our actions and behaviours are a means to an end, then we feel heavy, drained, tired. We may work hard and get results, but we cannot enjoy it if mind is elsewhere. That implies living a life of low quality, unfulfilled, sad. We lack presence if we are always talking about the next moment which we think will somehow be better. If it prevents us from being here now, is it worth it?
High quality of life implies its not the quantity that determines the value of our life. What we own, how many people we advise, control or influence, how many subscribers or followers we have, none of that determines high quality of life. Quality time is quality attention with people, depth of conversation, soulful focus. Quality of life suggests we find blessings and joy in the moment.
Regardless of where we are and what is unfolding in our midst, when we can give our full attention to what we do and who we are with, this creates a 'high quality of life.' That is, when every action in our lives, large and small has a certain aliveness and presence, we savour it. It does not feel like a chore to do what we do. We do not feel resistance, impatience or irritation. At the perfect moment, it dawns negativity and dense vibration simply strengthen that false sense of self.
Ultimately, even if we continue to do what we have been doing, and our external conditions do not change right away, as we are mindful and begin to remove resistance patterns within us, that is the complaining, the negativity, irritation, the focus on depression about the past or anxiety of the future, life is completely transformed on the inside. On the outside, it may seem nothing has changed.  Yet inwardly, we know everything has.



Consciously shift frequency

Notice the more we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, health and conditions the more we recognize being vulnerable is what allows us to be real, connect with others, dissolve illusions of separation. In fact, as we gain insight into trauma or adversity and the message or lesson offered, it would be selfish to keep that insight and source of growth for ourselves. It is in sharing our stories that others are inspired to bravely face themselves and blossom into true nature.
So, we must be willing to be completely honest with ourselves, recognize where and with whom we are, have been dishonest. Turns out, we are only ever dishonest with others in the same way we are dishonest with ourselves. As we expand, we are able to hold what is happening in the consciousness of love, to honour the interconnectedness of life. This is about seeing from wider view, so we can be what we came to be, access all of who we are.
Many people forget the deeper vibration of responsibility. Contrary to popular belief, its not about duty or meeting others' expectations. Its about being spontaneous. We have response -ability to be in this moment. Our attention, consciousness, focus, is only ever present. Being here is responding with our whole being. Be like a dragonfly, consciously shift frequency & vision.



Unleash the dragon within

(Image credit: Orestes de Armas Centeno)

Notice if you have ever travelled anywhere, near or far, chances are you know what its like to take things you never need and later wonder why you did.
Excess baggage echoes our fears, the fear of not having enough, or the right stuff, not meeting our needs. Fears weigh us down. Its common to judge some personal experience as negative. Fear of history repeating can influence how we respond to life, people, situations. Often, the dead weight feels like part of us.
Just like a backpacker carrying stuff that is not needed or serves no real purpose, the universe is nudging us to let go of things, thoughts, emotions, memories. Then true being shines. People in our lives do not see the real us, the best of us, if we hang onto what no longer serves us. Maybe it used to but we can change.
Maybe it is time to do what many travellers end up doing along the way during a long walk. Unpack our overloaded personal backpacks, all that we outgrow yet hang onto 'just in case'. Engage in your own inner inventory. Examine each item honestly. Only as lessons are learned can situations change. Decluttering our lives is a step toward decluttering the mind. Lighten the load.
Turns out, I recall climbing up Kazakhstan mountains with far too much stuff. I had told myself I took what I needed for different purposes on a 6 week trip through different countries. Before long, I gifted 2 of my 3 bags away. Not only was the sky clear to observe stars that night, but my mind got a little clearer. Now the more I travel, the less I take.
Admittedly, letting things go can be hard. Value is so subjective. Sometimes we believe that we are not whole without a given thing, situation, relationship. Once we have the courage to set certain things free, an incredible lightness arises.
The analogy of the alchemist and the dragon's egg rings true. To discover real freedom is about unleashing the inner dragon, the dragon within. The symbolism of a dragon egg is a reminder to acknowledge our inner potential, be open to big change, embrace our spiritual journey. We are each in process of an unforeseen metamophosis and self-discovery. Letting go of what we thought was important at another stage of life is how we navigate challenges and evolve consciousness.



We collectively change reality

Notice we are collectively participating in and changing how we understand reality. Call it what you will, when ready, a quantum leap in consciousness triggers deeper remembering. At any moment, to see beyond illusion helps us realize we have innate ability to activate dormant systems, transform energetic reality. All of us, individually and collectively, have access to layers of reality that are not yet fully evident to all. Tuning into a certain frequency is key to Individual access of vast energetic worlds. Stages of awakening unleash awareness, so one recognizes open cosmic doorways. Rather than transcend "normal" human consciousness, superconsciousness is simply the act to reverting to our natural or optimal state of being.
Awareness, the subconscious and superconsciousness comprise the triple nature of the mind. However, to achieve a full and specific harmony, you need to know the nature and distinctive features of all areas of our mind and how to use them correctly. This is the path from fragmentation (ego agenda) to wholeness (true soul purpose).
Recall the mystic Nisargadatta Maharaj stated: “The real does not die; the unreal never lived."



Do inner work, reap the benefits

Doing inner work on ourselves guides us to insights about the idea of God, the divine or sacred. The word is less important than the process of going iinward, feeling into what this is for yourself. What does it mean to grow personally? It implies you grow in maturity and awareness of issues you have inside of yourself: fears, desires, insecurities, needs, wants, self-consciousness, shame, embarassment, guilt, anger, resentment, the list goes on. These words refer to sample currents of energy unfolding within.
Consider the analogy of rocks creating disturbance or current in the flowing river. Simply removing individual obstacles to spirituality reveals the natural state of things. So why are we taught to make complicated what is simple? Obstacles we face are the roadmap to spiritual states of expanded consciousness. They are the pointers to a more peaceful existence, a completley new perception and vibrational sense of reality.
At the perfect moment, it dawns no recipe or technique exists to meet or get us to God or magically make us divine. Disturbances within invite us to see them as they are. This requires sheer honesty about what we are looking at and projecting into the external world. We have to be willing to see clearly. The path to liberation begins with our willingness to see the the nature of rocks which represent our own shadows.
We can evolve to look at ourselves objectively. This requires we rise above judement, complaint, self criticism. Changing our attitude about ourselves and what we see inwardly is a huge step to transforming our lives in ways that benefit Soul growth. To see the obstacles (garbage) within ourselves as they are is to reduce suffering around us. The bigger the obstacle we face, the more we reduce suffering.
Normally, those who are not awake are unaware of the nature of their thoughts and feelings and get lost in their emotions. They are unwilling to face truth, or take full responsibility for what they create. Rather than see what causes the disturbances in their lives, they may get stuck in survival mode, simply taking action the best they can to keep their head above water. IN order to get beyond this state, we must be willing to get out of the water, be the witness and see deeper into what is unfolding.