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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in self-love (44)


6 Tips to deepen self-love

Many people ask the question why am I here? Or is what I am doing really right now worthwhile? Each person is invited to determine the course of his/her life in stages and steps.  Reflect on the 6 acts of self-love to get you to that as yet unidentified destination;

1. Integrate emotional memories

Loving every part of you is about uncovering and healing sub-personalities and the emotions that give power to these sub-personalities.  This means uncovering core beliefs that drive you, owning the foundation of your sub-personality and healing the pain that keeps false beliefs alive.

2. Real forgiveness

True freedom is about making grudges and distorted (unloving) relationships conscious, communicating your truth and taking responsibility for how you feel and recognizing who has the pwoer to change this. Specifiy who, if anyone, you wish to forgive and give yourself the gift of greater peace of mind.

3. Redefining boundaries

Choosing to speak and honour your truth in other ways is about communicating your realty, what you will and will not accept.  This is about making people-pleasing tendencies conscious, recognizing and healing co-dependence in relationships and distorted dynamics in other settings.

4. Give yourself what makes you happy

How often do you allow yourself  to listen to the heart? follow intuition? Prioritizing what enables you to feel good can be as simple as creating space, 'me' time, focusing energy on self-care and self-development. Now is the moment to be good to yourself. Let go what causes misery.  Focus attention on what uplifts your spirit and nourishes the Soul. Share what evokes happiness for you right now.

5.  Merge with those dreams

Taking action to realize dreams is not meant for the back burner. Your dreams exist to be made manifest by your focus and applying the power of your thoughts, attitude and intention.  The point is not to escape the material plane with doubt about 'pipedreams' but rather to be the magician to empower and transform.

6. Focus energy on mind-body wellness

To be truly powerful and demonstrate self-love in action, simply focus energy, which is the same thing as money and time, on what keeps your heart and soul together. Nurture interconnectedness and heal whatever perpetuates discomfort or the illusion of separation between who you think you are and who you wish to be.


8 Messages about permission

Nothing appears or disappears from our life without our permission. Yet, this is easily overlooked.  How often do you find yourself in situations where; a) you must decide to give or deny your permission, b) you feel hurt, betrayed or compromised as someone acted without asking your permission or c) you encounter situations where multiple levels of permission (or approval) are required? This is an opportunity to delve deeper into what is really going on with the recurrent theme.  Ponder 8 messages about permission; 

1.  Everything that comes or goes is for your highest good 

2.  Nothing leaves your life unless the related lesson is learned

3.  Issues only arise as you cling to unworthiness 

4.  Sometimes persmission issues are what someone else needs to go through 

5.  Denying your permission is an effort to control

6.  The need to obtain approval invites letting go

7.   Being detached from results shifts situations without force

8.  Efforts to recreate the past prevents accepting and doing your best in present



a) I give myself permission to love myself unconditionally as I am

b) Nobody can hurt, trigger or intimidate me without my consent

c) I am a growing, evolving being

d) How much I give or deny self love is reflected back (love more & things accelerate)

e) No impediments/ obstacles exist except in thought (mind)

 "Scarcity of self value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence."-Gary Zukav

"With each inhalation of your breath, allow yourself to go deep within the inner aspects of your soul.  With each exhalation, give yourself permission to release cloudy, limiting thoughts, stifled emotions and stagnant energy." - James Van Praagh

"Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi


4 Tips to transform relationships

If you desire to change soething about your relationships, its helpful to realize you must begin with yourself.  Reflect on these 4 tips to transform your relationships by shifting your point of attention inward:

1. Notice relationships mirror beliefs: 

Your beliefs about relationships, men, women, children, pets, love and anything emerge as relationships. The beliefs each person holds prompt us to react and act  to support our growth and conscious awakening.  In order to experience anything or anyone you must first relate to it. For instance, the nature of relationships reflects what you are choosing to vibrate. Even if your partner is being faithful, if you vibrate distrust you will look for reasons to prove otherwise and you experience an echo of this.  Beliefs that govern your experiences and relationships point to subconscious core beliefs.  Since your relationships are based on them, you perpetuate a vicious circle until they are made conscious and healed.

2. Be accountable for all your qualities: 

Every quality you see in your partner, is your mirror. The more you dislike a certain quality, the more it is showing you a part of your consciousness that you are not acknowledging. For instance, if you dislike your partner's jealous nature, you will find that you too are jealous perhaps not of him or her but of others. If your partner's or child's competitiveness annoys you, this reveals you do not see competitiveness in yourself. If your partner's negativity or insecurities get you down, this reveals the same about you. The only reason that these qualities are annoying you is because they are also yours. As long as you do not acknowledge them as your own they will continue to frustrate you, while owning up to them allows you to grow.   You may find that even some positive qualities annoy you. For example, if your partner's overly kind and giving nature frustrates you, it reveals you want to be more generous but resist. Alternatively, your partners' ability to forgive may make you uneasy. See it as an opportunity to forgive. 

3. Own what frustrates you in others:

When your partner acts in ways that upset you, you too act in the same way, most likely not towards him or her but towards yourself and probably others. The more some behaviour frustrates you, the more it reflects a part of you that you are not owning. If your partner treats you with disrespect, look within yourself and see who you treat with similar disrespect, whether it be a friend, a family member or yourself. If your partner criticises you, you will find that you are critical of yourself and others. If your partner ignores your needs, you will find that you too ignore your own needs or those of others. Ultimately, you teach others how to treat you by how you treat yourself.

You may find that the quality you see in your partner appears to be the opposite of your own quality, but in fact it is the same quality expressed in a different way. It is still your mirror. For example, the introvert attracts the extrovert, the weak attracts the strong, the giving attracts the taking. Such seemingly opposite partners attract each other so that they can learn from each other and bring their own extreme quality into balance. In order to attract your opposite, you yourself have to be at the other end of the spectrum and so are unbalanced as far as that quality is concerned. Simply put, opposites attract in search of balance. When none of your qualities are at either extreme of the spectrum, then you can no longer attract its opposite.

4. Face the truth of all relationships: 

Emotionally and physically abusive relationships mirror qualities/ core beliefs like any other relationship. At the root of abusive relationships is a deep lack of self-worth in the abused partner. The only way to rise above such relationships is through the power of self-love.  The more you love yourself, the less you put up with any lesser behaviour toward you from others, the more you invite a mirror of self loving treatment.


4 Self-created myths & Tips to shatter them

This is the perfect moment to step back and view your perceptions with new eyes.  Reflect on four self-created myths and tips to shatter them:

Myth #1:  Fear exists and must be overcome

The very belief in fear creates insecurity and holds you back from doing and being what comes naturally. Making fear-based decisions or running away from fear is action and keeps you from living your best life now.

Tip #1: Watch what happens as whatever evokes fear is viewed as an invitation to prove to yourself that fear is unfounded. (This assumes you know the difference between imagined fear and putting yourself in harm's way)  

Myth #2:  Material life and spiritual life are separate

All perceived separation is illusion. The idea of a choice between spiritual and material life is but an example. HUman beings exist on Earth to grow and develop spiritually.  Yet, being spiritual does not require abandoning , everyday life and relationships.   Growth involves applying spiritual or universal principles to daily life. In the seemingly mundane is the key to understanding the profound questions of Soul.

Tip #2: Making choices is about hesitating to make decisions.  Being spontaneous and acting intuitively is seeing nothing to reconcile or no separation. This is about recalling what it is to be in the flow.

Myth #3: Disconnection alienates people

Any disconnection you feel from people or situations is simply a mirror of disconnection you feel from yourself. Similarly, any grief you feel about apparent loss is not about the perceived other but about forgetting innate wholeness which can never be taken away. 

Tip#3: Recall everything is love and love knows no separation. Explore the messages that your material life brings you. Allow feeling pointers to love and blessings. This is a gentle reminder of why you choose to be here.

Myth #4:  Money is lacking

Another view is money is a form of energy exchange, a social convenience which only takes on the meaning and importance you give it. Ask why you allow yourself to feel you are not enough, less than or lacking in some way.  Reflect on when you feel desperate for money to manifest certain things, which emotional buttons are triggered and what unconscious issues this points to for healing.  

Tip #4: Seeing everything in terms of energy flow allows shifting from a vibration of scarcity to abundance. How you view and interact with money is siply a reflection of how much you love yourself or deny self-love.


12 Tips to energize & create a new world for yourself 

This is the perfect moment to review where you are, feel what it is to energize and create a new world for yourself.  Here are twelve tips;

You are energized when:

1. you interact with people who remind you of who you are (unlimited)

2. you recognize you exist to generate energy and create a new world

3. you realize love is not about possession but about giving/ inspiring

4. you question your true origins and fearlessly explore the unknown

5. you trust intuition to guide you to precisely what you need

6. you read books, are open to learning from yourself and also others

7. you are increasingly open-minded

8. you recognize constriction in your body that you can release

9. you grow aware of unconscious responses and move beyond them

10. you are worthy to live the life you have alway dreamed

11. you accept the 'what' always comes before the 'how'

12. your world is as healthy as the food you put into your body (*the most high vibrational food is raw, organic plant-based sustenance)