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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in true nature (29)


Allow harmony to arise

Notice moving within, through and among diverse worlds is more common than often realized. Part of us never sleeps, creating and exploring infinite worlds. As the body sleeps, our consciousness weaves experiences to work out or through what is going on in waking life. In 3-D life, we engage energy consciously or unconsciously as thought and feelings to shift focus among relationships, pets, school, work and varied situations. Each focus echoes point of frequency on our cosmic radio dial. As a body-mind-spirit trinity, it is essential to step back and honestly evaluate the level of true contentment vibration we emit in each focus. Part of expanding consciousness is growing aware of signs and signals we are constantly transmitting. Are you emotionally satisfied and fulfilled in every focus or, is incongruence detected and ignored? Feel energized or drained? Thoughts produce ah-ha moments? Actions deepen connections? Balancing our trinity activates dormant body systems. Silence and stillness offer wisdom. Take moments to immerse in Nature and True Nature. Be open to conscious change. Know its also okay to shift gears spontaneously, let go of a focus energetically and surrender to whatever arises to bring awareness of harmony.


Tune into True Nature

Notice tuning into the pulse of the ocean allows us to listen differently, grow aware and recall our True Nature. It dawns that playing in the Sun, feeling sand ooze between the toes, listening to wave sounds, creating sand balls, stumbling upon crabs and jellyfish, collecting sea shells, is all part of getting back in touch with simplicity, with what really matters and is ever-present. Everything is a cosmic mirror inviting us to love ourselves more.


Reclaim True Power

Notice as the nature of immortality is consciously remembered, conditioned fears about death and external attempts to control our DNA technology fall away. As we bravely take full and complete responsibility for all our beliefs and perceptions, it dawns we live the life we create and accept energetically. To recognize we are Infinite Beings with Source consciousness that exists beyond drama and linear time, is to know Soul enters body after body, to experience divisions into gender, creed, ethnicities, nations, adopt prejudices, reject Self and heal trauma. We die over and over in mind as we let go of self-created illusions. As True Nature reveals itself, illusions are replaced by Universal Love and a sacred geometric reality of light. As we lose ourselves, we see everything else that is here.



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Notice as initiates, we quest for insight into our own creation. This is about remembering our Soul's purpose along a journey to growing awareness. Within us is power to access information that links past, present and future, where time stands still and All is understood. As we uncover True Nature, we realize a human being is the alchemical lab, a cosmic technology cultivated in a system outside linear time. The human being, consciousness and body, form the laboratory where alchemy happens, where the philosophers’ stone does its work to grant immortality. The human consciousness, mind and heart are tools used by the cosmic magician. Alchemy involves actual substances on the subtle or essential dimension and not on the corporeal level. The mind, heart and body are conduits. The more we recognize them as conduits of cosmic energy, the more the elixir of eternal life flows through veins of the human consciousness, revealing the light that illuminates itself by illuminating obstacles in its way. By illuminating itself, this light (our Nature) illuminates whatever it encounters. Alchemists spent ages on quests for this "Holy Grail." They viewed it the final magnum opus, or great work of spiritual and material transmutation. Alchemists widely believed it was an object to be made or discovered. Some thought it was a stone, others, a liquid or gas. Yet, some also sensed this stone as a metaphor. It is an analogy here. Imagine the key to the secrets of existence, True Nature, is so mysterious and so invisible that it reveals itself in stages. We can only experience True Nature in the many ways/ faces it presents itself, and yet it is always one thing.


Being Real

Being real is about paying attention to yourself, how you think and feel and underlying programs.  Its about coming to see through your own unconscious defenses, making life choices that allow shifting focus and entourage, so to project, perceive, operate from a new vantage point. 

As Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter) says, the time comes when we must choose between what is right and what is easy.  This is about coming to recognize what we are conditioned to do and what intuitively feels right, trusting feelings. It is about embodying true nature, facing fears and embarking consciously into situations of the unknown.