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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (632)


Breathing exercise

Take a few moments to relax and focus on your breathing. Tune into the path of the breath (does it reach the lower, middle or upper chest or diaphragm-tummy area before the exhale?)

If possible sit crossed-legged on the floor.  If this is difficult, then imagine you are sitting cross-legged on the floor. Imagine energy flowing through the top of your head, down through the  limbs and torso of the body into the floor and back up and out your head.  Imagine the energy simultaneously flowing up from the floor through to the top of your head and back down. These are two simulataneous pathways of energy flow.

Imagine you are gently sitting cross-legged then floating up and up into the air until you are looking down on yourself and all that is happening around you.  It is an exercise in levitation that enables stepping back from what is happening inyoru life and the world around you. breath deeply into this refreshing new perspective.

Take a moment to focus on what is happening within.   Look down on your body and feel at peace as you float in the air.  This is more than a simple breathign exercise. It is a remidner you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions, but far more. 

Now lift your right hand up in front of you and imagine you pause all the activity below. In that stillness, allow your mind to clear. Watch the energy flow out in front and beyond you. Feel it flow out of you in all directions.

Simply allow your mind to flow and tell you exactly what you need to know right now.

When ready,float back down. Be aware of the new perspective you gain.


5 Tips to get beyond the material world

Its common to feel stuck in a situation or condition in the 3-D material world, to feel limited, constrained or fearful of change.  Ever wonder if your version of reality could change faster? It can.  Ever wonder what is required to grow into a mroe fearless version of you? Consider these tips to get beyond the material world:

1. Dissociate from your body 

To move beyond the material world, to stop feeling constrained by time, distance and physical obstacles, we need to come to view ourselves as more than our physical bodies and not limited by them.  Whenever we focus on emotion, aspects of identity, and negativity this blocks a wider view and experience of who we are.

2. Focus on pure consciousness

Shifts in focus of attention from the material to the non-material are imperative to access the quantum field. We can internalize the mantra- "I am no-body, no-thing, no-one, no-where-no-time". We can use breathwork, meditation, yoga, a variety of spiritual practices as part of this process to shift more easily into this state.

3. Get comfortable with the unknown

The more comfortable we feel at letting go of the familliar, the more rapidly we adapt to life change in terms of geography, locality, job, relationships, communities and others.

4. Be willing to feel everything as energy

To enter the quantum field (or vortex of pure energy), we must be willing to experience without our physical senses, without an identity and shift to function through pure awareness. 

5. Function in terms of frequency

As we grow aware every thought has a frequency, and allow ourselves to tune into that frequency, the next step is to feel the nature of this frequency in the present moment.  To do this consistently may take practice. The revelation hits that its not matter that is creating the frequency, but the frequency that is creating matter.  That is, it is not our physical, material conditions that determine what unfolds in our lives. We reclaim ou power from the moment we recognize and co-create with the unified field that manifests everything materil.


Getting here

The moment is here. We feel like everything is coming together, except, a few loose ends are lingering. We sometimes come to feel disconnected from our holistic self by not having an awareness of our soul's purpose.  We can lose a sense of purpose and regain or sharpen clarity.

If we feel off track, life seems to send us problems or issues to resolve  Each one is meant to teach us something, or open us up to seeing ourselves and the world differently. Take in a new workshop or activity this month that invites seeing from a whole new vantage point. We offer cathartic Breathwork events, conscious choices D.I.Y. workshops and Lucy Libido oils events to spark curiousity and stimulate imagination. Challenge or stretch yourself to lighten-up, have fun and be spontaneous more often. Go with intuition. It is reliable.


Tune into a deeper purpose

Many people are conditioned to create a vision for a happy life and set out to realize it. Such a vision tends to include a profession and situation imagined to be fulfilling.  And yet, as life challenges arise, shake us up, our experience deepens, and curiosity arises.  People can go through whatever formalities are deemed necessary in life, but these never interfere with what is most important. When ready, we choose to go beyond the familliar to uncover something more.

As we realize we create our lives, it dawns that we also have the power to change how we create and what we see. It also grows clearer that some people create a bigger illusion of importance for themselves than others. Adopted filters block seeing more clearly. To allow ourselves to develop is to grow conscious of our capacity to look at things differently.  When ready, it dawns that laying a foundation for a whole new life is unrelated to conditioned ideas of who we are.

We exist for those for whom we exist.  Every encounter we create to help us recognize perception, explore new connections and opportunities for growth.  To perceive what is really going on in our lives and the Universe, one need only look into one's self without filters.  Everything we devise arises so we get-to-know thoughts, feelings, emotions and aspects of Self often missed.  Everything we uncover depends on the purity of our thoughts and the motive for asking.  All experience invites us to tap into more confidence so we do what feels right even if it scares us.

In Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone, some characters say "there is no such thing as magic."  Those that experience a different reality hold a different view on magic and what is possible. The wizard Dumbledore says, "The time comes Harry when we must choose between what is right and what is easy." Thus, purpose evolves with us, how we choose to grow and redefine priorities.


5 Tips to Reframe Change

People ask when is the right time to re-evaulate their vision of success, lifestyle or other areas of life.  The underlying questions we are asking are; 1) how often do we hear and respond to intuition? and how quickly do we manifest visions? Many books suggest its possible to create faster than is common practice.  If change beckons, yet we are indecisive or unsure about changes,  it is wise to examine different areas of our lives in  detail. For now, here are 5 tips; 

1. Read our emotions

If anxiety, fear or doubt are frequent, this is an invitation to step back and re-evaulate priorities, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Emotions tell us whetherwe favor logical or intutive choices.

2. Be aware of left & right brain 

To grow clearer about what is and is not working, it helps to recognize whether and how often we engage each side of the brain. Left brain is characterized by logic, reasoning and competition and survivial instincts.  Right brain is characterized by creative expression and imagination.

3. Understand the cosmic dynamics 

Manifesting your dreams and making life changes is not always in our control. Consider we each begin with elements of our dreams from conception.  This grows from DNA, gender, astrological data, socio-economic environment and health of the physical body. From birth, this “package” shapes a certain range of choices  we work with in our life. Although we have free will, we are born within parameters of choice we have teh pwoer to shape and change based on awareness.

4. Explore frequency & vibration

Tesla echos: ‘If [we] want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.' This is deep.  Every choice we make influences the vibration of our life direction.

5. Take greater responsibility

Imagine how life shifts as we take greater responsibility for our life choices, directions and related outcomes. What if we begin to see the role of our conscious and unconscious mind in perceived successes and failures? This invites us to revisit experiences from different views.