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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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5 Tips to take things in stride

Life is full of surprises.  We may tell ourselves that we assume we always know our destination and are familliar with the route of travel.  Yet, in many cases, our journey turns out to be more of a winding path with frequent stops or detours in unexpected places.  It can sometimes feel very confusing, even trigger emotional roller coasters.  Our personal and professional relationships may also be challenged. Here are ten tips to take things in stride;

1. Listen to the breath

2. Tune into body sensations

3. Grow aware of thoughts and beliefs and core values

4. Ask for advice or guidance from someone you trust

5.  Grow aware of to whom and why we give our power away 


5 Tips to Reframe Change

People ask when is the right time to re-evaulate their vision of success, lifestyle or other areas of life.  The underlying questions we are asking are; 1) how often do we hear and respond to intuition? and how quickly do we manifest visions? Many books suggest its possible to create faster than is common practice.  If change beckons, yet we are indecisive or unsure about changes,  it is wise to examine different areas of our lives in  detail. For now, here are 5 tips; 

1. Read our emotions

If anxiety, fear or doubt are frequent, this is an invitation to step back and re-evaulate priorities, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Emotions tell us whetherwe favor logical or intutive choices.

2. Be aware of left & right brain 

To grow clearer about what is and is not working, it helps to recognize whether and how often we engage each side of the brain. Left brain is characterized by logic, reasoning and competition and survivial instincts.  Right brain is characterized by creative expression and imagination.

3. Understand the cosmic dynamics 

Manifesting your dreams and making life changes is not always in our control. Consider we each begin with elements of our dreams from conception.  This grows from DNA, gender, astrological data, socio-economic environment and health of the physical body. From birth, this “package” shapes a certain range of choices  we work with in our life. Although we have free will, we are born within parameters of choice we have teh pwoer to shape and change based on awareness.

4. Explore frequency & vibration

Tesla echos: ‘If [we] want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.' This is deep.  Every choice we make influences the vibration of our life direction.

5. Take greater responsibility

Imagine how life shifts as we take greater responsibility for our life choices, directions and related outcomes. What if we begin to see the role of our conscious and unconscious mind in perceived successes and failures? This invites us to revisit experiences from different views.


7 Tips to breathe easier

Life's purpose changes for many of us.  We are invited to allow people, events and experiences to shake us up and wake us up rather than put us to sleep.  Showing empathy and compassion for everything that arises on our path is allowing all we encounter to be our teacher, to show us what we are willing to see. Its all about opening up to unleash and experience more of our true selves.

Come what may, the rhythm of the breath is a gauge that helps us recognize which emotions we are feeling and what is really going on beneath the surface. Ponder these 7 tips to breathe easier;  

1. Listen to your breath

We can each come to sense more of what is going on within ourselves by tuning in and paying closer attention to the nature of our own breath. Simply noticing whether we breathe deeply, more shallow or somewhere in between, tells us much about what is going on inside of us.

2.  Ground yourself

As we breathe, we can imagine inhaling air up through our feet to ground ourselves in the Earth and feel more stable.  We can also go further, imagining the breath energy (prana or life force) circulating through the entire body. Focusing on this visualisation has a very peaceful effect.

3. Defrag & recentre

Multi-tasking may cause us to feel like we have a bit of vertigo. When different parts of us feel disconnected or spinning out of control, its helpful to stop wherever we are and sit down. Close the eyes and imagine each inhaled breath is facilitating a defrag.  We can retrieve whatever feels out of place. A computer defrag allows it to slow down and pull its files together to function more efficiently. Each exhale can purge whatever you no longer need. 

4.  Re-orient

When we are faced with life choices, an obvious best course may not stand out rigth away. Sometimes we can get worked up. Fear and anxiety may arise. A helpful approach is to visualize each choice and breath into and out of it and feel the vibe we get with each inhale and exhale.  Letting the rhythm of the breath guide us to what feels right for at this time takes a huge load off mental contemplation.

5.  Rebalance

At different stages, our bodies can seem to feel different temperatures in different places. Maybe the hands and feet feel colder than the rest of the body or, maybe the top half feels colder or warmer than the bottom half. We can always use the breath to help us find balance by sending energy to different parts of the body.

6. Be like an accordion 

Like an accordion, we sometimes feel stretched to our full capacity yet still feel more music could to come out of us. We can use the breath to increase the length of our exhalation so it is logner than our inhalation.  Typically, the rate of inhalation to exhalation is about the same in many people. Yet, we can focus attention on the inhale and gradually extend our exhalation in a sedentary and then a walking meditation. Such techniques are used by Free divers, singers, and individuals with breathing issues or others who simply wish to maximize the benefits from lung capacity and get more oxygen to cells.

7.  Massage the chakras

Awareness of energy anatomy can set the stage for another kind of breath meditation. We can focus on and tune in to each chakra in turn, breathing into it, and sense the state of energy movement, congestion and other details.  This can serve as the beginning of a more in depth breathing meditation which can also involve healing to provide relief from suffering and help us gain new insight into our deeper selves.


Tap into life-restoring power

Many people are familliar with the phrase, you are the Answer you seek. Yet, what does this look and feel like in practice? It may involve clarifying your ideal client, adding detail to a life vision, company manifesto, short-term goals, or deciding what kind of legacy to create and leave.  

At this stage, you may be in the brainstorming phase or encountering shifts and changes to original plans. This can lead to asking yourself for ways to access new energy and inspiration.  Choosing to work with me can accelerate your process and trigger new revelations. Ponder these five tips to tap into life-restoring power:

1. Stretch yourself

You grow and gain from what you do not know, not from living as if you already know.

Recall Anthony Robbins who echoes: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Stretching yourself is about trusting intuition.  Its about no longer saying "I can't" but identifying core beliefs which translate into resistance, fear and low self-worth that block the dream. 

2. Listen differently

Its common practice to listen with the intend to reply wrather thatn with the intention to understand.  Watch your perception and reality shift as you repeatedly ask, what opportunity or lesson is this encounter bringing me? If you do not listen or hear yourself, you do not do this effectively with others.

3. Empathize

This is about getting into another person's shoes or situation, discovering what that person feels.  Allow yourself to move beyond fear of vulnerability and sympathy to truly feel the connection or intimacy you seek.  A difference exist between imagining emotions and opening yourself to feel.

4. Be Committed

Decide that to achieve a specific role brings dignity and self-respect.  You could have many flames in the fire yet which one(s) are actually extensions of your passion, core values and bring you fountains of joy?

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. -Vince Lombardi

5.  Value your Independence & Uniqueness

This is meant to take shape financially, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and on othe levels as part of achieving inner balance.  The more you love yourself, the easier it is to see that your entire life is pointing to the state of your self-worth.   Make the unconscious conscious and the bare Truth is revealed.


5 Tips to Honor yourself

Honoring yourself is about paying attention and listening to yourself.  Whatever arises in response to your experiences, which can include no response at all, shows exactly where love can be sent. Ponder these 5 tips to honour yourself:

1. Locate feedback in your body

Whether you feel intimidated, like a failure, powerless, discouraged, or still wanting things to go a different way, each feeling invites you to zero in on feedback in your body, and get-to-know yourself better.  This is an opportunity to intuit deeply into your own messages, to thine own self be true.  Be empowered.  Remind yourself who is the master of your body.

2. Acknowledge your feelings

It is not necessary to know what to do or how to respond to your feelings.  Yet, it is poignant to be aware as they arise or as soon after as possible.  Watch judgements you have in relation to struggles you face.

3. Surrender

This is about relinquishing each conflict, burden and hardship in a way that allows spaciousness, relaxation and relief to take over.   Each confession you make to yourself unleashes divine grace that allows the universe to flow through you more effortlessly. 

4.  Let go of regret

You might gasp and say, "if only I had kept my mouth shut" or, "keeping that secret would have made life easier", or, "Why did I leave myself so open?"  Although you may not get the ego's desired result, every apparent ending or closing life chapter always gets the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

5. Make peace with loose ends

Every effort you exert is an unconscious attempt to avoid pain, despair and suffering.  In the emerging paradigm, it is imperative to make peace with emotions so you are no longer caught in a cycle of seeking out one feeling and avoiding others.  This is part of awakening out of polarity so you are no longer at the mercy of highs and lows of life. Excitng gains do not have to be followed by undesirable losses. Everything shifts as you are receptive to a new way of being.

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